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Posts posted by summerset

  1. 15 hours ago, LindsayT said:

    Cereal, in general, doesn't sound appealing to me anymore.

    Cereals were never that popular in my generation as it seems (late Gen X). I dunno, we ate some of that stuff as children, yes, but for most of us it was more some kind of... play food or something like that. Something we wailed long enough about so our parents rolled their eyes and finally caved. Like with any other snack food. Not necessarily because of "sugar content" (that wasn't a thing back then) but because of how expensive that stuff was in my country.

    The late Gen X now seems to enjoy their muesli now and then but most of us seem to be like 🤢 when it comes to something like fruit loops etc. - same with porridge. I know only a few people who actually enjoy this stuff.

  2. 11 hours ago, GreenTealael said:

    Just regular eggs 😂 Not free Cage-free, Pasture-raised, and Free-range, etc.

    Ah, ok - lol.

    eggs have gone up in prices as well, so the hubby says (both the regular and the fancy pants one). So obviously has butter and cheese.

    He/We buy usually organic. Buying organic was always more expensive and while the organic stuff has gone up in price as well it's not as out of proportion as the non-organic stuff. Prices have gone up - especially during the last 1-2 years. It's ludicrous and companies trying to make truckloads of money while hiding behind "inflation", "energy prices" and "war".

  3. 19 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    ong term success (meaning keeping the weight OFF) with weight loss among the obese should ideally come with a significant mind shift...but not everyone can (nor maintain) that.

    Many people seem to be too afraid to do the work that's necessary to have that mind shift and therefore don't even try.

    "I simply can't be trusted with food."

    "When I don't restrict myself I'm like a bottomless bit."

    "I need to track every morsel of food or I'm going to gain weight."

    "If I eat [food x] I will inevitably binge."


    p.s. also want to add that i'm NOT saying i found nirvana or anything...for me its more of a "so far, so good" attitude about eating and weight loss maintenance. i am fully aware that i may gain unwanted weight in the future (nothing is forever!), but i'll deal with that when i have to deal with that.

    Same here. There's no use in what-iffing.

  4. 8 hours ago, BigSue said:

    It’s hard not to take it personally when I’m the one who mentioned “vanity sizing” on this thread and then you specifically mocked the use of that term.

    Hard, but hopefully not impossible.

    What also seems to be hard is not to come across as "mocking" when the dominant feeling is more like "generally annoyed".

    GL, write something you thought through, mulled over in your head and put some effort into it and most users don't seem to give a damn about it. Write two lines that pisses some users off because you obviously pushed the wrong buttons and you're getting plenty of reaction. That's the iNtErWeBz.

  5. 3 hours ago, pintsizedmallrat said:

    Here's the thing: the entire world outside of the bariatric community views our victories as bragging. 

    Then simply do brag. Don't humble brag.

    Say "I'm so damn proud I've gotten so thin that an XS is falling off my skinny ass now!" instead of "Oh, this damn vanity sizing!! I can't find clothes because even an XS is too big on me now!"

    Say "I'm so damn glad I'm only able to eat five bites at a buffet before feeling completely stuffed!" instead of "Oh, buffets are so terrible - I never get my money's worth because I can only eat five bites and I'm like soooo full!"

    Why try to hide bragging behind something you call a "good problem"?

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