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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Pix

  1. 6 months and terminal illness with 0-6 months left.

    DNR is moot and most people with terminal illness's tend to cancel out any standing DNR's they have. Especially if they are endstage.

    Now I said most people, its general rule of thumb not the actual rule.

  2. heeh Froggi I just bought myself a new purse .. I am addicted to shoes and handbags ... What makes it even funnier, that if you didn't know me or see my shoes or handbags you would think I was the worlds biggest tomboy .... LOL

    But I gotta have my shoes and handbags...

  3. Bridezilla's are the worse though. One of my closest friends was just that. She uninvited EVERYONE from the wedding and I went behind her back and canceled the uninvite with a note that said "don't mind bridezilla, she had a momentary breakdown, but we all know she will be back to the only slight bitch we know and love instead of this raving lunatic we all hate and want to kill as soon as the wedding is over"

    She still has a copy of that note, said if it wasn't for me everything would have been ruined by her crappy attitude.

    Me personally, I can count on two hands who was in and attended my wedding, 9 people including the priest ... that is all I wanted I just didn't care tbh....

  4. I want to get a bit of color, and generally I tan in a bikini (cause its in my back yard and no one can see me) I decided this year, I want a bit of color instead of my normal healthy pasty white. I was banded may 7th think that is enough time so my scars to not react ugly? Or is this something I should discuss with my surgeon? He does know best after all ... but it seems such a silly question to ask him. *grin* Besides normally when I see him I just drool a lot (he is a hottie) and forget what I want to ask him ;):drool::lol::):tt2:

  5. The support group at this hospital is mostly RNY patients. I went to two meetings (it was mandatory) and I left both times pissed as hell. I mentioned I was getting the lap band and it was on from there. I was not a happy person by the attitudes of these women over my choice. I told the director that the meetings were a joke, and I felt no support no help at all by the women there as they were against my choice and chose to ignore any and all questions I had about WLS. Even the nutritionist that was supposed to be directing the meeting ignored questions from me.

    After talking with the program director and informing her that the WLS support group was like a gossip fest for RNY patients and a place for them to trash any form of WLS other then RNY she agreed that maybe it needed an overhaul. She wanted me to go back and be the spokesperson for lapband but I told her that as long as those women were there it wouldn't be any good. As they were even trashing the women waiting to get RNY and it was those women that needed to be removed from the meetings until they changed there ways. I don't appreciate people telling me that my choices are bad and not researched while the "only" surgery worth having is RNY. These are the same women that looked sallow (pale and sickly), had enough bald spots to be there own hair club for women commercials, and were talking about having to take 3x the normal amount of daily Vitamins because of the malabsorbtion.

    Now I am not dissing RNY, it is a god send for people that really need to lose x amount or they die. Or even men/women that aren't sure they can comply with the band. I think in some cases it is literally a life saving surgery (but so isn't the lap band). Its this support group here that has me gnashing my teeth and telling the program coordinator she needs to attend some herself or have someone film it so she can see some of the things being said and done. IMHO it is not a support group but more of a cult designed to brainwash people to think that if they are trying anything other then WLS they are wrong.

    ahh sorry long rant I know, but it pissed me off that bad.

  6. I know its insane, I couldn't believe they wouldn't even try to match the cleaners off base. Most places (even the base exchange) will match or beat prices off base because they don't want to lose you as a customer.

    Ah well, I like the guy that runs the cleaners off base, he is friggin hilarious as hell. Retired from the Army after almost 30 years in. He likes to play up not being able to speak english and likes messing with the kids that come in pretending to speak broken english. His dictation is beyond perfect but he likes to mess with the lil gang banger wannabe's. (He came to the US from Korea when he was a kid fleeing the war with his parents)

  7. This is funny, I take my quilts and blankets in every 6months to get laundered (I wash them at home, but I take them ALL in every 6 months) and found out here on the military base they are starting to offer a laundry service.

    I pay 80cents a lb off base (min 10lbs, all my quilts and blankets total almost 20 so I make the weight) Welp here on base they want to charge 2.40 per lb!!!! I was like WTH, and when I talked to them about it they said they can't/wont match the cleaners off base and if I wanted them to do it I had to pay 2.40. Yeah, I left and told them to forget it, I will drive the extra 1/2 mile and pay .80, needless to say she wasn't happy AT ALL.

    and posting to post ...

  8. I am slowly learning to eat part now, put up the rest and have it later. For those of us who are relatively new to the band it is trial and error for us. We still try to listen to our head instead of our stomach which we MUST do now. Its a learning process for most, some it just comes natural and they don't have any issue with it.

    Some days I am good, my head is overruled by the band/stomach but some days my head hunger is so strong I don't hear my stomach until it is to late. Thankfully I have not had a PB/stuck issue its just enough that I have to walk around for a while until the pain has abated.

    Just remember this (banded) life lesson and move on sweety. Try to not dwell on it, try to move on but remember the triggers you had.

  9. Darlin, I would have to say that if your specialists are giving you a raving thumbs up then I can't imagine why they would deny you.

