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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jillrn

  1. The mock mashed potatoes is as follows (how I did it)

    Cut up a whole califlower and boil it soft in chicken broth. Drain broth in cup and set aside. Add couple tablespoons of low fat sour cream and 1/2 c shreaded cheese and mash. If you need more liquid as it is too dry you can add the chicken broth instead of milk and it will be lower carb and fat. It was yummy!

    I am going to try to mock fried rice with califlower soon!

  2. Just remember girls, someday we will all stand before The Maker and have to account for all things we say. I am a Christian, I dont smoke, drink, cuss or miss out on anything because of my beliefs. I dont want to turn this into a debate about beliefs but our family's christian values have made my life and my childrens life wonderful.

  3. There are some good recipes on this forum- I am going to try the "fried rice" recipe made out of califlower. It sounds good. I have made one called "poor mans steak" that was fabulous. It is basically making hamburger patties with chopped onion and garlic powder salt and pepper. I use low fat ground turkey, but mostly I use ground deer (dh is an avid hunter and I have tons of the stuff- very very lean) and then fry them like a hamburger and then cover with low fat mushroom Soup and cook. It is very soft and easy to get down, but it keeps you full for a long time.

  4. hello everyone! I had my first fill on Monday. It went really well. It took him about 10 seconds . I can feel my port well though. I have a 4cc band and he put in 1cc. I do not feel any restrictions although I just started mushy foods. I will probably try some chicken for dinner and see how it goes. I am bouncing around with weight up a pound down a pound up, down I guess it would help if I didnt weigh myself everyday! I am addicted and chained to the scale every morning though!!! I have lost 7 inches and I have had alot of people notice my weight loss so that feels good!

    I need some recipes!!!! I am getting bored with the same old things! I need high Protein stuff obviously! What are you all eating?? Well I got to go I need to get ready to go to the gym!

  5. Got filled today!!!! He put in 1cc. Said that is all he ever does on the first fill!. He said come back in 2 weeks if I need more! So far I have only had Water and a SF popsickle so I have no idea if I will feel any different. I hope so of course! I took my 2 year old with me, she asked the dr if he would take her sledding!?!!! LOL It was cute she walked out of the treatment room into his office and asked if the nurse could have the day off to go with! It was too cute! Valentines is 3 weeks away! How are you people gonna lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks!!! Man I wish I could My goal is to lose at least 6 lbs that would be great!!!!!!!!!!( for me)

    I did measurements and I have lost 7 inches total!!! Not great BUT great for me! Well I am off to try some soup! Jill

  6. Steph-- I am 4'11" =( I hate being short! How tall are you?? I feel like such a slow loser on here with everyone up to 30-40lbs and us back here at 16-17lbs! My fill is Monday and I am doing all I can at this point! I sure hope this works for me!

  7. Man - guys I am doing great on the work out part! I am not so sure how I am doing with food though. Protein is always my priority but I feel like I am eating too much. For dinner I made meatloaf (no breadcrumbs) and the mock mashed potatoes (califlower) it was yummy. Then I ate 2 sugar free fudgesickles before bed. I also had a sm grilled chicken breast and 5 french fries for lunch. For a snack I had a few pieces of crab with a tbs of cream cheese. I slepted in so I didnt eat Breakfast today. =) I am not sure about my calories but it seems like I ate too much. ??? What do you think? Monday can not come soon enough to get this fill!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  8. Nat- great on finding a baby sitter! $3.50 a day???!!! or an hour??!! I want a baby sitter for 3.50 a day!!!!!!! I thought I was getting a deal at 30.00 a day for both my kids 13 hour shifts it works out to about 2.90 an hour for both kids!

    Bman-- getting hit on-- You know I met my dh at the hospital 10 years ago when I was taking care of his mother! At first I tried to blow him off when he asked me out for coffee but I was put on the spot when he asked for my number so I gave it to him, I was embarrassed. 2 kids and 10 years later I am very thankful-- loves me fat we will see but I am thinking he will like me skinny too!!!! =)

  9. hi all- 12 days till my fill! How is it going for those who have been filled?? Are you feeling restricted?? Has it kicked in the weight loss?? I am getting ready to go to the gym here when dd wakes up from a nap. I love it b/c they have babysitting included in the membership! =) I havent gone for a few days b/c of work but I am on my feet running around the hospital so I am still exercising. I try to go the gym at the hospital but it is too hard no time. I am trying to be more disciplined and get up early to go the gym before work. But I will have to get up at 430 am and I am having trouble doing it. I only work 3 days a week but they are 12.5 hour shifts.

