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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Status Updates posted by summerset

  1. I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.

    I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.

    I need to put things into boxes because I'm moving on Tuesday.

    I need to study because I need to be prepared for exam.


    Feels like panic-ping-pong somehow.

    1. GreenTealael


      Hoping it all goes smoothly!

    2. summerset


      The move went ok. I'm now sitting on the bare minimum in my old flat, lol.

  2. COVID is on the rise again. Hopefully you all had your shots if eligible for them. It's not only the sick and old dying from it. 😕

    1. eholmes89


      Had my shots but just recovering from testing positive now! Being sick after a sleeve is certainly a new challenge. Especially with trying to stay hydrated!!

    2. summerset


      Being easier for the bypass people I guess. I had my booster shot on Tuesday and no real adverse reaction.

      Working at a hospital I'm now a contact person regularly again. Oh well...

  3. I guess I'm being a bit silly with my wounds this time.

    The slightest twinge and I think "OMG, something is not ok!!"

    I press into the abdomen because I simply forgot I'm not supposed to and it's like "OMG, I'm going to get another hernia!! I'm sure something's not ok right now"

    I cough or sneeze which still hurts the abdominal wall a bit and think "OMG, I'm going to get another hernia, something just broke inside!!


    I can't remember it being like this the last two times.

    1. CammyC


      I have one particular incision that I feel I’ve pulled a few times. Eeek! That smarts when it happens. We’ll just have to be gentle with ourselves for a while.

    2. summerset


      Absolutely. However, it's so easy to forget.

  4. Received a letter from my lawyer today. Seems like insurance... has to pay for plastics (breasts, abdomen and mons, thighs)? Not sure, I'm not very familiar with the language of lawyers and insurances but it sounds like it because they "wish me well" for the upcoming surgery?



    1. kunkelgw


      You had to get a lawyer to cover plastics? We are you at? I have never heard of that. I doubt that i will even have insurance coverage. 😩

    2. summerset


      Well, if your insurance doesn't cover it first try, get a lawyer.

  5. Everything is "corona" as it seems. Like there is nothing else anymore in the news. Stopped reading most of the stuff. Watching the news, I stopped long ago. It's depressing without end.

    For me it's not only "corona" but several other things that are on my plate IRL, even though "corona" is a huge thing in its own way when you're a medical worker. I got my second vaccine shot yesterday and now I'm hoping that these shots are really worth something.

    Anyway, I'm not going to be online much during the next time except for studying online as I still have this exam pending (no date set yet).

  6. Going home again this afternoon. I guess we will be home at about midnight. Luckily I don't have to go to work until Tuesday. I hate going to work the days after one comes home from vacation.

    1. Bastian


      hope you had a fab time! we still aren't allowed to go on holiday here. Still pretty locked down, not even allowed to go to your own holiday/weekend house!

  7. I feel like a sponge soaked with water this weekend. Noticed it yesterday already, also today. TMI I guess but this feeling of having peed and then this strange feeling in the bladder that lasts for a while - like you still have to pee.

    1. BayougirlMrsS


      I went to the dr. yesterday.... he put me on Bactrum. Starting to feel better

  8. "Leisure time" is getting more and more scarce lately as it seems somehow. Too often too tired from being on-call and I definitely need to start studying for my second board certification and there will be some rough times ahead I guess.

    Going to bed soon. The work day after a 24 h shift always feels awful (like jet lag) so I better get to sleep soon to get my zzZZZzz in because I'm being on-call again tomorrow evening/night. Who else hates vacation time when half the department seems to be on holiday?

    I have a follow-up appointment on Friday so I took Friday off. Also not working on the weekend and being on late shift next Monday. That means three days in a row without an alarm clock, lol.

    1. summerset


      Meh, on-call again. Moderately busy so far. Hopefully the night is quiet.

  9. Someone please tell me it's not that weird getting bombed drinking coke zero with rum while looking at neuroradiology training cases at 9:30 PM.

    No? Yeah, well... 🧟‍♀️

    1. GreenTealael


      Not weird 😃

  10. Got just diagnosed with iron deficiency. So it's high dose supplements for a few weeks and another blood work. Plus testing for occult bleeding to make sure it's really a nutritional issue (most likely the cause - after all bariatric surgery is now regularly listed as a possible cause and given the fact that iron absorption occurs in the duodenum and upper jejunum...).

