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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jillrn

  1. Kaydot- I say hang in there and you may want to try some Prilosec OTC or Zantac that works well for protecting you from ulcers as well as the heartburn.

    Nikki- Boys are so fun! Congrats!

    Sweethot- I wish I had dh begging me to have another baby! I am the one trying to convince him for one more.

    I do have one little NSV to share with you all! I went to my family dr the other day for a check up. I started seeing him a month or 2 after I got married 10 years ago. I asked him what my weight was when I first saw him, I am 7 lbs lighter than my weight when I got married! I am the smallest my dh has ever seen me! I still have a long way to go- but this was encouraging to me!

  2. I think it is amazing people think they know anything about losing weight. Biochemistry is very complex and there are many things we think we know, and many things we know we do not know. In a hundred years we will think we know something totally different. Personally I think there is not much we can say is totally fact vs myth. Working in the medical field for almost 20 years I have seen this over and over and over again.

  3. Hey all hope you are doing well. Sorry I havent been around Life is crazy busy. Looks like you are all losing well. I am slow like usual I made it over 50 lbs gone-- for me a MIRACLE ! So we will see where I get. I am not going to make it to the 75 lb down mark by the end of the year as I hoped. But I am still hoping for 65 down! Jill

  4. I pigged out so bad this weekend too Sweethot! Oh I have I got to get motivated. I am not sure this slight unfill was a good idea. I can eat too much. But before I was PB constantly. I ate Chinese food all weekend. Ordered it at work and ate the garlic beef all day sat and sunday. I did give some of it away but not much and I ate the whole container but I didnt eat the rice. Oh well before it would have been one meal instead of 4 and I would have had the rice too, and probably an egg roll, oh yea and a couple of crab ragoon thingys. =) LOL I think all that MSG did something to my brain I actually feel a little quesy from eating for 2 days! My goal is going to include no more Chinese until after my bandiversary! I really need a renewed focas. I think I am going to start counting carbs and Protein again instead of guessing in my head whether I am eating too much. 26 more pounds before 12-12-07~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jill

  5. Hey everyone- my life is so boring compared to all of you! =) I havent really dropped any weight since my slight unfill. So I hope I didnt do the wrong thing. I do like being able to eat though, even if it is small portions. BUT I did measure myself and I have lost 27 inches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW over 2 feet! I was thrilled!

    4 more months and we will have been banded a year (most of us) Anyone have any by one year goal? Mine is to be down 75 pounds but I doubt it will happen. Jill

  6. I wouldnt throw away 12 years just yet! He is obviously concerned about something. I would take him to see your band dr or dietcian and have them explain your diet. If he is insecure- do somethings to help him be secure in the relationship. We would want that if the roles were reversed. Alot of woman feel insecure this way when gaining weight with pregnancy and such, and would like their man to make them feel secure in his love, not like "it's your problem your gaining, and insecure about it,not mine!" IF we truely are honoring the vows we took, issues in marriage are both spouses issues, not his issue vs her issue. Even if the other spouse is not living up to the vows to love, cherish, etc.

    I really see this as you having a marital issue and not a band issue- I think with some patience and help you can get your husband through this! Good luck! JIll

  7. OK girls did I make a mistake??? I had a slight unfill Monday. I can eat more but I am not eating a ton. I do not get stuck and PB on everything. I am exercising and I have gained 3-4 pounds since Monday!!!!!!!! I am so depressed I think I am going to have to get it put back in! I was very happy with my meals. Today I ate

    1/2 of sm omelet with cheese, tomotoe and a little sausage. THen for lunch a small salad about 1 cup or so with the lettece for lunch, and I was at work and the cafeteria closed the only think they had left was tator tots -- yuck so I ate 4 tots. Yesterday was the same except instead of the tater tots I ate 2-3 oz of turkey for dinner. Am I over eating??/ I am well aware the tator tot was a bad choice, it is not a habit. What do you think it cost me $75.00 for my unfill and now I wish I hadnt. Jill

  8. Well- girls I did get a slight unfill today. .2cc only and it seems to make a big difference so far. I was able to eat most of a thin hamburger patty! It was sooooo good- I was so sick of Protein Shakes, V8 and popsickles. I think I am going to make a taco salad - minus the chips for dinner. I had lost 14 lbs since I last was there about 6 weeks ago! I was so shocked! He told me he thought I may get into a "maladaptive eating pattern" if didnt get a slight unfill. I just dont want to gain my weight back! at 49 lbs gone I am almost 1/2 there to 100 lbs gone, (if I chose to lose that much) I may be just fine in another 35-45 pounds or so. I hope I made the right choice Jill

  9. I think everything you have lost so far is a bonus, as until you have restriction you are just dieting and not banding. =) Although I am the pot calling the kettle black b/c I am losing but I am a turtle and average only about 5 lbs a month if I am lucky! Just remember the reason why you chose the band instead of the bypass. That helps me sometimes. Jill

  10. B man- hope you are feeling better with the divorce off your chest! WTG on all the exercise you are such an inspiration!

