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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    Opioid Malabsorption

    Yeah, I know... I don't know how opioids prescriptions are handled in your country. In Germany there are special prescriptions for it and the pharmacies handle them in special ways. In our department the head physician has to go personally to the pharmacy and get the opioids we need. Every time we use an ampule we have to write down the patient's name and date of use into a special book, how many ampules we used and we need to count how many ampules are still there and if all matches. Ampules and book are stored in the poison cabinet only the doctors have a key to.
  2. There is no need to go "keto" or "low carb" after WLS even though many users on this board are eating this way. You need to figure out what works for you. You might want to check out the vegetarian threads on this board.
  3. summerset

    Opioid Malabsorption

    As a physician I wouldn't be surprised at all. As a patient in need of opioids I'd be royally pissed if a colleague accused me of abusing the drug when I have a legitimate need for it. I'm glad I needed opioids only for a very limited amount of time.
  4. summerset

    Opioid Malabsorption

    Interesting. When someone in Germany speaks about the abuse of "C2" they usually mean alcohol.
  5. summerset

    Opioid Malabsorption

    I needed opioids for pain management last fall/winter. First I was put on Targin but I had the feeling that there wasn't that much absorbed. I complained about this and my GP prescribed me Norspan patches and they worked just fine. Maybe patches are an option for you as well?
  6. summerset


    Depends. Our nutritionists told us smooth natural nut butters are fine to mix in during the liquid phase. Lots of good fats and nutrients. The approach of others varies of course. ETA: if you're looking for protein pancake recipes you might want to take a look at bodybuilding websites. They usually have plenty of recipes there.
  7. Apart from metabolic changes: does it really surprise anyone that all hell breaks loose once a person comes out of a highly controlled and motivating environment into "freedom" again after starving and exercising compulsively for months in a row ?
  8. summerset


    Severe anything is bad, that's right. Unfortunately patients are not asked "Do you want mild or severe dumpings or no dumpings at all? Do you want to dump on dairy as well?" As for mild dumping syndromes: by far not every gastric bypass patient gets it so I wouldn't rely on it to reinforce dietary changes.
  9. summerset

    More then 60%

    People who're successful are more prone to continue exposing themselves on the boards. They're also the ones who continue to attend self-help groups IRL and who blog on the web etc. People who're not as successful as they think they should be, tend to be ashamed and stop posting. I can understand that. They're scolded often enough by other users and (this is much, much worse) by their treatment team so they're not seeking help or help soon enough. The really sad thing is that some people who lost tons of weight and BMI points consider themselves as "not successful" because "they only made it into the overweight category" and not to a BMI below 25 or 23 or whatever BMI they consider as the ideal one. As for the studies and statistics: one should always take a look at the so called drop-out rates. Many people are "lost to follow-up" within a few years.
  10. summerset


    Ummm, no. Ask people with severe dumping syndrome - they wouldn't say it's a good thing to have.
  11. I think your chances of getting a revision are not that bad (however, you never know with insurance companies). You might want to contact a WLS surgeon about what your options are. Depending on how much scar tissue you have or what your esophagus looks like, it might be better or safer to opt for a bypass.
  12. There is no "post sleeve diet" or "post WLS diet". It depends on your nutritionist what is recommended and the recommended diets differ a lot.
  13. summerset


    If there is already severe GERD I'd go for the bypass, especially if your surgeon recommends it.
  14. summerset

    6 months in the hospital

    Aside from the OPs story (obviously she's a fraud). These lines rub me a bit the wrong way. Anastomoses are insufficient for a couple of reasons and sleeves leak for a couple of reasons, not only the surgeon messing around or the patient stuffing his face. Regarding the swallow test: there are many hospitals here that don't do these test before discharging patients. They perform the intraoperative leak tests of course. They only do the swallow tests when they have reason to believe there might be a leak or insufficient anastomosis. However, patients are often routinely discharged on the 5th p.o. day and not the day after surgery and only if they feel fine and can drink a reasonable amount of liquids and labs are ok (e. g. no parameters that show inflammation).
  15. Dr. Rutledge loaded up a video bout bile reflux only recently. Here he talks about the MGB/Omega Loop:
  16. It's very hard to give advice on this. I usually would say "wait and see" but that's obviously not an option. I'd second the opinion of VSGnewguy. How good are you at maintaining weight? How old are you? How high is your BMI? How is your overall health condition?
  17. And I think there people are very tactful. I don't comment on the weight loss of other people as well. After all, it could be unintentional weight loss. Illness? The loss of a loved one?
  18. Jenopolis, I think you're the lucky one because people are not commenting. I always hated the comments and are always glad when people didn't comment.
  19. summerset

    Never ending Gas Pain

    My surgery is now one week old - don't know if it's wishful thinking but this pressure seems to be getting a bit less... Interestingly enough I can burp after I had something to drink.
  20. In your poll are only the short term complications listed. I didn't have any of these but I had lots of adhesions that made adhesiolysis necessary recently. Before that I had terrible reflux and a migrating lap band and needed conversion to bypass. So I definitely have complications but not immediate ones.
  21. summerset

    Required weight loss before surgery

    Why does he require weight loss at all when it's obviously necessary to remove the band? Did you ask him?
  22. summerset

    Never ending Gas Pain

    I'm on my 6th post-op day as well after laparoscopic adhesiolysis. I didn't have any shoulder pain at all this time (it was my fourth laparoscopy) but this pressure like you need to burp and can't is driving me nuts. I can eat and drink just fine but the air doesn't want to come out as it should (neither way so to say ). Giving this time another few days. If it's not gone on the tenth day post-op I'm going to call the hospital again if there might be something wrong. My GP said today it should be gone at the tenth day at the latest. I've read that there can be problems for up to two weeks and even longer. Blah. I'm a bit nervous and anxious about this because I already had three laparscopies and except some shoulder pain never a problem like this.
  23. summerset

    Reflux issues post op

    Were you converted from lap band to sleeve even though you already had reflux issues?
  24. Every abdominal surgery can cause it (e. g. appendectomy, cholecystectomy). I needed adhesiolysis recently.
  25. summerset

    Plant Based Diet

    "What the health" is controversial - even in the hard core vegan community. There are several threads about veg/vegan eating on this board. You might want to check these out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
