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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by liannatx

  1. 6 months! Fabulous results, you look fantastic.
  2. I agree. The ultra low-carb pre-op diets will drop weight fast, even if some of it is Water weight. 3 Protein drinks and tons of water. Since this isn't actually your surgery preop liquid diet you could probably add in dinner if you kept it no/low carb. Some chicken/fish with broccoli or green Beans doesn't add too many calories will keep you in ketosis for that rapid loss.
  3. I weighed 6 lbs heavier 3 days post op!!! I was still full of IV fluids. Let this first week be focused on rest and getting fluids so your body can recover from the surgery. The weight loss will happen. After 3 days I was able to get in enough fluids to stop retaining that Water and proceeded to drop about 10 lbs over the next 2 weeks. It wont happen overnight, but it will happen...
  4. Glad you are back home and feeling somewhat better. For me, every single day was SO much better than the day before. I hope it is smooth sailing for you from here on.
  5. liannatx

    Dear Starvation mode,

    @Babbs Love it! I am just about 3 weeks and expect the scale to stop moving any day now.
  6. I only had problems getting my fluids in for the first 3 days. Since then I have easily got 64 oz or more daily. Ice Water, hot tea, Protein drinks, etc... all go down easily.
  7. liannatx

    Swimsuit online? Where?

    @@BLERDgirl Thank you so much for this! I just did a quick scan of the ones at Lane Bryant and they have some cute stuff. I am always in dire need of really good support up top.... and I love Cacique bras. I am liking the "Illusion side swim tank" at Lane Bryant.
  8. liannatx

    Can loose skin be cute?

    That dog is adorable!
  9. liannatx

    1 week + 1 day post op

    Glad you are feeling so good! I also had an easy recovery and am very thankful for it!
  10. Try almond milk or soy milk. I personally just make mine with Water and have gotten used to the taste that way.
  11. liannatx

    Second surgery!?!?

    I had surgery on a Monday, didn't have a BM until Friday and then had diarrhea all the rest of the day. Everything leveled out after that.
  12. liannatx

    1500 cal diet pre surgery

    It is a mind game, because you have limits on what you can and cant have! Be thankful you aren't on one of the harsher stricter pre-op diets. Mine was 3 Protein drinks and liquids. I averaged 500-600 calories a day. Enjoy making the best healthy meals that you can on what you allowed, and know that these next 4 days will soon be over!
  13. liannatx

    Amazed at the damage the lap did...

    Did you gain any weight during that four months and how did you feel after the sleeve surgery? @@Liz W I started having problems with my band around 2008 and had a total unfill, followed by a cycle of small fill/unfill episodes, and was never again able to tolerate any fill after the original unfill. I gave up on trying to have the band function for me. I think I was back up to 170 lbs on my last unfill in 2009 and had an empty band since then. Over the past 5-6 years it has been a slow steady gain right back up to my Pre-Lapband weight of 225.... plus an extra 20lbs to add insult to injury, lol. So my regain was not really in the period between Band removal and Sleeve. To answer your actual question, Not really. I gained about 5 lbs in the 5 months between band removal and Sleeve surgery.
  14. liannatx

    Surgery 3-16-15 an starving

    I wasn't taking anything before surgery, but my surgeon put me on PPIs post op. Call and ask about this, but it seems like if you needed them before you still might.
  15. You look great! Thanks for posting these. Progress pics are so inspiring for me.
  16. Fabulous! I joined in 05 when it was LapBandTalk, and now it is my go-to help line for VSG!
  17. liannatx

    Amazed at the damage the lap did...

    @@sleeveee I was also devastated when I came out of surgery and he hadn't done a revision. He told me it was a 50/50 chance he wouldn't be able to do the revision in one surgery, due to me having the band for so long... he anticipated scarring, but couldn't predict the extent. I was so hopeful that it was still crushing. Like you had I also had a mess of stuff going on in there. My surgeon said he had "excavate through the scar tissue and follow the port tubing" to locate the port. Adhesions on the liver, scar tissue build up inside my stomach where the band was, etc... Scary. However, when I went 5 months later he was able to do the sleeve with no problems! In and out in 1 hour. I found the recovery from this very easy. The first 2-3 days after Sleeve surgery were bad, but it was all smooth from there out... Had the sleeve done on a Monday and went back to work the following Monday. Just know that your surgery date will be here before you know it, and this will all be in the rearview mirror!
  18. I am counting!!! I have 2 weeks off and then have to teach summer school though
  19. liannatx

    Neck Toning?

    @@CanyonBaby I will look for it on my next trip to Walmart! I might as well start slathering down any areas that I think will need some help as this weight comes off. It cant hurt to have supple moisturized excess skin
  20. I had surgery on Monday and returned to work the following Monday. I had a pretty easy recovery, sore and tired but no pain after the 3rd day. I was tired at the end of the day the first week back, but I think getting back to work helped me feel better faster.
  21. I haven't really noticed that. I had mine done in Mexico. I had one week of liquids only with 3 Protein drinks.
  22. liannatx

    I cheated

    It really does suck, I hated it too, but if you drink all your Protein drinks and plenty of fluids from here until surgery you will be glad you did. Your surgeon needs your liver to shrink, and also deplete the glycogen, so he will have more room to maneuver during surgery, and it might make your recovery easier. The jumpstart on the weight loss from the liquid diet is probably the only nice thing about it, lol.
  23. Nothing day 1, ice chips day 2. food progression started day 3. week 1- clear liquids week 2- full liquids week 3- full liquids week 4- soft/purees week 5 start trying solids beginning with chicken (thigh), seafood, ground turkey, veggies, etc... I am so sick of liquids.... I am beyond ready to have some refried Beans, tuna salad, or mock baked potato (aka cauliflower casserole)
  24. liannatx

    Neck Toning?

    @@CanyonBaby I love the CeraVe PM too. It has hyaluronic acid, niacinamides, and ceramides which are supposed to be great for plumping, retaining moisture, and anti-aging. I use it on my the back of my hands. I like Coconut oil too. I want to try the Bio Oil. I cant seem to keep enough moisture in my hands... they are my problem area right now from sun damage and age.
  25. When I had lapband I didn't tell anyone at work, and almost no family or friends. I said I had "routine female stuff, nothing life threatening" and left it at that. It does create a snowball of lies. I said that the gas and anesthesia left some lingering nausea and that I had dropped 10 lbs recovering. After dropping 20-30 lbs I said that losing that 10 spurred me to try to drop some more. Tangled web stuff... Shortly after I just fessed up and told everyone that I had LabBand surgery. I told my closer friends and co-workers that I it was such a personal difficult decision, that I was afraid of failure, of being under a microscope, of being judged.... Everyone seemed to understand. Of course, by 30-40 lbs down all those initial fears were a thing of the past! I totally understand if you want to keep this a personal decision and journey.... for a while or for always. If you do, I would go with the hiatal hernia surgery. P.S. For my revision I told EVERYONE. I was put on a prayer list at work for my surgery day, and got many supporting texts while I was recovering. The encouragement has been very uplifting.

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