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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MizzyP reacted to miranda_perry in More confident about weights   
    So today I had a 30minute class on my legs and I must say the trainer made me feel more at ease about lifting weights. I would not do it because I did not want to gain weight but I understand that weights will tone me and muscle weighs more than fat. So now I have a workout plan in place.
    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
  2. Like
    MizzyP reacted to kmorri in Goal weight with updated picture!   
    So now that I've met my goal I wanted to post an updated picture. My high weight was 252....that picture was taken Easter Sunday 2016.....I had surgery May 16, 2016.....and now 7 months and one week later today Dec 23rd....102 pounds gone forever! I've never been happier!!!

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    MizzyP reacted to rbluford in So Happy I did it   
    12 weeks Post Op lost 36 Pounds!!! Starting weight the day of surgury 182 im now 146..Super Happy!! No Complications my goal weight is 135!
    Sent from my SM-G920P using the BariatricPal App
  4. Like
    MizzyP reacted to rydersmama in Never thought this was possible   
    I had my gastric sleeve done January 11th. I weighed 333.1lbs.
    I'm 10 months post op now and weigh 144.2lbs.
    I've set new goal weights as I've gone along...first was just to get under 200lbs, then I thought I wanted my goal weight to be 180lbs. When I got there, I made the crazy goal of 150lbs never thinking I'd make it....but I did. So then I figured my goal would be 145lbs which puts me at a normal bmi...which I haven't been since I was around 10.
    Now that I weight 144lbs, I've decided my final goal will 133lbs, which will mean I will have lost a total of 200lbs....and I'll do it, I know I can.
    I never thought when I had surgery that weighing in the 130's would even be possible.
    I've gone from wearing sizes 5-6x, and 28-30, now I wear smalls and mediums and am a size 8....I would be around a 6 if it wasn't for the large amount of skin I have around my stomach and thighs....but it's a price I'm more than happy to pay.
    I've been extremely disciplined this whole 10 months. I can honestly say I've never put a bad food in my mouth...not once. I follow a very low carb diet still, drink about 85oz of Water every day and get in around 80oz of Protein. I take all my required Vitamins daily.
    The gym has become a big part of my life. I workout around 5-6 days per week doing a variety of exercising....spin class, step  class, yoga, cardio machines....I like doing different things so I don't get bored.
    Anyway, because I'm so close to goal, I just wanted to share this. And for the people who have a lot of weight to lose like I did....remember, you can do this! I'm living proof!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Like
    MizzyP reacted to JennsJourney in 2/9 Surgery Date Team   
    Hello everyone! Just checking in. I haven't been able to work out for at least 2 months because I had foot surgery and I'm really struggling with my Fluid and Protein. And I hate the Constipation. But I'm taking it day by day!
    I've lost 129 lbs so far with another 26 to go but I feel so much better. I'm down from a 24 jeans to a 10/12! And this week, my family took Christmas card pics for the first time ever! Praise God for this new life.
    Hope you're all doing great. Check in!

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    MizzyP reacted to Fredjuni in Feel very good after a 1 yr and 3 month after my bypass surgery.   
    My husband and myself. I am glad that I have a supportive husband. I used to be 250 lbs. And now I feel so happy.
    God is good!!
    ❤ Fredjuni❤

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    MizzyP reacted to Armygalbonnie in Pre-Surgery Picture   
    Handed out 1400 bags of Halloween candy today, in support of B.A.C.A. - Bikers Against Child Abuse. My husband sent me this picture. I've lost 25 lbs since starting this journey, but I have a long ways to go!!! This is my pre-surgery picture. Surgery on Tuesday. I'll take prayers.

