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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Me, too. I can imagine.
  2. summerset

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    @KristenLe: @Babbs: @VSGAnn2014: --- Well, I'll be happy dealing out kicks and sarcasm. However, I prefer receiving answers that stick more to the facts and therefore my answer are usually stick to the facts ones. Hey, but if some people want or need sarcasm and kicks (this so called "tough love" that IMHO has nothing to do with sarcasm and kicks but with simply speaking the truth about things)... I'll be happy to help in that special way as well. Just tell me you want or need a little spanking or sarcasm. No problem with that. However, I think I'll need another 1000 or 2000 posts or so to be allowed to do that on here.
  3. AFAIK about 80% of the fundus gets removed when doing gastric sleeve resection. It's not completely removed. Surgeons might use different techniques of course. And there seems to be some contradicting information out there as well regarding stretching the sleeve: http://www.obesitycoverage.com/weight-loss-surgeries/gastric-sleeve/gastric-sleeve-will-my-stomach-stretch
  4. summerset

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    Ignore it and just don't comment instead of derailing the whole thread. That's what I do on boards where I am one of the long term members.
  5. summerset

    Why do some folks try to ruin this forum?

    It seems to be pretty common that this type of behavior happens. I've been around boards for a long, looooooong time and regardless of what the board was about: some of the long term users display that kind of behavior. While newbies are scolded because of it (from both members and moderators), the long term users are sometimes even cheered on for the same behavior. I've left quite a few boards because of this reason or visit them only occasionally. Didn't notice it around here so far but in the end I'm still one of the n00bs and maybe I'm not reading the right threads.
  6. I will start running again soon with Couch to 5k. Did the Couch to 10k about two years earlier but had to stop after an accident (bumped the kneecap really hard and had problems with the quadriceps tendon for over four months or so) and somehow never got into it again (did Freeletics and other kinds of HIT instead) but I'm looking forward to start running again now. Still feeling kind of weak though and it's like I got no strength at all. Ok, I'm only 2.5 weeks post-op, so... BTW, I'm 5'6'' as well and I did the C210K at about 220 or 225 lbs.
  7. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    That reminds me why I plan on skipping certain events during the next week and maybe months. That restaurant/celebration thing bothers me a lot. Luckily we're no restaurant people. We prefer to eat at home so it's no everyday issue.
  8. That's not entirely true. You can stretch both pouch and sleeve. When I was in for surgery another patient was in for revision of the sleeve because it stretched quite a lot over the years and he could easily eat what people would consider a "normal portion" and more. And why should the bypass pouch be able to stretch out more than the sleeve? Doesn't make sense to me. Both pouch and sleeve have relatively small volumina left and both can stretch out again.
  9. summerset

    The wait begins

    The waiting is the worst. I got my band removed in the beginning of February and got MGB on 24th May. I gained app. 2 kg. So no big deal in the end but the waiting time was horrible nevertheless. I'm feeling with you.
  10. summerset

    Are Protein Bars even worth it?

    Quest bars look tempting. I could order them online (one of the online shops I'm customer at sells them) and most likely will. So far I sticked to myprotein and the Vega peanut butter ones.
  11. There is so much talk about regain (makes me quite anxious to be honest) and/or not reaching goal weight despite eating as little as 1000 cals a day. It's nice to see some maintainers my height and sex who don't exist on 1000 cals or less and are still overweight. Thanks.
  12. summerset

    Weight on profile

    Yes, looks fine now. Thank you.
  13. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Same here. I feared clots more than an insufficient anastomosis.
  14. summerset

    People Meeting the New You

    Can you pinpoint the difference?
  15. I saw notifications that someone liked one of my posts in a certain thread. When clicking on the note I'm directed to the thread but not to the post that was liked? Is there a possibility to find out which of the several posts it was that someone liked?
  16. summerset


    I don't feel cold at all. (Ok, maybe it's not the weather for feeling cold right now, lol). I only get chills in the late evening when I'm beginning to get tired but I don't notice a difference compared to pre-op time.
  17. summerset


    I hate that kind of weather (we have that right now). The dog hates it, too, lol.
  18. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Yes, I received a prescription for 14 prefilled syringes and had to give myself a shot in the stomach once a day. Not enjoyable, but after listening to your stories, I'm quite happy I did! I have to do that, too. The hospital gave me three syringes and my GP prescribed another ten. Still giving myself injections.
  19. Imagine the patient develops some kind of cancer or other consuming illness later in life.
  20. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Oh wow, that's not good. Keep us updated if possible.
  21. Germany: Sana Klinikum Offenbach
  22. Hi there, new member here from Germany. I recently had Omega Loop surgery because my Lapband had to be removed in February. I'm only a few days post surgery so far.
  23. summerset

    Weight on profile

    This should be 31 kg, not 31 lbs. http://www.bariatricpal.com/user/270931-summerset/
  24. summerset

    Weight on profile

    The private setting was on purpose. IIRC changing the setting to private didn't change anything at all regarding that lbs/kg error on the profile.
  25. I had surgery on 24/05 and I still feel that fatigue. I usually sleep a little bit during the afternoon. As for exercise. I started walking the dog again on Saturday but I can definitely notice the difference when comparing to pre-op. I also feel a little bit dizzy after walking stairs. Should be better during the next few days. I usually do yoga, bodyweight exercise and some HIT but my abdominal wall tells me to take it easy for another week or two. I also plan on starting running again (had to stop after bumping my knee cap really bad over a year ago and never came back into running so far).

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