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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by xxnocorexx

  1. xxnocorexx

    Can I start over ???

    I'm in the same boat i am 4 months post op, i love 15 lbs the first 2 weeks and after that i yo-yo'ed for the next 2 months despite eating right. so, now I'm doing weight watchers, I considered going back in to surgery and getting bypass, but I need to be good and do it myself. Carbs are the worst enemy I have ever had. SoI'm going to try the pouch test as well to see how it goes....thanks girls.
  2. My surgery is on Wednesday. I'm really excited about it, nervous too. I have been reading these " Lapband didn't work for me" posts and those scare me, I mean granted I truly believe that if you follow the diet and you have discipline in nutrition/exercise it will work. This is a big step for me, I'm looking forward to not having to worry about future health problems and being able to go shopping!!! Although I'm already sick of my protein shakes, and it's really too hot to be working out...I'm doing it. I'm also looking forward to using this board more and more as I progress...so...I'll let you all know how it goes!
  3. Ok...Maybe it's just me...GAS IS THE DEVIL. I attribute most of my pain to that little devil, but I've been taking Gas-X and it's working. I have been waking up anywhere from 4-6 am needing a back rub. I'm finding it hard to drink enough Water, and I'm ready to eat! lol I'm sick of all the mushy foods I want to CHEW SOMETHING. I'm not puking or anything like that thank god and I'm able to eat smooth textures not just liquid. My hunger hasn't gone away in my head, but it deiniftely has in my stomach. I feel very optimistic about this, despite all the horror stories on here. Did anyone else have alot of gas? Is it normal? And also this is kind of gross I guess but I haven't gone #2 in 2 days een though I've been eating...what to do? I'm kinda of worried that once my system catches up its going to be a horrible time on the toilet....What do you guys think? Well, I'm getting up on my own now, I slept on my side for a bit this morning and I see myself getting better day by day and I can't wait to start working out. One suggestion I also received for those who are frustrated with the eating...So weight watchers on top of having your band. My fiance and I are planning on soing it just because it does teach you how to eat properly and you would see results with that even without the band...I don't know we'll see what happens. Thanks anyone who replies!
  4. xxnocorexx

    5 more days! EEK! I'm excited

    ok 6 day post op and I'm going to buy a scale today to see how much I've lost already. I can't drive until my post-op which sucks, but everything is good. I'm keeping the gas under control with Gas-X I suggest you guys buy some you WILL need it. I'm ready to actually eat something! I'm just eager to get on my way to being healthy. I'm going to do weight watchers with my band. I'm really excited about it all. The first night at home was the worst, but day by day I get better. Hope everyone else is doing well!
  5. xxnocorexx

    5 days Post-Op!

    GIRLS!!!! I know how you all feel as far as the diareah goes, I had it to for 4 days (even though I wasnt consuming anything) then I didn't poop for 2 days, but yesterday after I posted I pooped, it was gross. lol My gas occurs if I eat or frink anything...water gives me gas, and yes the need to burp and nothing coming out is what I have and when it does come out its painful. if drinking 3/4 a cup makes you sick, don't drink that much. my dr. says drink your Protein for an hour...you dont have to drink it all, sip it slowly, wait and hour then drink your Water for an hour...do this off an on all day. I'm trying to figure out how to get enough calories and protein in. I'm struggling with that. AND!!! how are you ladies working already?! I can't even drive until after my post-op! and I was told it will take like 3 weeks.... I'm currently looking for a job which sucks, I work for a temp agency and I'm not gonna be able to go back until I'm completely healed. If you are at work and sick, maybe you need to take some more time off? You don't want to over do it and end up back in the hospital. How is everyone sleeping? I can't sleep flat on my back of my side. I have a wedge pillow that was provided to me by my grandmother. I have to sit in an almost upright position. It feels like my incisions are pulling if I don't.... I'm trying to start a video blog on your tube to document everything...so once I get it up I'll share the link. Good luck you guys! I'm glad we all have eachother for support, my finace likes to eat hot dogs in front of me....
  6. xxnocorexx

    realize band vs lap band

    I didn't get a choice. I went in thinking I was getting the Lap-Band and came out with Realize Band paper work... All in all the band is a tool. how you use it is your decision. Triangle or circle I think it all bolis down to how you eat.
  7. You should wait a year. That's what I have always heard and was told by my doctor. The reason for this is because A) your body is going through enough changes with the band, let alone adding the changes a pregnancy would bring. :embaressed_smile: if you are losing weigh to get pregnant wouldn't you want to lose a good amount before concieving so that you could and have a healthy pregnancy? and C) Eating with the band is different, you need to make sure you body is well adjusted to the lifestyle change so that you and baby will be healthy and well nourished...Talk to your doctor he/she could have something different to say.
  8. xxnocorexx

    Does Anyone Drink Almond Breeze?

    I have tried it, I was a vegetarian prior to my lap-band adventure...It's ok. I thought it was too sweet and I do have an allergy to tree nuts so it made my mouth numb, I prefer the Silk brand Soy Milk. If you're lactose intolerant, the lactaid milk is a good substitute also that has a decent amount of protein in it...
  9. xxnocorexx

    Lap Band Proved Poor Tool 4 Me

    I'm also sorry to hear you are having such trouble...have you talked to your dr. about the healthy foods you are unable to eat? You are obviously in stage 3 eating, but are you taking amll bites and still chewing them to almost liquid? From what I understand you should be on a diabetic diet and avoid sugars and things high in carbs...Sounds weird...I hope you can figure something out that will make it better for you so that you dont have to get it removed...
  10. xxnocorexx

    2nd X, Open Me Up or Not?

    My surgery is in 5 days and from what I understand they only do open surgery if your liver is in the way or if there are other complications...I wouldn't choose to do open surgery because of the down time...the less down time you have the daster you can start working out to get all sexy and sh*t...just my opinion...
  11. Ok so I just got new insurance with Blue Cross and I want to make sure I go to a primary care physician that supports Lap-Band. Anyone from Californa know of doctors in the network that are all about it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