    Just make sure they are all on the same page and each is up to date with what the other (including a lap band surgeon) is doing and I can't imagine a thing that would stop you. Unless your insurance gets snarky and wants to make you fight for it. If they do I have some steel toed stiletto's you can borrow to put your foot up some insurance butt!

  10. My oldest stays up for DAYS literally at a time. No one can figure out what is wrong with her, she goes to a neurologist after camp. Do you think I should warn them ahead of time?? lol...:biggrin2:

    LOL That is how I am!! According to my mom from infancy on I would stay awake for days with only a handful of 15 minute 'power naps' to tide me over until I decided to get some sleep.

    Now as an adult I am on numerous insomnia meds (most don't work) and I can still go days with out sleep only to nod off for moments at a time and be wide awake and reading to go. Kind of suck truth be told.

    Oh and FYI numerous cat scans and mri's came up "clean" ... nothing wrong, I am just an atypical insomniac. *shrugs*

  11. I worked in an office that we had 3 separate shifts, 1st and 2nd shift then those of us that worked an 'off shift' to cover lunches and breaks for the other two shifts. Now, those that were on set shifts (the "normal" 8hr people) shared there cubical with the ones that worked the second shift. But those of us on the "off shift" didn't share our desks (for obvious reasons). Well, our new batch of employees had some real morons and I was constantly shifting one fella out of my desk letting him know that he is supposed to take a desk of a day shifter NOT a off shifter. He had broken into my drawer a few times (its bloody locked you fricken moron don't pop the lock like a common thief) and would take things out of it and never put them back. Our floor supervisor would never do anything about it, so one day I decided I had had enough and locked down my computer to where when I came in one of my co-workers was under my desk trying to figure out why it wouldn't come on.

    Needless to say, don't mess with tech support cause we know how to make your life hell and after 3 seconds I got my station back up and running, my co-worker was laughing his ass off when he realized why I did it. Needless to say that new kid didn't last long, its hard to get fired from a union job but the moron managed it.

  12. Well, I got my highlights done yesterday. They look good too! Blond, red, and a dark dark coffee color (not black, black looks tacky on me). It's funny, the only color that turned out like it should was the blond :frown:. The red came out more blond then red, and the coffee came out more red the coffee. But it still looks great, I wouldn't trade it for nuthin. I might even keep it kept up this time around instead of letting it grow out like I normally do.

  13. as a lab breeder (look at my avitar- my big baby) your better off getting a pet nail dremel. i've cut to the quick too many times and have had bloody reactions - the dremel lets you work the nail down slowly. it's my favorite tool....you can get a set at many pet stores or on the web for $30 or under -... it really is a great investment if you want to learn & do on your own.

    I have been looking for one of those, my Lab mix (we think he is Lab, sheperd, malamute) has solid black nails and I am to scared to clip his nails so he goes to the vet to get it done.

  14. LJM Screw 'em you can't win for losin with some people. Just state your mind, tell it like it is and if they can't take the truth, well when reality comes back to bite them in the ass you can smile and nod and just say 'told ya so'.

    If it counts I think you are a total sweetheart. :thumbup:

    BBK, HAWT :cool::):smile2:

  15. Posting because when it rains it pours ....

    Started off realizing the kids never told me we were out of dog food.

    THen the youngest decided to dunk the last roll of toilet paper in the toilet ...

    and finally the final straw ..

    One of my back molars waiting to be fixed shattered while eating my morning breakfast. A lousy bowl of oatmeal and the molar shattered *sigh* With no dentist with appointments or walk ins this morning. :thumbup:

  16. When I first got approved for WLS I started hitting discount racks for different size pants. None way way small, just a few sizes from where I am now, and one or two from the misses department. At first I had them hidden in the back of my closet but now they are right up front so when I go looking for cloths they are the first things I see. Talk about inspiration!!

    And for the sizes I don't have it will be the discount racks again, and the local good will. Now when I hit goal, well that is a different matter all together. Macy's, Nordstom, you name it ... hell even Walmart just because :)

  17. I have friends like that, even though they know I do not share there opinions. With friends I tend to get snippy with them and put them back on there ass for using such words around me or mine. Same with certain family members for using such disparaging remarks.

    Working in the service industry since I was 14 I get customers like that ALL the time. Especially in resturants, you would be shocked at how many people assume a smile and a nod means you agree with them. Even if the smile is as cold as winter and the eyes even colder. What is funny though, is the reverse racism you find, one customer in particular was railing on and on about the treatment of black men in the inner cities and how it is all "our fault" (read as us evil white people) and after I finished laughing at him told him to never judge a book by its cover cause it doesn't fly with me because I am a Cherokee woman who happens to look like her mother but spent many summers on the reservation with my dads family. And if he wanted to play the "poor pity me because of what my ancestors went through" game he needed to make sure that the person he is talking to is actually white.

    I guess I am one of those people who don't mind speaking my mind, over the years I went from being crude and snarky about it to sneaky and tactful so I can look someone in the face call them a piece of shit and to f*** off with a smile and a laugh and they walk away smiling too.

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