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Tommy Joe

Pre Op
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Everything posted by Tommy Joe

  1. I'm 6 months post mini gastric bypass. I'm at my goal weight. I have been miserable with gas and painful bloating ever since I went on solid food. Everything seems to trigger it. I'm constantly uncomfortably bloated and the gas is horrendous. It's ruined the joy of my weight loss. I'm eating or trying to eat a paleo diet. I eat small portions, fist size or lower. I chew chew chew. What can I do? I'm seriously considering giving up all solid foods. My fiber and protein intake is huge. Does this ever end?
  2. Tommy Joe

    Horrible Gas and Bloating

    Airstream 88 no i have not. Going to see my PCP this coming week I will definitely bring it up
  3. Hi I have scheduled a gastric sleeve surgery for June 27 through Bariatric Pal Mexico. I have had terrible problems with acid reflux, and currently take double dosages of pantoprazole which works most of the time. After reading on here about reflux just curious if a sleeve helps it or does RNY help better? I'm 5'9 and 245 pds Thanks in advance! Tom
  4. I'm Group Health but had my surgery in Mexico on June 27. Mini bypass. Excellent experience and one fifth the cost of full pay here! Love my new life down 53 pounds in 8 weeks.
  5. I'm 8 days post op. Since coming home I've had some big issues with gurgling and very runny stools. It's about once a day that a session begins about 4 hours after I've had my Protein shake. I will be gurgling and volcanic for about an hour. Take immodium. Drink Water then be fine until 4 hours after my Bariatric Pal shake or Soup. I've had loose stools all my life. Is this ok at this point? I'm taking Probiotics and Vitamins from Bariatric Pal. I don't take any lactose products. Tips or recommendations? Tom
  6. Tommy Joe

    My Gurgle Gurgle

    Yes my surgeon IMs me immediately and said its normal im just back on clear broth and clear liquids
  7. Tommy Joe

    My Gurgle Gurgle

    Thanks AC
  8. Tommy Joe

    My Gurgle Gurgle

    Thanks James I'm lactose intolerant already so my shakes are lactose free. No sugar or fats in the diet yet my nutr suggested two days clear liquids to shut it down
  9. I have struggled with acid reflux and IBS for the last thirty some years or more in fact I cannot remember the last time my stomach felt so relaxed. No bloating. No pain. No hunger. And it's Thursday , had mini bypass surgery on Monday here in Tijuana . Some huge differences here in the hospital care. When you ring for a nurse they actually show up. My room was cleaned twice a day. Michael stayed with me in the room. Medications came on the dot. IV changed as soon as it beeped! Doctors are so kind and amazing. It's wonderful here and the men and women here are so gracious. Mexican health care is great with Bariatric Pal. The service was great, the hospital clinic clean. I'm very happy with the results!!! And Roberto Carlos is a real sweetheart as are all the BP Mexico valets! I'm so excited about my new life and the gift of my new life from Dr Illian!
  10. Tommy Joe

    Never Felt Better

    SW 248 Surgery weight 232 One week post op: 224 Feel good. My bypass and I are figuring out what foods are ok, what it will tolerate, and how much . Sipping is my new life instead of gorging!!
  11. The beginning. I asked my PCP about Bariatric surgery about six months ago . Since then been researching and reading. I finally called the Group Health Washington Bariatric center. The nurse was nice but told me it would be two years minimum and that I probably wouldn't qualify . My basic plan doesn't cover it anyway. I'm 57, weigh 250 pounds, 5' 9". I've been up and down with weight my whole life. Done Medifast twice, weight watchers three times, nutrisystem and HMR. All worked until I reached goal and then stopped and went back to my previous ways. Then boom fat again. Been this way forever. I need a drastic change. I'm ready. All my life I have wanted to be a thin man again as I was as a child. I have dreamed of wearing black pants and white shirts with a skinny tie like all the men wore in the 60s. I want to be that confident healthy happy man. I'm going to do it for myself by myself with the love of my husband supporting me. Many doctors I have found today don't seem to care about helping alleviate pain, if you are fat they always think that's the reason and they are right. But condescension and Tylenol don't take the pain away. I'm done with them and tired of waiting in line for months only to find it's really all on me. So I'm taking my life in my own hands. I know this surgery is not a panacea and I will have to change my relationship with food, stick up for myself more and not take crap from others as much. Anyway, I'm beginning. Haven't heard anything since my call last week but I'm guaranteed the date. Every change begins with one step. I'm doing this. Tom
  12. Today is the day waiting in Seattle to board the plane to San Diego. Really tired and ready to sleep all the way there.
  13. I'm returning July 2 from Mexico but would love to join up if a meeting works
  14. I'm on day 10 of my all liquid pre op 1000 calories and I'm so exhausted at the end of the day after school I almost can't drive home...anything I can do? We only have two days left!!
  15. Tommy Joe

    Exhausted on Pre Op Diet

    Thanks Teresa in Texas yes it is the downhill slope right now
  16. Tommy Joe

    Exhausted on Pre Op Diet

    It's been pretty good I have wonderful support from my admin and students who are pretty amazing but I'm ready to be done
  17. Tommy Joe

    Exhausted on Pre Op Diet

    Thanks Daniel! I have some G2 and will get some Propel too
  18. Tommy Joe

    Exhausted on Pre Op Diet

    All liquids very low carbs . I mostly have shakes. I'm going to purée some Campbell soup tonight for a bit of a feast lol. I'm also off all caffeine . Teaching is very draining too
  19. So I'm a proactive fellow. I'm putting together supplies for after surgery. I'm shopping at the Bariatric Pal store. I'm having the mini bypass on June 27. What should I order? What kind of Vitamins? Protein shakes I have the fusion French vanilla which is awesome! What else? Other items? Thanks in advance! Tom
  20. Tommy Joe

    Who the hell do you think you are?

    Let's face it we are a threat to our culture that makes millions out of people gorging on fast food , paying ridiculous amounts for the latest diet breakthrough, and they count on people failing cause then they get to buy a new miracle diet. My obese friends are worried and I appreciate that very much but I'm going to do this. I'm also going to start standing up for myself and to others as well. Don't expect much support except from us here, if we stay grossly obese and unhappy then think of the money we will spend, the system is set up to make money off of the unhappy people who need a new diet, or a shiny Lexus with a red ribbon, or if someone really loves you they will buy a diamond the size of Rhode Island from Jared Jewelers. We are going against the tide, let's join hands and plow ahead!!
  21. Tommy Joe

    Who the hell do you think you are?

    Exactly on point. Some 40 miles of biking a day hippie pot smoking art teacher told me the same. Just go to the gym. Lift weights. Yes that would be so fun to haul my fat a$$ in front of a bunch of narcissistic men who worship what's in the mirror. Ignore stupid people who know nothing about obesity, genetics, or kindness. We will prove them all wrong!!!!!!
  22. Tommy Joe

    June Surgery

    Yes take care of yourself
  23. How much for tipping total, who to tip and how much ? My husband does not like to tip so I want to be prepared
  24. Tommy Joe

    Food funerals

    Yes my brain is driving me crazy !

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