    Kaydot- do you think we burn more calories in the cold?? It is freezing here today but it is to hard to go walking with the little ones. They want to stop too often and cant get your heart rate up.

    Stephanie- Dont get discouraged! I am having a hard time also staying low in calories and we had surg a day apart and our starting weight was about the same too. I have lost 16-17 lbs too. It's gonna kick in with our fills!

    Nat- Sorry all the problems you are having at daycare. I have good private babysitter but we still have our issues! I cant believe they dont require a nap. Our daycares here require the kids to nap for 2 hours. or is it that he just wont nap away from home??

    Well got to go 4year old wants me! Jill

  10. Hi gals! I've been busy for a few days and just catching up!

    Brandi- I am so sorry to hear about your husband. That must be so hard! I cant imagine your pain.

    Kaydotrn- You are doing so great with your weight loss! Your dr may be strict but it is working for you! I know what you mean about your mother though. My mom is 5'5" and 110 lbs maybe! She is 58 years old and runs a few miles everyday. She really doesnt get this overweight thing and I know she thinks badly of me because of it, I would never tell her my weight. She wasnt happy with me lap banding but I told her you may as well be supportive b/c I am doing it anyway! =)

    I did lose 2 more lbs. for a total of 17! I have a new scale I got for christmas so it is not the one I started with, so today for fun I weighed myself on the orginal scale I started with and it says I lost 19lbs!!!!!!!!!!! I have never ever lost that much weight before! Well I will check back in a few days! Good luck to all having fills this week! Jill

  11. I was banded a month ago and I am on reg soft foods per my dr. I have tolerated everything pretty well on what I have tried. I was sooooo sick of eggs for Breakfast the other day I decided to have a piece of low carb bread (toasted)with a small amt of Peanut Butter on it. It went down fairly well I did drink 4 oz of milk with it. My questions is when I have eggs or Protein Shakes or whatever else for breakfast I am hungry an hour later. When I had this bread I was full for like 5-6 hours. I am pretty sure it just took that long for it to all get thru the band. I know I am suppose to avoid breads though. It all may change in a few weeks when I get a fill but what do you all think about this. I have not retried it to see if continued this pattern. I may in the morning though I dont know. Anyone else experience this??

  12. Kirsten and Kay , Nat and B-man-- I am doing the low carb thing, I get less than 25 gm of carbs a day. Give or take some. I have had my thyroid check and have had problems with it in the past post partum. It is resolved now I had it rechecked prior to surg and it was still fine. I am doing really well with Water drinking too, ( I sip during meals a little, so I am trading staying full longer for my sips, but I am not letting it make me eat more I will stay with the 1000 calories. I do struggle with the pooping issue a bit, but its getting better. I seem to flucuate between 13-15 lbs down. I have been staying more at the 13 the last week but today I was down about a pound.

    The other thing is I dont ever sweat! Gross I know but no matter how hard I work out I dont sweat! I also retain a lot of water, I have a water pill I can take but I have been avoiding it b/c I was worried about dehydration b/c of the band. Thanks for your encouragement! I needed it!

    I am so glad for all of you working out! That is really great we are going to feel so good by 2008! YEAH!!!! I cant do an ellipical machine though- makes me so dizzy-- THen I will fall off and give everyone in the gym an even bigger laugh at me! =) I wish I could cuz I know it gives a better work out then the bike I use!

  13. Kirsten- about your burping- I think its normal. I have this weird thing where I cant really burp then I feel overfull then I will BELLLLLLLLCCCCHHHHH like this big gross guy burp. My kids thinks its funny and my hubby just looks at me like he cant believe it came out of me. Not looking forward to that happening in public!

    Kathy- LOL at least your cured your craving! Jill

  14. Wow-- You all are doing great!@!! Your tickers are getting me major depressed! I havent lost anything since about 10 days post op! I am counting my calories some. I am at about 1000 a day. I am getting really nervous about this band! I have never been able to lose weight. I have never lost more than 10-15 lbs EVER! In spite of once being on an 800 cal a day diet for 3 months straight no cheating! and working out alot! THat diet I lost 12 lbs the first 2 weeks and nothing the rest of the time! I finally gave up after 3 months! I am starting to regret the fact I didnt do RNY. I have major insulin resistance problems and I think I may have needed that malabsorption factor! I am so depressed today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVE scale MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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