    1. NuOutlook


      Don't worry after my gastric bypass I too was diagnosed with iron deficiency and Vitamin D deficiency as well. My doctor monitors my blood levels and added iron supplements and vitamin D supplement to my vitamin regime. Good Luck :)

  11. Temperature still normal. No symptoms. One week is over. Both my colleague and I are doing fine.

  12. Things are overwhelming right now. I expected it, but anyway... *sigh*

    Got a really short fuse today.

    1. Jady927


      I remember those days. I am sorry you are overwhelmed but just know many of us are going through this and you arent alone, before you know it you are going to be a better you and just think about you future you. Tell your future you that you got this, try to be motivated, think about why you got the surgery, you got to go through pain to get to the end. Best of luck to you! You got this! Trust me it will be all worth it. My 1 year is approaching and I cant believe how fast it went by. Take care.

  13. Feeling quite tired today. The weather is matching my mood. Cold, rainy, windy.

    1. Krimsonbutterflies


      We are in the exact same situation. I'm fatigued and very tired, this rainy weather matches. I lit some candles, drinking black tea and a vanilla premier shake mixed together, watchinh TV and using my heating pad.

  14. First week of new/old work is over. It felt quite exhausting in some way.

    Abdominal plus mons, breasts and thighs will obviously be covered by my insurance. I'm going to self-pay for butt and arms in combination with one of the other surgeries. The later are not really medically necessary but pure vanity so it's ok for me.

    I'm going to get the first shot of Biontech/Pfizer vaccine on Monday. Three weeks later the next.


  15. I only idled around my new flat both yesterday and today and on Friday evening instead of studying. Hubby says one needs a break once in a while. Problem is, I can't afford this break atm. Three days of not-studying is a no-go so I'm going to look at some material tonight. If I wouldn't be feeling so damn tensed and tired these days... but things are just like they are.

  16. Damn, watching Mukbangs really is kind of addictive, lol.

  17. I'm getting more and more anxious. Hopefully my PCR test will be negative on admission day!! 😷

  18. Weather is warm and sunny today. I guess we'll take the dog for a long walk this afternoon. Both hubby and the dog are dozing right now though. :D 

    I can feel yesterday's bike ride in my legs, no pain but the muscles feel different. My Suunto watch spat out a 59 h recovery time and I was wtf?? it wasn't your afterwork tour around the block but it wasn't that hard after all...

  19. I love this slightly cold and tired feeling that sets in after a workout - sitting here with a hoodie. Stomach's obviously a bit of a prima donna again tonight. Have to be careful. This just stinks because I want to eat some more after this bike ride.

  20. It's Pfingsten this weekend so today and tomorrow people will all be out in the nice weather. Not really sure if I should go on a bike ride today. There will be quite a few people out there and it's still Corona Time. 

    Yesterday we walked into the nearest town and at the tables outside the ice cream parlor were sitting loads of people. I guess without Corona there would've been way more people there but it seems like everyone is going crazy as soon as the sun comes out. 

    Also people are going to restaurants again. We definitely won't. We picked up the food and ate at home on Thursday.

    Maybe I'm simply cleaning my bikes today, they need it after the last rides. 🙄

  21. Felt like crap on the last miles of my bike ride. My stomach decided to start hurting during the ride and I couldn't hydrate properly and I also couldn't eat my energy bar. Puked up the bite I took a mile later. I felt a little weird to the stomach since noon but I didn't think it would become that bad.

    The last 10 km felt like hell. 😩

    I feel better after coffee, a carrot-ginger soup and a protein pudding but still... wasn't fun. 

  22. Got my new bike! Tested it on an about 70 km ride and it's awesome. 😍

  23. Fi-nal-ly the equipment for my homegym arrived. Delivery times are insane these days.

    Since moving to my new flat in another town I actually have the space for a treadmill. I planned on only getting a treadmill because I already have enough stuff for sufficient training at home but decided to get a power cage as well because I can't install my aero sling to the ceiling in this flat and installing it into the wall just plain stinks because no pull-ups or inverted rows etc. possible.

    Anyway, it took four guys to carry that treadmill upstairs in its package - they definitely earned their dinner that evening!

  24. Blood work came back normal. My GP office called today. Yeah!

    Having a sore throat since a few days (all corona tests negative so far though). Damn! I need a negative PCR-test on admission day! 😷

  25. Going in on Tuesday. Things are arranged (need to order a cab to the station because it's too early for a bus going there) and I'm getting more nervous by the hour.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
