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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    Pissed Off and Rebelling

    Glad you had a good laugh...
  2. Banned? Ok... it doesn't show her as banned and this thread is about 4 weeks old only.
  3. IMO that's jumping to conclusions. Yes, it might be the case but sleeve is known for causing severe GERD in a lot of people.
  4. Wow, that's an over-generalizing thing to say... I understand that surgical complications can be serious but so can side effects of diabetes etc. - and no, it's not always "easier to control these issues".
  5. summerset

    Sites not loading

    After I hit "refresh" the page looks normal again.
  6. summerset

    Sites not loading

    Ok, the cookie thing didn't work. No change. This is what the page looks like then.
  7. summerset

    Sites not loading

    I never tried another browser. I'll try the cookie thing.
  8. summerset

    Sites not loading

    Oh, it's every thread with more than one page so you can choose. (Here is one example though.) I'm using Safari 10.0.2 on Sierra 10.12.2. It only happens when I'm reading one page of the thread and then use the little page numbers on the bottom of the page. When I'm browsing directly to a certain page, the page is loading just fine.
  9. summerset

    Pissed Off and Rebelling

    I never could relate to this either, so I understand. When I look at elective cardiac bypass surgery or PTA in your limbs - there are no six months waiting periods in which you have to prove you've tried radically changing your nutrition, stopped smoking and exercised regularly (at least not in the country I live in). No, because they think us fatties are too dumb and not responsible enough to know about nutrition and exercise before applying for surgery. --- While I agree that surgery should be taken seriously I'm not sure how anyone can learn something new regarding nutrition, exercise and coping mechanisms when surgery is supposed to be the last resort. Last resort means (at least it's the way I understand it): you have tried anything else and this includes the stuff they're going to tell you during these six months! If you can learn something new about nutrition, exercise and coping mechanisms during this waiting period: well, you didn't try everything else before applying for surgery... If these six months about "being prepared for surgery" - I guess a few evenings of information how things will be after surgery should be enough to take care of this.
  10. With patience. --- You're 6 weeks out and 12 kg down - where is the problem?
  11. summerset

    When did your head hunger stop?

    Never so far? Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones without cravings but I wouldn't bet on it. You have to learn to deal with head hunger.
  12. It doesn't matter what works best for other people or the majority of people. The only thing that counts in the long run is: what is best for you to reach maximum weight loss and maintenance. You will have to experiment, no way around it. If you're lucky your first shot hits perfectly but maybe you will have to try different styles of eating/nutrition. A lot of people on this board eat low carb (or low carb/low calorie or low carb/low fat/low calorie) and a lot of nutritionists seem to favor this style these days so my bet is that you will try one of these low carb approaches as your first shot. If you're lucky, it will be your thing. If not, try not to feel like "a failure".
  13. JC, take that polish off, don't wear make up and get out your piercings! You're having surgery. What does it even matter what your nails look like? Get those nails done once you're at home again!
  14. summerset

    Tuna in puree stage?

    I was. You just have to puree it.
  15. summerset

    Physiological Changes After WLS

    I'd like to know as well (or maybe rather not?) - I think I've reached that point, stalling for several weeks now. No tendency to gain but also not losing. However, I'm still not back to my usual physical activity. First the prolonged shoulder problems (still bothering me) and just a few days after I started running again and biking to work again since the streets are no longer slippery because of low temperatures I lie more or less flat on my back with a cold. I only need a few kg more to reach normal weight so I'm not really sweating it but I guess a lot of people on here know what I mean: we want these last 5 or 6 kg! (even though the surgeons are already raving about us being successful)
  16. summerset

    Physiological Changes After WLS

    Very interesting, thank you. I'm a revision from band to MGB because of reflux issues and a migrating band and I have to say it is very different now! Wish I had done this way, way, WAY sooner! (I was afraid of having surgery again. Should have done it sooner but it's always easy to say that after everything went ok.) I wonder how it will feel after being 2, 3, 7 years out. Definitely worth a quote.
  17. That's really cool! Seems to be that revisions can be successful when it comes to weight loss.
  18. summerset

    Can we drink out of straws?

    Check out this video on some popular WLS myths.
  19. Sounds like reflux issues. You might want to discuss it with your surgeon.
  20. summerset

    Protein bars over shakes?

    I had a tendency to dump on the protein shakes (MGB) so I switched to bars as soon as possible. I like Clif bars best, the No Cow low carb bars or Vega though Clif bars are my favorite. The protein brownies or cookies myprotein sells are also ok. As for the nutritional profile it depends on how strict you want to be. Some people agonize over a minuscule amount of carbs, I only watch out for a ratio that guarantees I'm not dumping on my food. As for protein bars are nothing better than candy bars - everyone has their own opinion on this. While IMO protein bars are not the best choices one can make it's still better than munching away on these snickers bars or whatever. I find that especially the Clif bars curb my desire for these kind of chocolate bars.
  21. summerset

    Will mini bypass cure reflux/GERD?

    MGB or RNY can cure your reflux - or not. Mine got way better but it's not cured. I still need PPI. However, I also had a hiatal hernia. I might have one again so I guess I'm going in for diagnostics again soon.
  22. It can still be some swelling. However, scar tissue that has formed is another possibility.
  23. If insurance won't pay for plastics I'm definitely going to consider doing plastics abroad though only if everything seems to be organized well enough (e. g. the hospital being used to foreign patients and staff speaking English all the way through, maybe even some German).
  24. summerset

    FAD DIETS after WLS

    This is exactly what I'm talking about. It's the typical vocabulary people use when talking about dieting ("falling of the wagon").

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