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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Pix

  1. Hey, I have been wondering has there been any resolution to all of this?
  2. Pix

    Starbucks..what do you order??

    I only go to to starbucks if I am desperate, and I mean SUPER DUPER OMG I NEED COFFEE AND ITS THE ONLY PLACE desperate. Even then I might pass it up. BUT, when I do stop I get a skinny 12oz vanilla latte (with whip, its my one bad thing 'treat'). BUT if I can get to my regular shop 12oz French Vanilla latte (FF and SF) with whip.
  3. They used glue on me also, I actually wound up pulling most of the glue off .. it was peeling with out peeling. Does that make sense?? My incisions are healing beautifully and here in a few days (maybe a week or two just to make sure they are REALLY healed, call me extra cautious) I will be putting some stuff on to help with the scaring.
  4. Well back in the 90's I have a reduction went from a 32III to a 32 c/d (it was a keyhole anchor incision with total removal and placement of the aureole. I am not sure if they will do more surgery on my boobs. I most likely wont lose much in my breasts, cause when I had the reduction all they left me was mammary tissue, and maybe a smidge of fatty tissue but I don't think so. After kids I am sitting at a High C Low D size (depends on the bra tbh). I might try and talk them into a lift, but after being as large as I was the PS back then told me my boobs had no elasticity to them anymore. Time and weight loss will tell though.
  5. I said maybe, depends on how bad of a TT I will need when this is all said and done. IF I need a 'belt' then chances are my mons will need a good lift too. But if I just need my 'pooch' removed then chances are the mons wont be that bad (I can hope ya? LOL) But then again my biggest parts ain't mah belly, its my butt, hips, and thighs. I will be the one getting the PS from the waist down not the waist up. Although I might try to talk em into a breast lift with a small implant. Thankfully my insurance covers PS after WLS, but oddly enough you have to fight em if you lose the weight with out WLS. Go figure.
  6. Pix

    Waxing ...

    Thanks MissWilde!! I am not a really modest person, but I don't even really like my yearly doctor visits (something about a stranger looking at my hoohaa just doesn't sit right with me.) BUT I am willing to forgo that for this. I just want my hubby suitably shocked yet happy :thumbup:. That and I am sick of shaving. Razor burn and razor stubble isn't any fun 'specially since I am older now and well its just a right pain in the patooty to shave all the danged time.
  7. Pix

    Waxing ...

    oh no no, sorry didn't mean to make it seen like that is what I was actually being charge, it can go up to 150. She said the average price is right around 100 though. I am planning on getting a massage as well too. So all in all I am probably looking to pay roughly 300 that day. Figure I am gonna get hair ripped out with violent force I might as well treat myself to a massage afterwards to apologize to my body. :cursing:
  8. Pix

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    All the bars I worked for and managed we had a DD program. We had voucher programs also for the 'single' drunk. You would be surprised how many bars will give the DD free soda's, juice etc.
  9. Pix

    What to do with drunk drivers?

    I have been giving this thread a lot of thought. Whether or not to reply and all of that. But I decided to go ahead and put in my .02. First off I lost a dear dear friend to a drunk driver, so I know the pain that drunk drivers cause first hand. I think they should be punished fully, swiftly, with no second chances. Secondly for many years I was a bartender/cocktail waitress and there is a rush to make us accountable for drunk drivers. I think this is completely unfair. Why should I be responsible because some schmuck didn't take my advice and take a cab? I can't legally seize his keys (its called theft people) and I can't stop him from walking out of my bar. I gave him options, I even offered to give him a voucher (a lot of bars have vouchers for drunks to get home by cab so essentially its a free ride for them) but because he got behind the wheel (I am inside how do I know he drove off eh?) I could be held liable. How is this right? How is this fair for me when I did my best short of tackling him? Most people I see driving off I know have had one to many I do call the cops and give license and car descriptions too. It is what a good bartender/cocktail waitress/bouncer does. But we can't see them all, we can't stop them all, and we can't save them all. So why should I be responsible for some schmuck who wouldn't take our advice and get a cab, walk, or call a friend to come get him? Sorry but drunk drivers are a sore point for me on so many levels. Especially now that so many cities are trying to hold business's responsible for something someone else CHOSE to do. Drunk driving is a CHOICE no one made that person get behind the wheel, no one held a gun and said drive... it is a CHOICE... but because our PC world is so bloody out of hand and no one knows personal responsibility anymore its the bartenders fault for not stopping him and serving them the drinks .. SCREW THAT... the person CHOSE to drink, he CHOSE to drive, he CHOSE to break the law. It is not my fault the schmuck is a moron. ahh sorry, guess its a bit more sorer for me then I thought....
  10. This is most likely gonna be a retarded question I know the answer too but gotta get some opinions, as I am on the fence about giving this a go or not. Here goes: Ok, so my lawn needs to be mowed. I am sitting on about 1/2 acre (give or take, but I think its between 1/4 and 1/2 honestly) I am one month post op, doc has me on light work outs etc. Now living on a military base it HAS to be done, or we get written up for it. I can't afford that with the hubby gone right now. So, think at one month out (and feeling great I might add) I could get away with it? Or should I just bug the guys my hubby works with (back here) and guilt them into coming out to help 'poor lil ole me' ... Like I said, its a retarded question and I probably know the general answer but stubborn me wont let it go quite yet.
  11. Pix


