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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by hippiegirl

  1. hippiegirl

    ever had regret

    Hi, Have you ever regretted getting the lap band even for a day or an hour? If so why and what was the reason at the time? Thanks
  2. My dr says motrin is okay. He told me to take it as needed after surgery. I was able to use it along with my prescription. In my patient guide it said motrin is okay for band but not bypass patients You should check w-your dr.
  3. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    Good to hear you all are doing good. I had lost the 20 lbs in the 3 weeks before surgery. I have not lost any since...:wub: I have been stressed and not really trying to diet. I have not gained any back but have not lost. I am on soft foods still. Ready for some salad.
  4. hippiegirl

    Central Ohio Get Together - April 12, 2008

    I wont be able to make this one, I am selling my art glass at show in Kentucky that weekend. I wish I could come, I am having a hard time right now. Newly banded and lots of stress at home and work is not helping me loose any weight or feel very good about myself right now.
  5. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    hey, how are you other new March bandsters doing?
  6. hippiegirl

    I feel bad cause I've been bad

    I was told I had to do 24 hrs of clear liquids, 14 days of pureed, then 14 days of soft foods. I am a strict vegetarian who does not eat artifical sweetners so most of what I have been eating is carbs and sugar (from fruit). Thin mashed potatoes, blended potato soup, thin cream of wheat, Fruit smoothies with protein powder, some plain yougart and pudding. I really used to think I Loved carbs but one more bite of mashed potatoes and I think I will die. Veggies in the blender is GROSS. I am ready for soft so I can eat something a little more healthy. I havent been really loosing since surgery. I hope that when I can start eating other things that will change. I feel like I am eating worse than what I did before surgery.
  7. I was wondering the same thing I had surg on the March 4 and have been having the same pains in the lower back. I am okay for the first half of the day but by about 3:00 I am really feeling it.
  8. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    hey Iam back!! I have been going thru computer withdraw. I had moved it from the house to our store so I am glad to be back at work and back online. Surgery went as planned. I was banded with the realize band . My dr also repaired a hiatial hernia that I did not know I had while they were in there. Spent one night in the hospital. Glad I did so I could get the good pain drugs but they sure don’t let you sleep in a hospital. I had a roommate who's iv was in wrong so every time she moved her machine would go off like an alarm. So between that and the nurses coming in to do monitoring I was ready to go home and sleep. The first two days were pretty good. By the third I was in a lot more pain. I had a lot of pains in my chest and left shoulder. I guess it was the gas. Today I am just pretty sore around my port incesion. Feeling pretty good overall. thanks for sending all your good thoughts
  9. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    Tomorrow is the big day!!! I hope... I am getting a cold and am waithing for my Dr. to call me back to see if I will have to rescedule. I am freaking out waiting. Cross your fingers for me and pray this cold is just going to go away. I want my surgery tomorrow!!!
  10. hippiegirl

    I really want to cheat on this preop!!

    Shortgal: Yes I do plan on rewarding myself with the food I like. I do not plan on never eating the foods I like ever again. I do not think there is anything wrong with allowing myself a piece of pizza after depriving myself of the things I like for weeks at a time. If I can eat healthy and continue to loose weight I see nothing wrong with an occasional small splurge. I am a strict vegetarian and eat mostly organic so I really do not consider the things I enjoy on a regular basis "bad food". Marimaru: I do understand the rules of my post op. I am on clear for 24 hrs after surgery then I can eat most things as long as they are pureed for the next two weeks, then I move to soft foods for the next two weeks. So yes to me that is being able to eat Fanny: yea I already knew that the pizza was a bad choice. I was having a moment of weakness. I was just hoping for a little support. Gayle: yea this medifast sucks My dietician only allows us 5 packets of medifast a day, sugar free jello, sugar free popsicles, and broth. I do not eat jello and do not use toxic sugar substitutes so I have been having a really hard time. Thanks for all you replies. In the end I did not have pizza Like I said I was having a moment In the end I think its really crazy that our doctors expext us to be "perfect" on these pre op diets dont they know that if we were that good at sticking to diets we would not be fat and need this surgery :laugh:
  11. Okay, I have been on this stupid medifast since the 19th. I have been really good. I have only cheated by eating plain lettuce, a couple of saltines once, and I added alittle tofu and low carb veggies to my broth the other day. Other than that I have been kicken butt. I have lost 14 lbs since my first weigh in on Feb 6. I know its bad but I really want to eat. mabey a salad with dressing and cheese or 1 piece of pizza My surgery is on Tues. Do you think I will go to hell if I eat one small meal tonight. Please dont give me the crap about this is a test to see if I can handle the band. I know I can do it. With the band I will be able to eat. I have lost 14 lbs dont I deserve one piece of pizza?
  12. My date is next Tuesday March 4 2008 I have been freaking out a bit too. Actually I have been on an emotional rollercoaster this week. I think it is very normal to be having doubts about such a major decision. You will be Fine! I will be fine! If you have researched this and I am assuming you have you know what is the best procedure for you. have faith in yourself and know that you will make the right choice for you. Best of luck!!
  13. hippiegirl

