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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ladytuscanny

  1. ladytuscanny

    Protein cravings

    There are more souces of protein out there! I'm allergic to all milk products. I have to be creative in finding other proteins. Light soy milk had 9 grams of protein per 8oz. Legumes such as lentils, beans ect, another source of protein. Nuts like walnuts low in fat high in protein. Salmon, tuna, tofu. Tofu has no flavor but comes in excellent textures and can be made into great tasting high protein meals. I still have problems getting in enough protein too, but am learning to think outside the box.
  2. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    The surgeon prescribed cyanocobalamin 1,000mcg inject monthly. The pcp gave me Nascobal nasal spay 1 spray one nostril 1x a week. It is cyanocobalamin 500mcg a week. From what I have read the FLD makes us very tired and the B12 helps with energy. By the time I'm ready for the next shot I can't walk across the house. I've started using the spay this week. I was feeling like a toy that needed to be cracked up. I took the spray and in about an hours I felt better againl. The gastoenterologist that she is sending me to is supposed to be very open minded. I'm hoping that he can tell me about a diet that is good for FLD. My insulin level was higher than its been, but my cholesterol was good. It seems the only way i'm getting myself to lose the weight is to have Protein shakes or bars for Breakfast and lunch and one meal for dinner. At least with the smaller stomach i'm not ready/can't eat everything in sight.
  3. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    I haven't seen this topic on the forum. Does anyone have to take b12 shots monthly in addition to the Vitamins that they take? I have to take B complex 3x a day, 2 Calcium citrate a day, and 2 multi Vitamin a day, plus a B12 shot 1x a month. When it is time for my shot i'm so tired I can't get up. 12 hours after the shot i'm fine. So far I was able to get the surgeon office to give it to me. I'm a wimp when it comes to given myself needles. I've given my dad his insulin, but I don't have the nerve to give it to myself. I asked my primary care if she would do it, and she said yes. When it was time she made me go for a blood test and sent for records from the surgeons office. In the mean time I couldn't walk across the house without being wiped out. Finally I asked my friend who is a vet tech and has been giving intra muscular shots for ever to give it to me yesterday. Today i'm back to myself. Does anyone else have this problem?
  4. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    I went back to my pcp today for more information on the "Fatty Liver Disease" that I have. We talked along time. The B12 shots are for the fatty liver disease. She is also sending me to a gastroenterologist for more treatment of the disease.
  5. ladytuscanny

    Insulin Resistance

    Before the surgery I had a blood test that found I am allergic to milk, whey, lamb, chicken eggs and corn. That leaves me very little to eat out of a grocery store. Even though I didn't turn up a gluten allergy she thinks that I may have that as well. That doesn't leave me much to eat in the traditional american cuisuine. I'm going to start incorporating legumes into my diet. Lentis come to mind. I can pick up all kinds at the local indian market by my house. I've also started to eat more fish. Not my favorite thing! Since I have the fatty liver disease starchy veggies are a no no as well as white rice, pasta and even brown rice. Thank goodness i like soy or I would really be in trouble.:thumbup:
  6. ladytuscanny

    Insulin Resistance

    Initially I lost 17 pounds after surgery and gained back 3 and stayed there. I've become frustrated and started thinking about what was said to me before surgery. I had the beginings of "syndrom X" metobolic disorder or insulin resistance. Reducing my food intake isn't going to help my body lose weight. I've been doing some research this morning and found some information here is the link to a sample diet... Insulin Resistance Diet Does anyone else have this problem? Fran
  7. ladytuscanny

    Insulin Resistance

    I'll be seeing my pcp today. During the surgery I had a liver biopsy done and it came back that I had "Fatty liver disease". The research that I have been doing states that fatty liver disease can be reversed with diet, excercise and sometimes glucophage. BTW the "FLD" is also accompanied by insulin resistance. I want to make the weight come off, but if my body is have trouble metabolizing what I eat, then I need some more help. I'm not sure what she will say today. I can't imagine myself eating nothing but protein shakes, bars and celery for the rest of my life.
  8. ladytuscanny

    January 2008 Bandsters

    I've read this thread and see that yes, for the most part we must drink our protein to loose weight. I thought I was the only one.
  9. ladytuscanny