    Sonic is definitely not worth the wait. I can't stand the food there. My hubby swears by them when we are back in TN but *gags* to greasy, even pre banding they were to gross to consider. Although I do love a good grilled cheese, and they have it on the menu. But my biggest problem with it was it tasted like greasy cheese for the most part. I have never been able to stomach greasy foods.
  12. Yeah, my doc is super conservative (he admitted that to me). He likes taking the 'rather safe then sorry' route and would rather see his patients at follow up appts then if something bad/wrong happened. I will give it a go and just take it slow and if I start having problems I will call the hubbies shop and guilt some poor soul into coming out to help me. I will still help work on the yard (weed eating edging etc) while I make them mow my monstrous yard. I will start out by weed eating first if I still feel ok then I will go from there. One step at a time right?
  13. I hear ya on trying to eat slower. I grew up army and meals were generally quick, mostly cause we were all so busy with stuff it was hurry up and eat then taste it later mentality. After a life time of eating like that its hard to break the cycle. I am still on the mushy stages but one little trick I have found is if I eat with my left hand (I am ambidextrous but right side strong) I have to slow down and think about what I am doing. It has really helped slow me down, and take my time. My big bad habit is to read when I eat, and that doesn't help me eat slower, but since I started eating with my left hand it has improved a lot.
  14. Pix

    Of ALL the people in the whole world!

    hehe I would have busted up laughing to be honest. I am just that way. I am the type that I find humor in almost all situations. To me that would have been a good laugh for at least, AT LEAST 2 weeks.
  15. Oh I didn't mean to make you think twice hun. I was just trying to calm down some of the ladies who were getting themselfs worked up into a dither about not being told not to sleep on there sides. I am glad you said something about it! It is good to know what some doctors do/say compared to others. So please don't hold back on information, not at all.
  16. Ladies (and gentleman) might I suggest before you get up in arms you realize each doctor does things differently. I specifically asked my doctor about sleeping on my side or stomach after surgery. He told me there shouldn't be a problem with it as long as I was comfortable with it. Each doctor is different, bare that in mind before you get angry at your doctor for not telling you not to sleep on your side or your stomach.
  17. Pix

    My first NSV

    So, today I was looking for a pair of jeans only to realize that they were all in the wash. So, I dug in my closet and pulled out all my 'next size down' jeans to find a pair I can squeeze myself into just for a short bit while I went and got my weekly coffee treat (its FF/SF so no worries). First pair I pulled on .. well I'll be damned they fit ... to big in the waist but that is my curse being small waisted big butted ( that word makes me giggle). So, I tried on another pair, same... then the other two .. same!!!!!!! YAY!! Not even 20lbs down and already I have slinked down to another size!! *dances around insanely* :eek::w00t::ohmy::thumbup:
  18. Pix