    March 4 - LP Day

    Yay!! Congrats everyone. I am also March 4 @ 1:30 pm Cincinatti Ohio- Dr Curry Nervous but so excited!!
  14. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    Only 4 days to go for me!!! I have lost 14 lbs since Feb 6!!! I dont see it but sure feels good to see the scale move in that direction for a change. Did any of you gain weight after surgery? I worry that once I stop this medifast I will gain it back.
  15. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    Thanks you guys. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster this week. I know its probally just nerves (and this nasty medifast diet) Its really helpful to be able to come to this board and read when I am freaking out
  16. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    As my surgery date gets closser I am starting to freak out a bit. I am very excited for the change but also really nervous. Lets start with this: I try to only eat organic, I recycle, I try to only use all natural products, I am a strict vegetarian, and I even worry about plastics leeching into my food so I never put plastic in the microwave..... Um.. well I guess I can stop there now that you all know what a freak I am I have really researched this and know that the band is what I want to do and need to do. The thing that scares me the most is that I am sticking this man made piece of plastic inside my body so that I can loose weight. I kinda feel like a hypocrite doing this to my body. I don’t know if its nerves but now that my surgery date is almost here I really cant stop thinking about this. So ..Just before your surgery did any of you start having any crazy irrational fears about doing this.
  17. hippiegirl

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    yaya I dont see why having a beer now and then is a "bad" habbit or that that is what makes "us" fat
  18. hippiegirl

    Columbus Area

    yay!!! congrats K we will be on our way to "skinny" jeans soon
  19. Help!! My surgery date is march 4 and my dr requires his patients to do medifast. I eat no meat no fish no eggs no jello and refuse to eat anything with artificial sweetner. First of all they really did not have many options for me to eat most of their soups have meat or meat broth in them. I am allowed 5 medifast products a day along with sugarfree jello, sugarfree popcicles, sugar free drinks and broth. My dietecian dosent seem to really have any options for me. yesterday was my first day I tried the tomato soup, maple oatmeal, vanilla shake, and carmel nut bar.This stuff is soo gross.... I was so hungry and felt light headed and very cranky. I could not make it thru one day I already cheated. I ate 4 saltines with my soup and a bowl of plain lettuce last night. I feel like such a looser. I could not even stick to this for one day. I know part of the preop diet is about loosing weight but the main thing my dr. does it for is so the liver will shrink. Will eating things like plain lettuce and mabey some other low carb veggies really hurt? thanks!
  20. hippiegirl

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    oh also clear alcohol has less calories and carbs than others so like vodka, and gin etc....
  21. hippiegirl

    REALLY?! (an ode to beer)

    my dietician said no carbonation for at least two weeks after surgery and no alcohol for a whole 6 months... I too am an import girl. Most imports have about 200 calories per bottle but I have tried amstel light and it has only 90 its not my favorite but Its still pretty good. Not banded yet but I sure hope I can still drink beer after
  22. hippiegirl

    vegetarian and on nasty medifast

    thanks jack, I am trying to be a winner... In the past when things get tough or I have cheated on a diet I usually throw in the towell. I will make it this time!!
  23. hippiegirl

    Sugar and the banded stomach

    I was wondering the same thing... ? I HATE... I mean I can not stand the tase of those artificial sweetners!! I start my medifast diet tomorrow and will have to talk to the nutrionilist about it then. I eat moslty organic and try not to use artificial crap but I have been trying the sugar free stuff. I just do not like it at all. I have tried many types and brands. They even make an all natural organic sweetner from a plant called stevia but that tastes gross too... I dont really add sugar to much that I eat but would rather just eat small amouts of real sugar than lots of artificial sweeted crap ugh... what to do?
  24. hippiegirl

    Central Ohio Get Together - March 8, 2008

    Thanks for the support everyone nurse niki we could be band buddies banded only a week apart I imagine we will be dealing with alot of the same stuff at the same time
  25. hippiegirl

    Central Ohio Get Together - March 8, 2008

    thanks, dh and I are going to indian buffet tonight (my favorite)..... time to say goodby to all those all you can shovel down buffets

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