    Insulin Resistance

    Today the only solid food I had was celery with tofu dip. The rest was Protein drinks and Protein Bars. Breakfast 1 Protein shake 34g protein 300 calories. Snack 2 stalks celery with toful dip 300 calories lunch coffee black 1 20g protein 280 calories snack spicy nut tead and 20g protein 280 calories. Total of 860 calories. Guess that solid food for me is a no no. The scale moved 3 pounds. Go figure.:biggrin:
  10. ladytuscanny

    Insulin Resistance

    I had a protein shake instead of special k protein cereal and I wasn't starving, hungry yes, but not starving. I called my pcp and she said I had to make another appointment. I was just there Monday. :thumbup:
  11. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    I finally saw my regular doctor yesterday and she said that my B12 levels were fine, but if the surgeon thinks I need to have them, then she doesn't have a problem with it. She presribed an inhalable B12 that I take 1x a week instead of the shot. I hope that works. The shots hurt.
  12. ladytuscanny

    Officially Discouraged!!!

    I'm feeling the same too. I had one fill and it wasn't much, i think it was 1.5. I did feel restriction for awhile and I am eating much less than I was before. The pounds are coming off as quickly as I want them to, in fact it looks as if I gained 5 pounds this weekend. I keep questioning myself if I should have had gastric by pass instead.
  13. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    Thats what happens to me. The surgeon even suggested to take the shot every two weeks instead of every four. I'm calling the primary tomorrow to make an appointment.
  14. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    no he didn't, not that I remember. I'm sure my primary will, she has all the records and results of the blood work I just had done. Now all I have to do is make an appointment and go.
  15. ladytuscanny

    B12 shots

    HMMM, why you and not her? I've tried to look up the reason for the shot after surgery but can't find an answer. I've figured it out that I need it for energy. Anyone else?
  16. ladytuscanny

    UPDATE Jan 08 Bandsters

    I believe the band is doing what it is supposed to do. I'm not hungry anymore. However, since i'm not hungry, i've started to track my intake of food to make sure that i'm getting 1200 calories a day plus the 80 grams of Protein that i've been told to eat. How does everyone else get their protein? Fran
  17. ladytuscanny

    UPDATE Jan 08 Bandsters

    I've started losing 1.5 a week after not losing anything for almost a month. I've also added exercise and measuring my food to make sure I eat enough. I haven't been hungry, FINALLY!!!
  18. ladytuscanny

    Anyone Gaining or Staying the Same?

    I'm glad that i'm not the only one!!!!
  19. ladytuscanny

    Anyone Gaining or Staying the Same?

    I thought is was supposed to stay in the pouch in make me feel full too!!
  20. ladytuscanny

    Anyone Gaining or Staying the Same?

    Juat wanted to update: went to Weight Watchers tonight and I lost 1.2lbs. Go figure:rolleyes:
  21. I'm going through the same thing!!!



  22. ladytuscanny

    Anyone Gaining or Staying the Same?

    I'm so glad that I came today. I too am experiencing the same problems. I'm hungry all the time even though I eat until I'm satified I'm hungry in two hours. I'm so discusted with myself and had begun the think I made the wrong choice in surgeries. I started to really think what I did when I first came home from the surgery when my biggest weight loss happened. I was hungry most of the time to the point of no longer watching tv because it made me cry. The only difference being is that I could take a pain killer and sleep through most of the hunger problems. Now comes the most difficult task. Coping with the not eating. I walked the dogs today and drank liquid protein after lunch when I was hungry then had an apple and protein bar at 4:30pm. This is not easy, and I knew it wouldn't be. I need a partner or partners to help me through this. Anyone live in Brandon Florida? Fran
  23. ladytuscanny

    sleep study..so bummed

    I have sleep apnea and use a cpap machine. It should be approved with out a problem Sleep apnea can cause severe illnesses like stroke or heart attack. When I first started using the machine I saw the difference right away. I wasn't falling asleep in the middle of the day anymore. Good Luck!
  24. I've been so weak since the surgery, I can't even do Water areobics I get dizzy. I tried tai chi, worked up a small sweat and enjoyed the class!! Tomorrow is supposed to be my first fill. I hope so, i'm so hungry and I don't feel any restriction anymore. Here's hoping!!!
  25. ladytuscanny


    I started a new job today and am having to run to the bathroom several times a from gas (sorry this is gross). I told them I had lap band and have to go to the bathroom often. I eat high Protein and it gives me gas!!!!!!! I stay away from milk products and eat soy bars, soy milk and yogurt. Does anyone have this problem?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
