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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Don't feel bad. I only started recently doing yoga again seriously because I still felt some discomfort regarding the abdominal wall where the wounds have been. Today was the first session I really felt comfortable with twists and really engaging the core. Surgeons told us to take it quite slowly for 6-8 weeks (no heavy lifting etc.) post-op.
  2. summerset

    Band > Sleeve now what?

    True. The decision is difficult. I postponed for almost a year. First just the fill of the band was removed (I had terrible volume reflux and hiatal hernia) and I tried lets wait and see. Then the band was removed and the reflux got even worse. I got revision to MGB a whole year later after I considered revision for the first time. I had problems for years and maybe should have gotten revision way earlier but as you said yourself: the decision is a difficult one. ETA: when the band was removed it already had started to migrate into the stomach wall. Gastroscopies (and I had plenty of them) didn't show the migration and I was lucky that the band was removed in time.
  3. summerset

    Weight Loss Surgery Success Habits

    Meat at every meal (so the article says is recommended) seems a bit excessive, even if it's still less than the "average American" consumes. However, to each their own. In the end nobody is forced to eat that much meat (or animal protein in general).
  4. I chose a center of excellence that was relatively near my main residence. I wanted to have surgery where the surgeons are familiar with revisions.
  5. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    @@emme.vee It depends. I got back to work after three weeks but I don't have to e. g. lift heavy things.
  6. summerset

    Weight Loss Surgery Success Habits

    I think there is a lot of focus on Protein only when it comes to nutrients out there regarding nutrition after WLS. Like protein and Vitamin pills are enough to provide healthy nutrition while ignoring phytonutrients more or less completely. I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be much concern out there regarding absorption of phytonutrients. I wonder how much e. g. lycopene is absorbed when eating a tomato etc.
  7. summerset

    Do You Spend More Time Cooking?

    I shop and cook less because I eat less. The preparing needs some more time (e. g. measuring because I want to know the nutrient content of the food).
  8. summerset

    Weight Loss Surgery Success Habits

    The meat obsession when it comes to WLS is indeed a bit strange.
  9. summerset

    Which Food Did (Or Will) You Miss the Most?

    It's not a certain food, it's the mini portions I have to eat sometimes. Thinking of invitations to dinner at certain events etc. (luckily that comes around only a few times a year so there's not much to miss).
  10. summerset


    Tried my first salad after the 4 weeks post-op pureed food stage was over. Never had a problem with lettuce or any raw vegetables so far.
  11. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Add customs and taxes on top of that.
  12. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    I live near Frankfurt am Main and during the week (for working) near Erfurt in Thuringia. Where did you live?
  13. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    I'd like to try them. Bariatric Pal has some interesting products but I live in Germany. WLS products has some nice Protein Bars as well, my favorites however are Clif Bars. 20 g of Protein per bar, very good taste and texture (IMO) and they're vegan on top. Price is ok. Not the cheapest, but by far not the most expensive.
  14. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    I doubt I can get my hands on this Water. Felt much better after drinking water in the evening though.
  15. Do you have serious co-morbidities? Just asking because your starting BMI wasn't even 33.
  16. Beg your pardon, I'm not trying to divide anything here. On the contrary the sometimes quite obvious cliquishness on this board rubbed me the wrong way pretty quick which is a shame because I think this board has a lot to offer. You might want to take a look again at what I wrote earlier: "Actually I don't care about "status". People either make sensible suggestions/posts or they don't, regardless of some status or not, regardless of how many posts they have already made or not. " That's basically what you said, right? That we all can learn from each other.
  17. summerset

    Sore is good, right?

    Light exercise or stretching is good.
  18. summerset

    May 24 Surgery Day

    Had a really tough day today. Three interventions, two of them rather long ones. I felt like collapsing. Did some restorative yoga in the evening. I still feel rather dehydrated. You're sweating like a pig when wearing the x-ray protection gear and the surgical mask, gown and gloves because the air conditioning can't counter the warmth the machine radiates throughout the day. The temperature in the morning is about 19-20°C which is ok - in the afternoon we often have about 24-25°C in the room.
  19. summerset

    Sore is good, right?

    If it's the muscles hurting it's ok (DOMS was already mentioned), if there is a kind of pain or "soreness" in the tendons or joints, you might want to back off a little bit.
  20. Thanks for reminding me.
  21. @@VSGAnn2014 Do you really think I'm interested in a debate with you after that sarcasm you hurled at me? Why should I? It's obvious you're only looking for an opportunity to dis me. I'm not interested in blood pressure raising quarreling. *shakes head slowly* Look, I understand you're angry because you seem to think I somehow doubted your status as a "vet" on this board or something like this. I didn't. Actually I don't care about "status". People either make sensible suggestions/posts or they don't, regardless of some status or not, regardless of how many posts they have already made or not.
  22. Oh oh, sensing lots and lots of sarcasm here... lol. Man, why do I doubt that you really want to hear my honest opinion on this? Look, obviously I offended you. I'm sorry I did. I realize in your opinion one needs to be at goal weight to be taken really seriously. I can accept that. No problem here, hon. *plonk*
  23. There is "advice" and "medical advice", e. g. there is a big difference between giving out medical advice how to probably resolve leg swelling (that could be caused by various conditions) and advice how to adhere to a certain kind of eating or exercise plan.
  24. This is not a matter of "n00bs" against "vets". I would still like to know what exactly is considered vet wisdom on this board. First surgery was March 2001 (see my signature). I'm over 15 years out in the end with all ups and downs, so beg your pardon that I'm not automatically considering someone who is only 12 months out a veteran. I've seen quite a few people reaching "goal" and I've seen quite a few of them regain a good portion or all of the weight later on. Do users lose vet status once they regain a few pounds and are no longer at goal weight? I've also seen a lot of arrogance around various boards during the years, only to watch people fall from grace later on. I'm talking about 5 years out or more here. I also disagree with having to be at goal weight to be considered a "veteran". Not only people at goal weight have valuable insights to offer. You can learn a lot of things from people who are not as successful as someone who reached "goal weight". Of course you won't see much "non-successful vets" posting out there - they're feeling too much like failures and they're ashamed of it. Not me. I never considered these things not being supportive. I only doubt the "wisdom" in advice like "follow your program". The wisdom starts where the common sense ("follow your program") stops working.
  25. This. A "follow your program" doesn't require (or isn't) any "vet wisdom". I'm not sure what is regarded as "vet wisdom"on here, but IMO "follow your program" or "talk to your NUT" or "you need to change your relationship with food" isn't valuable vet advice. That's only common sense. I also think of it as strange that people who're only 12 months out are already regarded as vets. Advice from vets is necessary when your individual program doesn't get you the spectacular results you were hoping for or when you're severely struggling with following your program down the road. Advice doesn't have to be anything fancy, it can be as simple as pointing out the title of a book that helped someone get their cravings under control.

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