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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Pix

  1. Ok, I have read a few times that some of you take Aleve, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOP!! Aleve nearly cost my Brother in Law his life, I don't want to see anyone else go though what he went though.

    You see, he was taking aleve now and then (not a daily thing AT ALL) for minor aches and pains that kinda lasted longer then tylonal would, so Aleve it was. About two months after he started taking it (now remember he took it maybe once a week) he started bleeding profusely from his rectum. Tuns out the Aleve had worn away some of the lining in his bowels. 5 or 6 blood transfusions later the bleeding had stopped and he was stable. Sadly he has no case against aleve cause that is a listed LONG TERM side affect, not short term like his was, but LONG TERM. So no attorney would take it because it is listed as a possible long term side affect (one of the rare ones)

    So PLEASE switch to Tylonal, Motrin, or something else take that second dose couple hours later if your still in pain, just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop taking Aleve.

  2. why would she say that stuff about the military?

    are you a vet?

    No, I am not a Vet, my hubby is in the AF, and this happened at one of the AAFES stores here on base. So, see its not always Wal-Mart that gets the crazy ladies (and men) ... LOL

  3. ROFL No it wasn't Wal-mart.

    But the only reason I didn't loose my cool, or she wasn't arrested is I was to busy worrying about my son. I didn't want him to freak out more then he already was. The only thing I wanted was to get my son away from the situation.

    Trust me, had he not been with me ... it woulda been on, I don't tolerate that stuff, ever. She cought a major break by pulling that stunt when one of my kids was with me.

  4. Well you have to remember, my 7yo was with me. They don't know mommy has a temper that has almost gotten her locked up a few times. I try REALLY try to keep it under control and today was a serious test of that control. I was shaking I was so angry, but I had to stay calm because my son was with me.

    Had he not been with me, oh you better believe she woulda been outa there in an ambulance. :regular_smile:

  5. So, today I am in the store with my 7yo (he stayed home "sick") picking up a few things when I get a call from my best friend. She knew I had an appt the other day and wanted an update. I was telling her what a joke it was etc etc ... Then we were making jokes about this and that, then got serious for a moment or two about the Lap Band.

    She told me she understood why, and supported me 500% but she was scared for me etc. I was calming her down when this obnoxious twig of a twit buts in and tells me "You don't need gastric surgery, you are to small, and it is such a waste of military resources" ... I just looked at her and went back to my conversation with my best friend when this moron grabs my arm stands in front of me and tries to lecture me on diets.

    At first I just smiled at her, and went to move around her, hoping my temper wont blow up infront of my son while this rabid twit is trying to lecture me. I told my friend to hang on a second and then let her have it after she tried to PHYSICALLY restrain me from walking around her.

    Oh man I totally unloaded on her, I told her "you don't know me, you don't know what my medical history is, all you heard was a one sided conversation that was NONE of your business. I understand I am in a public place and everyone can hear me if they are close enough, I don't give a damn, but no one else is retarded enough to say anything to someone. You should take the cue, and not be a nosy nelly and mind your own damned business."

    Now by this time my son is "mommy lets go lets go, I don't like her" So once again I go to move around her and she GRABS MY ARM AGAIN by this time I had had enough, I smacked her hand away from me, and told her that if she touch's me again not only would she go up on assault charges but I would make damned sure she never touched anyone else again. She went to grab my arm again and I said "don't" nothing else, just don't. She let her hand hover a moment then her one smart brain cell kicked over and she started crying and telling me she would pray for my mortal soul.

    Now being the smart ass I am all I could say was "Lady, you should try to pray for your own before you start giving away your prayers, you need the help more then I".

    As I am walking away I tell my best friend I have a boy to calm down and I will call her back, she is in shock that someone would actually do what that woman did. But we hang up and I start calming my son down and he is near to tears cause he was scared for me cause the "crazy lady" (his words not mine, I swear) wouldn't leave me alone. GRRRRRRR :regular_smile: what makes people think they can just do that stuff to other people? I mean REALLY, what person thinks that is ok??????????:confused2:

  6. Well, even though my surgery isn't for months yet (go insurance hold ups and hang ups *growls* March 1st (or more likely Feb 15th) I am starting the patch. If that doesn't work I am going to my doc about a prescription for Chantex (sp???). It worked amazing for my dad and he was a 40yr smoker (off and on, more on then off though). So, patch first .. prescription next ...

    But I also WANT to quit for good. My hubby and I both do.

  7. Now, as someone who has joked about being a coffee drinker and not wanting to give up my java, let me state that I WILL give it up. albeit grudgingly but I WILL give it up, atleast until the doc tells me I can drink it again, then I will drink 1-2 cups instead of my normal 4-6 cups, if I even want to at that point. I mean after 3months coffee free whats the point again?

    I am more then ready to make these changes, I can honestly say with dieting the changes seemed so hard and unattainable because I didn't HAVE to. I know with the band I HAVE to make changes or they gotta go in and take the darned thing out. I dislike hospitals and docs just enough to make those changes stick. LOL

  8. I am sitting at work reading this and I am cracking up!! I have never had any of this done...can someone define what "having the backside" means?

    Having the backside done is the nice way of saying the wax the hair from your very sensitive part of the tush. I mean that part of your tush, not your cheeks darlin.

  9. StLouisGal,

    My consult went great. They don't think they'll have a problem getting me approved because of my other health problems. I have my psych appt tomorrow, my dietician appt Wed & my pre-op class Wed. So they're proceeding like I have been approved! But they won't actually run it by Tricare until after I meet with the dietciain on Wednesday. I don't want to get my hopes up though, just in case.

    Glad to hear that yours went well. keep me posted!!