    Red and soreness around incision

    The itchiness is normal, that is how your body heals wounds. Ever notice that when a really bad scratch or something is healing up it will start itching? That is normal. The redness though, might be a reaction to the tape/stitch's/surgical glue. Definitely address that with your doctor. ESPECIALLY if there is swelling, oozing, or heat emanating from the site. If it is just red it is probably just how you are healing. But do NOT take any chances, address this with your doctor for sure.
  19. Onderland is when you finally break the 200 barrier and hit 199 (or less) I am now officially 30lbs away from that ... *preens* I can't wait .. I haven't seen 199 since I was pregnant with my oldest almost 10 years ago ...
  20. So, today I am experimenting with different juice "shakes" and I am sitting here sipping this new one I made up and kept thinking to myself how to make it better. I do that withe EVERYTHING, drinks, food etc. I can't 'eat' something and not think of how to make it better next time. Even if it is perfectly good the first time around!!! My hubby says its my OCD that does it, I say its just the fact I am a anal perfectionist (he says 'whats the damned difference'). So there you have it, even my homemade Protein shakes aren't safe from my brain. Damn I need another hobby, I shoulda never ever taken that job as assistant chef in the early 90's, it only made my perfectionism worse.
  21. Pix

    Outfits as goals

    Realistic 'outfit goals' are two skirts I dearly love, I haven't worn them since the mid 90's and they still look like they did when they came out of the store. They are size 14's and I just love em. They are longer skirts then are "fashionable" (mid calf), but then again, I have never been one for short skirts (even when I was smaller). Unrealistic I have a size 6 'lil black dress' I was given by a friend when I started talking about WLS. I know I most likely wont get into it (lets face it, even at my smallest I was never a size 6) but its a damn hot dress to fantasize about. :rolleyes2:
  22. I am also feeling apprehensive about moving to mushy foods. But mainly I think that is my own mind doing it to me. My doc cleared me to mushy foods a couple of days early, so last night I bit the bullet and made myself a scrambled egg. ONE, and I couldn't even finish it. I wound up giving most of it to my oldest son. So I think for some people it will be a slow process. Just watch what you eat, and take it slow as you are comfortable with. For me it will be a couple bites a day until I feel up to moving to two 'meals' a day. Then move as I feel comfortable with. At my rate by the time I am on a full mushy diet it will be time to move to solid foods. ROFL
  23. Apples2 Have I told you I lurves you yet? Young woman .. that hasn't been applied to me in years ... :tongue::tt1: Its just one day at a time, like I tell a lot of new wives when husbands deploy for the first time. NEVER make plans, ever, you don't know what each new day will bring. This is my 6th deployment so they call me an 'old timer' now. I am the one that they come to before, during and after to help deal with things that pop up, whether its just stress or something major. At times it becomes to much for me, but other times I am glad I can be the voice of reason for a lot of these young kids that don't know what they married (read as the military not the hubbies). The day I got home from my surgery one of the young wives called me in tears because she hadn't heard from her husband in just over a day. I told her to calm down and just wait it out, lines might be down, or he could be just busy and didn't have an opportunity to email her (he did email her the next morning, they were super slammed at work). Then I took an extra dose of pain meds and told my mom to unplug all the phones. I knew when I married my husband that he was military and the military doesn't give a rip if you are married or not when you wear that uniform. Its a lot harder for the younger kids to grasp and understand that concept that they aren't in the equation when it comes to the spouses career.
  24. Saw my surgeon today (the hottie) and he gave me the all clear!! Said I am probably the most compliant patient he has so far (Yay for OCD) and at the rate I am going I will most likely be his most successful patient. (now mind you he just started doing lap bands, he prefers RnY and the Sleeve) I don't know if that is saying much as I was # 14 I think he said. He didn't check my incisions cause my only complaint now is the itching (which we all know means healing) and I told him the one incision that looked like it might have been infected is closed and healing beautifully. So he is taking me at my word, but told me if anything changes to call straight away to get one of his walk in slots. He also told me that I am cleared to mushy foods starting tomorrow. My brain's ocd mechanism wont listen, keeps telling me "nope his own post op documentations said Friday/Saturday not Wednesday." We shall see, I might actually eat the eggs in my egg drop Soup or maybe a bite or two just to see how I do then take it from there one day at a time. I go in for my first fill July 1st though, I am actually looking forward to it!! Pix

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