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Posts posted by summerset

  1. Because the ugly stuff deserves a place, too (like that yellow brick-hulk I posted yesterday, lol).

    Half-eaten leftover vegan croissant I bought yesterday and didn't want to throw out after having eaten part of it (won't recommend eating it the next day), some ramen and additional mushrooms thrown into leftover Soup from yesterday. I called it a late Sunday Breakfast.



  2. Inspired by a "fig and mozzarella pizza" I saw on my shopping list app I put a vegan white spread, a fig and some vegan cheese made for melting on whole rye bread (didn't have any toast or pita which would've been a better match). Tasted good. Bummer, that figs will be out of season soon again.

    Also cut up figs always look gorgeous on pictures while pizzas, sandwiches and burgers almost always seem to look awful, the exception being professional pics.


  3. On 10/12/2022 at 10:48 PM, Starwarsandcupcakes said:

    It’s where a “skinny” person eats foods that aren’t nutrient dense and considered unhealthy for most of their diet. Things like fast food, chips/crisps, fries/chips, fried foods, loads of fat and sugar, etc.

    It doesn't have to do with what the person eats.

    "Skinny fat" means that a person carries too much body fat in relation to lean mass despite being a normal weight.

  4. 2 hours ago, fourmonthspreop said:

    I couldn't have it around in the past/grew up with caretakers locking food away from me and hiding it on a daily basis. Definitely a result of that for me. It feels good to open my pantry and see everything and get to pick and not feel like I have to hide or its the only chance I'll get to eat something.

    So much this.

    I know many people are afraid to keep "the evil foods in the house" because they trigger binges/overeating for them. However, others need the opposite: knowing that they can have it anytime they want it to prevent binges/overeating.


    I would like to stop food hoarding because things go to waste. 

    In the beginning a lot has gone to waste, indeed. With time I refined the technique so to say. Now I have a freezer brimming with food and many shelf-stable items. When it comes to highly perishable items that don't freeze well I still sometimes have to throw out something but usually the permission to get it when I want/can get it is enough (thinking e. g. about that vegan croissant I can only get when I'm home on weekends and they need to be eaten the same day or they're no longer tasting good).

    From time to time I bring an open package to work before it goes bad (or one that's reached the BB date) and people are happy about the goody.

  5. 16 hours ago, Tomo said:

    I still buy way too much food even though I don't eat it. I have been working to stop doing that as much. My refrigerator, freezer, pantry, foods bins are stuffed.

    I'm a food hoarder as well.

    IMO I need it to create an "abundance mindset" which prevents a feeling of deprivation for me and I doubt that will ever change. The decades of (mental) restriction in the past haven't stopped taking their toll and I've accepted that.

  6. 10 hours ago, GAYLELEEBABS said:

    I have had a couple of days of really poor eating and bad choices.

    Well, what exactly is "poor eating and bad choices"? It's a vague statement.

    Anyway, take it as a warning. Think hard about your current diet and ask yourself "Did I really mess up? And if so why did I mess up after only a few weeks? Is this diet I follow sustainable for me? Can I do this long term? Or am I going to burn out within a few months?"

  7. 13 hours ago, Starwarsandcupcakes said:

    This time I placed an Amazon fresh order.

    I wish we had Amazon fresh here. Or at least supermarkets delivery service. Seriously, Germany is a desert when it comes to this. Unless you live in cities like Munich, Berlin or Frankfurt/Main etc. you're screwed.

    I order food online but it's like you order at the store and then it comes with DHL or UPS - but that's very different from your local stores like REWE or tegut having delivery service with time slots that ensure you're really at home when the delivery arrives.

  8. On 7/26/2022 at 1:27 AM, BigSue said:

    And at the same time, I don't like calling attention to what I'm NOT eating, so I'm always nervous and uncomfortable in situations where there's food because I'm afraid people are going to ask why I'm not eating it.

    That's one of the problems when people don't know you had surgery. I know that many patients don't want to admit to WLS but it makes quite a few situation less stressful and/or awkward.

    People don't bug me about what or how much I eat. When I have a "bad eating day" (feeling uncomfortably full on way less food than usually) someone might ask "Having a bad eating day?" and I'm just like "Yup". Or people simply don't comment, depends on the situation. I'm the weirdo vegan anyway.

  9. I'm very late to the party but this struck a chord:

    On 7/18/2022 at 2:31 AM, BigSue said:

    I am afraid that if I take my eye off the prize, it is a terrifyingly fast road back to 300+ pounds. We've all seen people who have gone through this surgery only to gain back all the weight they lost, and I can't even handle the thought of that.

    What if a good deal of these people gained weight back not because they stopped "watching it" but because they burned out "watching it"?

    I don't know what number you're referring to when you say that "the weight starts to creep up". 1 kg? 2 kg? 5 kg? More? From what I can see you're at a BMI of 25.

    At some point you might have to ask yourself if the (often) tremendous additional effort necessary to weigh maybe 3 or 4 kg less is really worth it. Life might be more relaxed when you accept a slightly higher weight. Especially when you weigh that against burnout.

    Would I like to have some % BF less to get more muscle definition? Yes, I would. I like that look. However, I don't want to experience nagging anxiety over the question if I should eat that additional banana or not. I also don't want to have a near-panic attack when something gets in the way of my workout regiment.

    I decided that's not worth it. You (or someone else) might decide differently though.

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