    Nat- Glad to hear your getting back on track! Do you ride your son on the back of your bike? That extra 30 pounds or so makes a huge difference in your work out!

    Sweet hot- Hope your husband did well for his knee op- and dont worry too much mistakes happen everywhere and it doesnt mean it will happen to dh.

    steph- Good job trying to get back on track it is so hard! Keep it up though.

    I am losing ever so slowly. I still think I am too tight though. I have such a huge problem with that first bite syndrome. I eat a bite then produce all that slime foam stuff and I have to ususally wait about 45 minutes before I can eat anymore. I hate going out to eat b/c of this. The only thing that goes down well is frozen yogurt or ice cream. I limit myself to my 40 calorie no sugar fudgesickles or fat free sugar free ice cream like 1/2 cup if I am so starving. I could never eat raw veggies. I sometimes can eat salad if the lettece is fine and have a good amount of dressing on it. I am not sure. I dont want to get an unfill and gain weight, but I know I am not getting enough Protein on days I dont drink my Protein Shakes. I wish I could get rid of that foam stuff. Jill

  11. Hey girls I am on here reading all your updates- I just never have time to post. I am not really losing any weight, but I must be getting smaller anyway as I tried on 12/14 pants last night and all be they were snug they fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From a 22-24 to a 12-14!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing! I am so happy!

  12. Metabolic issues do play a huge part. I am a slow loser, in spite of extremely low calories, low carbs, and high exercise. I can do this it is just going to take me a very very long time. I am hoping my metabolic issues will improve the more weight I get off and from there make it easier to lose. There are just some people very resistant to losing weight, especially those with severe forms of insulin resistance.

  13. Lane Giant-- ahh that IS good! Nat you are too funny thanks for your encouragement. I think I am going to get a recumbent bike. I dont like ellipticals and treadmills aggrevate my heel issues. I looked at a few today, we will see what happens! Jill

  14. hi everyone-- sounds like everyone is getting back on the exercise bandwagon again. Good going! I am still not doing very well with getting to the gym. I dont know what it is going to take to motivate me. I am hoping to find a tread mill or bike for home. My dh could use it too they are just so expensive.

    Tonight I am having a pampered chef party. I love pampered chef, although I plan on not eating too much of the bannana cream dessert she is making. =) Sounds great though!

    My weight loss is occuring be it ever so slow! I average about 5 lbs a month, whether I exercise or not. But I felt so much better when I was working out every day. I just cant seem to get motivated. What a looser am I!

    Nat- Sorry about your mom that is so hurtful. My mother is not always the most supportive either. I think pretty much all she see's is how fat I still am. =)

    Bev- WTG with the food and the working out and your pics look great!

    Steph- where are you going on vacation?? Have fun! Hope it is relaxing!

    Transformer-- my Dr's scale always weighs a few pounds heavier also. I really use my home one to go by anyway since I use it everyday at the same time and NAKED! =) (after I pee!) =) Wouldnt want those few extra ounces from pee!

    =) Jill

  15. The first bite or 2 that I eat always gets semi stuck and I start foaming and then spit stuff up. After about 20 minutes it is better and I can eat-- The bites do not get stuck then. Anyone know why?? and how to get rid of it?? My theory is that the pouch is dry and when you eat it stimulates the digestive saliva in the esphogus it secretes so much that you get stuck, after a while it stops and then the pouch is primed so to speak and that is why the rest of the food goes down so easily. It keeps me from getting another fill although I think I can eat too much in the evening and just about right for Breakfast and lunch. I am also only losing about 4.5 pounds a month. Jill

  16. I would also have them write an apology letter to "S" and mail it to her. There's something about putting something in writing. Do they understand the danger they could have been in?? Do they understand how bad it would be to take a police officer away from something to look for kids that were just playing down the road? I would discuss it with them.

  17. I live in Indiana- a few months ago we had a mother kill her 4 children and we live in a small town. Here is the link and it does give some stats in it as well as other states it has happened in it. No other state or place in the world is exempt from this tradegy. Society has really gone down hill-- wonder what will be left for my children and grandchildren WNDU - Home

  18. No news for me-- once again NOT losing anything! Hmm-- I dont think I need a fill though cuz everything gets stuck except liquids. I havent make it to the gym this week but have done other exercise- DH and I strapped the kids on the back of our bikes and rode some trails and then all over town. It felt good! =)

  19. hmm- yea I would say a fill would help.

    I am really stuggling to figure out if I need an unfill. Havent lost any weight for a few weeks. I has been about a month since my last fill and I still cant get anything down in the morning other than liquids till about 5pm then I can get down mushy stuff. (very small amount) not even a half cup that is for sure. Well maybe a half cup but it would take me about 2 hours to do that. I get bored before that. I slime alot too. I dont really have that much pain with it though. I think I will call the dr tomorrow to see what they think. I just dont know and I do know if I get an unfill I will definitely not loose. dang band- so difficult.

    I think I may need to try some meds to help my insulin resistance. It may help with the weight loss. They way I have been exercising lately and what I eat. I should be losing so much faster. Jill

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