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    MizzyP reacted to SuperDave in Woo hoo, I'm rockin' it.   
    It only gets easier! It is very nice that your husband is being supportive by walking with you. Keep it up, you have got this!
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    MizzyP reacted to northcountyr1 in Woo hoo, I'm rockin' it.   
    Dr said for me to up my walking, so hubby and I are doing 30 minutes straight every day..but Sundays. We're walking about 2 miles in 30 minutes, that's freakin 12 miles a week. I think in jan my Dr will be pleased, I know I will be.
    trixie's line
  10. Like
    MizzyP reacted to blizair09 in Feel like such a failure...   
    The good thing about life is that there is almost always a second chance. Get up, dust yourself off, and get back to the basics and that regained weight will be off before you know it.
    Good luck!
  11. Like
    MizzyP reacted to Sai in Feel like such a failure...   
    Great comments on this thread .
    You're not a failure, a failure would not log in and tell their story, nor would they even try to figure out how to get back on track. They say nothing, and do nothing.
  12. Like
    MizzyP reacted to LipstickLady in Feel like such a failure...   
    First and foremost, I strongly believe in the idea that we are what we think we are, so the negative self talk has GOT to go. You are a successful WLS patient who has fallen off the wagon a bit.
    A failure is someone who quits, refusing to try again. You regained only 20 pounds and you are back. You could have waited until you had regained 40, 60, 100, or 100+ or you could have thrown in the towel all together.
    Go back to your surgeon and see what he/she recommends. Go back to your pre-op diet for a week or two. Go back to liquids for a week or two. Start weighing/measuring/tracking your food and move your ass a little more than normal. You can totally do this.
    You are not a failure until you stop trying. You don't sound like a failure to me at all.
  13. Like
    MizzyP reacted to jess9395 in Eating Out   
    People don't notice what we eat as much as we think they do.
    I order an appetizer or split with my husband or daughter (or my teen son eats his and the rest of mine) or I take home leftovers.
    I'm three years out and still can't eat half a restaurant meal. It's shocking to me now how much food is served.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    MizzyP reacted to LipstickLady in Eating Out   
    I've not told anyone about it and I've not had any problems at all. I'd never dream of talking to a party host or waiter about my surgery -- that's like waving a red flag about something that is no one's business.

    People seriously don't notice what you are eating if you don't make a big deal out of it. If someone were to ask why my portion was smaller than "normal", I simply tell them that I'm really not hungry and change the subject. I generally order from the app menu, or get a side salad. I am really good at the cut and move method from years of dieting, so my hands are busy, even if I am not eating much.

    The less of an issue you make it, the less an issue it will be.
  15. Like
    MizzyP reacted to suzzzzz in Are you ever truly prepared for this?   
    I think getting sleeved is like most everything major in our lives. You don't really know until you experience it. Part of journey in life.
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    MizzyP reacted to Babbs in Are you ever truly prepared for this?   
    For those of us who have kids, it's kind of like that.
    We all have this picture in our minds of these perfectly coiffed children who excel at everything because we were the absolute perfect, patient, lots of time having, healthy dinner cooking, PTA attending parents.
    Then we have them and it's all we can do to get them out the door with their hair brushed clutching a sack lunch consisting of a Lunchable so we can finally get a shower and throw some clothes on to sit in traffic to go to work just to come home and barely have time to cook hot dogs for dinner and have homework done by the time they go to bed.
    Sometimes it's so hard and completely not what we expected, but so worth it in the end
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    MizzyP reacted to LipstickLady in Are you ever truly prepared for this?   
    It's the "easy way out", remember?

    Nope. I don't think anyone can really be fully prepared because everyone's experience is different. Even those who have textbook recoveries can't know the impact of the restriction we feel after having a full capacity stomach. I am not saying that it's not totally easy (or totally hard) for some, but I can't imagine how one could be full AWARE of what exactly is about to happen.
    This is why I am so amused at the pre-op people who give such "stern" or "educated" advice. What they read/heard/researched is NOTHING like the reality they are about to face in many cases, and certainly not in everyone's case.