    I am working with tricare too. Man they really are slow sometimes. I have been trying to get referred out, but since the hospital does the gastric surgeries I can't. I would really prefer to go to a clinic that that is all ALL they do instead of the multi purpose docs at the hospital.

    So far I have just had my seminar, one class. Still need 4 more and only ONLY then can I get my psych eval. *rolls eyes* Tri care really does hate its patients I think ....

  10. Mariposa the same thing happened to me, except I was the one confronting the man about staring at me (he actually followed me a few aisles). Thankfully a store worker intervened and asked him to leave after overhearing a few choice things I had to say about his stalkeresque behavior.

    What makes this thread even funnier, is as I started reading I got an email from Walmart wire advertisement. I bout peed m'self laughing at the coincidence.

  11. Believe it or not, its quite common for porn stars to get that part of the anatomy lightened. Better camera shots I guess.

    I was watching some show not to long ago that talked about it. Can't for the life of me remember what the show was called. But it wasn't the dr. 90210 or what ever it is (never watched it). I do remember I was watching the show prior, it was a history on tattooing and I never changed the channel.

  12. Honey, this is what I want you do do ok? Slow down and just breath. Banding is not a over night success story. It takes time, and alike all things we will hit bumps in the road. So you lost a few lbs, gained a couple, lost a couple. Just remember, your scale is NOT your friend.

    Another few bits of advice, never ever weigh yourself AFTER 10am. Try to make it the same time once every two weeks. Choose a day and stick to that day. First and 3rd Thursday of each month is an idea. I know some people that have just been banded weigh them self daily. Nix that idea, I laughed my dietitian out of her own office when she suggested that.

    Weigh yourself every two weeks, BEFORE 10am, measure your self at the same time. "Only" 2 lbs gone, but total of 6 inch's? AWESOME! Its all one step at a time. Don't feel discouraged that you seem to be gaining, you said yourself you are weight training now. That will happen muscle weighs more then fat, once your metabolism catches up to the muscle watch out honey, you will burn up the scale on the loss.

  13. My doctor does not require me to give up coffee or tea. It seems that every doctor has different rules. :eek:

    Some doctors feel the caffeine and acidic content of the coffee combined will harm your new pouch. That and coffee drinkers in general (not saying all of us but some of us) suffer heart burn/reflux type issues from the coffee itself. Sadly I am one of those few *cries* but I take my tums and deal with it.

    After talking with my surgeons dietitian she said it was just a temporary thing, for 3(ish) months until the doctor feels I have healed enough and shouldn't have any post op complications.

    I did tell her that me off caffeine is taking the safety of the world in there own hands, I might become a mass murderer with out my caffeine, I already gave up the nicotine now they want my caffeine. oh dear ....

  14. Oh, I feel the pain. I am a moderator on a gaming board and I have to deal with that stuff all the time. It is not so bad now, sadly I am getting used to it, because as a moderator I "have" to read every word, every post.

    What gets me is sense/since/, there/their, to/too. That isn't all but that is part of it. I personally get there and their mixed up, but I can generally catch it before I hit submit but when people use trader instead of traitor and stuff like that. I want to pull my hair out. How hard is it to type "Oh really" but nooooo orly is the way they do it. IDK ... I don't know, not hard really. I HATE shortened words. Granted when I text my hubby I will on occasion shorten a word or two. But the WHOLE TEXT? I get that from a girlfriend of mine, I want to smack her when I see her for that.

    Wow, I have a lot of pet peeves when it comes to message boards ... I will stop now.

    One more thing though, caps, punctuation, and spelling ... all in one post. Someone please shoot me now. I have people on my gaming board that does that all at once. All caps, no punctuation, and rotten spelling. I feel like I have lost IQ points from hades over that.

    The other thing I hate is when people ramble with no direction like I just did. I think I need more coffee ....

  15. Personally, I would have told my office. But that is just me. I am a very brash in your face kind of person, yet tactful all at the same time. My old office loved me for my openness and telling our boss how it was. He didn't like it though ... LOL I think he fired me alot, for that openness, thankfully I was union and he couldn't really fire me.... LOL

    Anyways, do what YOU think is right, all we can do is tell you how we would handle it, and how we would deal with it and give you ideas. In the end darlin, its all about you and what you decide. If you are comfortable in your job and with your co-workers tell tell tell! You might be surprised how much support you get! There is ALWAYS a bad apple, one who will judge and tsk tsk about everything. Can't forget the office know it all either, we all know those.

    Again, its all how you feel and are you comfortable sharing that info? If not, tell them you are having a simple day procedure and will be back in no time! Not a lie, 100% the truth and that is all they need to know.

  16. Been lurking for a while, finally registered. From W. WA military family (AF) with two boys and a great great hubby. After struggling with my weight for more years then I care to remember (35yo here) I decided I needed to even out the playing field, seems the fat has ganged up on me by the dozens! I need a new team mate.

    My first doc refused even with bad knees, he refused to refer me. So, I switched, my new one while he doesn't favor it understood my dilemma and referred me right over!

    Now to jump through hoops and say what they want to hear for the next 3 months just JUST to get a one on one with the surgeon. I am really REALLY (did you read the sarcasm) looking forward to the hoop jumping, and talking the talk *sigh*. But the end WILL justify the means.

    Anyhow, time to run ...


  17. If you are a regular coffee, tea, or soda drinker you should be aware that no caffeine is permitted for the first three months after surgery.

    Oh now that will kill me, I am a regular coffee drinker, black no cream no sugar .. just plain .. 1/2 a pot a day ...

    I go cry now ...

    I am over it ... lets see ..... over weight vs. giving up coffee .... no contest ... Gonna make the hubby stop drinking too. Only fair ...

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