    I am 3.5 years out. I am successful. I know what to do and what not to do. FOR ME. I am not an expert on anyone BUT ME. And I suck at that at times, too.
  18. Like
    MizzyP reacted to SeahawksFan in It's been 2 Years already   
    The time has gone by so fast. I can't believe I had the sleeve 2 years ago today. I had a lower BMI so I had to pay for it myself using my HSA in the US. I had been a yoyo dieter for years. I always loved to workout and would lose the 50 lbs but then I'd always be hangry and get tired of logging my food etc and eventually gain the weight back. I am so happy I decided to make this lifestyle change. It's not an easy way out. I still eat 5 small meals a day focusing on Protein, drink my Water, take my Vitamins, and workout 6x a week. I weigh myself 2-3x a week and focus on staying within a 3-4 lb range. When it creeps up I cut out the carbs and go back to the basics. This Group has been so Wonderful over the last two years. I have learned so much. The 3 week stall, my favorite Protein Bars, favorite shakes, etc. I also learned that even at 2 years out I make mistakes. Sometimes I will over eat and feel miserable for about an hour or not drink enough Water and get a headache. Don't beat yourself up but also never give up! You will gain confidence and courage. Here's me on my trike before surgery and then this summer rocking 2 wheels.
    If you ever have questions I am happy to help.

  19. Like
    Whey Protein Isolate is a more filtered version of Whey Protein Concentrate. Because of the extra filtration, Isolate has less carbs, so your body will absorb it faster.
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    You will absorb more of the Protein from whey protein isolate than from whey protein concentrate. Also, whey protein isolate is typically digestible for someone with lactose intolerance, while whey protein concentrate is more likely to give the lactose intolerant person digestive problems. So those are a couple of factors to consider. Isolate is more expensive and tends to foam up a lot more if you are blending it yourself.
    Personally, I looked at the numbers and didn't think the difference in absorption between isolate and concentrate was enough to make me particularly care. I used both forms of Protein Powder throughout my weight loss and managed to lose over 200 lbs and get to my goal so using whey concentrate didn't hurt me.
  21. Like
    MizzyP reacted to Babbs in Able to eat almost anything   
    See this? This is what the staple line of your stomach looks like. If one of those ruptures or comes loose, you will have your stomach contents leaking into your abdominal cavity, causing possible sepsis. Your stomach's nerves have been cut and stapled, so the feeling isn't as sharp as it should be. Post op diet requirements aren't 'suggestions' like Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. It's a prescription so you heal properly and don't hurt yourself. It has nothing to do with weight loss early out.
    Follow your surgeons orders from here on out, please.

  22. Like
    MizzyP reacted to bellasmommy99 in Had to do a double take.   
    The other day we did a read aloud at our fall festival tons of pics were taken and ended up on Facebook. I passed over this pic twice before realizing that it was me. I feel so much better. I am 2 lbs from Onderland!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Like
    MizzyP reacted to LipstickLady in Fried chicken   
    So let me get all this straight. You ate a piece of FRIED chicken at eight weeks out and thought it was important enough of an event to post it. And not on your FB or your Insta, but on a WLS support board where many (most?) of us are here to support a healthier life style and encourage excellent choices pre op and absolutely during the healing/losing stages post op.
    FRIED chicken made you vomit, people shared similar stories and gave you extremely valid advice to avoid FRIED, CARBY, FATTY foods like FRIED chicken (that YOU posted/ate/vomited for no clear reason at EIGHT WEEKS post op) and YOU are calling everyone else an "assh0le" and a "troll"!?!?!
    Are you even reading what you're writing?
    And wait. You decided to alter your body physically and permanently when really, you did not have real weight loss issues or co-morbidities in the first place?
    AHHHHHHHHH!!! Yes. It all makes TOTAL sense.
  24. Like
    MizzyP reacted to sc101071 in Fried chicken   
    Soak the chicken for an hour in salty Water and it will draw in moisture that will stay after cooking.
  25. Like
    MizzyP reacted to LisaMergs in Fried chicken   
    Hold on. I eat fried / Broasted chicken. But...
    I remove the skin/breading before consuming. It is very tender cooked this way. Just need to remember to eat only the Protein. Not the carbs and grease peeps.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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