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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About TiffanyLM

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    Advanced Member

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  1. TiffanyLM


    I was wondering if the bmi I started with or the one I'm at will be used when information is submitted to my insurance. Anyone know?
  2. I would love to have some advice from some one who has already had surgery. Someone who I could talk to on a daily basis maybe? Not many people in my family know that I'm having surgery so it be fantastic to have someone to talk to about to it often . It may seem weird but I just hate keeping this to myself.
  3. TiffanyLM

    Will insurance deny me for this?

    I just contacted my doctor she told me I will NOT be denied for losing weight during my 6 month diet . She said I was doing great.
  4. TiffanyLM

    In need of a Surgery buddy.May/June

    Oh my goodness I went to the cardiologist yesterday too lol!!
  5. I've been on a 6 month supervised diet I'm on the 3rd month now and have lost 20 lbs and was told insurance would deny me for losing a lot of weight before the surgery. Is this true?
  6. I started this process in December and am hopefully going to be having surgery in ...May/June I'm not sure yet depending on my insurance and how quickly I get all the things done my surgeon needs me to (testing and scopes and all that mumbo jumbo) I'm I'm search of a surgery buddy. Someone who is having surgery close to the same time I am.
  7. Hey lucrezaborgoia I too started the process in December! Hoping for a date in may/june. Message me please. You are the first person I have found who has a probable date in the same Month.
  8. I don't have a date set but I'm hoping for may/June of this year. My name on face book is Tiffany McIntosh. Please consider adding me .
  9. Peter if you don't care can you message me I have tons of questions maybe you can answer them .
  10. I'm 23 and i too have heard the "oh honey your too young for that. " it is quite irritating . i haven't even told most of my friends and family even my dad doesn't know. just because i don't want to hear them tell me what is right for my life . my dad told me that if i do that if i have weight loss surgery I'm ruining my life. thought this was odd for him to say considering he had lap band about 3 or 4 years ago. oh and he has had success with lap band . he thinks that anything other than the lap band is going to ruin my life because it is non reversible. hence the reason i neglected to tell him of MY decision he will not be told by me. sorry apparently i needed to vent /rant lol. ( i am married and i have a little boy. )
  11. well next week I will be in my 3rd month of my 6 month supervised diet. (required by my insurance ) last week I went to a lung doctor and went for a sleep study . because my insurance would not pay for me to have a in lab study I had to do a at home study . the home study did not gather enough information so I go next week to talk to the doctor to see if we can get my insurance to pay for a in lab study . I got good news from the lung doctor he said my lungs are healthy and look and sound great . so he cleared me for surgery and sent the clearance letter to my surgeon. YAY! he told me that the only thing that concerns him is that I have a genetic blood clotting disorder and have already been hospitalized with blood clots in both lungs . but he said that they need to be extra careful with me. I assured him that I have talked to my surgeon and he is aware of the clotting disorder and knows I have a history of blood clots . and I really trust my surgeon .I have no time for negative thoughts .I was scared when I started this journey but now I push the scary thoughts away and keep moving nothing is going to slow me down. I put this off for a long time because of fear all the what if's and one day i just decided that I cant let fear of the unknown hold me back. I am glad that I have embarked on this journey and i know it is far from over heck it has just begun. things are flying by and I am getting closer every day. taking it one day at a time. is their anyone else who is still in the beginning of all of this stuff? i would love to have some fellow soon to be sleevers to chat with.
  12. I went to the doctor yesterday for my second month of the six month supervised diet.(required by insurance) I was shocked to find out that I have lost 11 pounds! I was like umm am I seeing this right? I have a appointment next week and the week after that for a sleep study and another to see a pulmonologist because I have to have a clearance letter saying that my lungs are healthy enough for surgery. next thing to mark of the check list after those is a clearance letter from the cardiologist . I am so happy and things seem to be speeding along way faster than expected. My doctor called today to let me know that she was sending all of my information/documentation (that she has so far) for my insurance to my surgeon. yay!!! I have had a lot of time to think and my concerns and fears that I had before are fading away I just feel like the best way to go into all of this is to be calm and positive . no need and worrying myself to death. lol
  13. Thank you so much . Most people I talk to about this get annoyed and just don't want to talk about the surgery. OK so I've made a list of things to buy for afterwards anything you would say is a must ? (I'm adding measuring cups and a food scale. lol. )
  14. I think I'll stick to regular or maybe smaller plates and use a regular cup. Can you use straws? And I was thinking of buying measuring cups and a food scale to measure my portions out ? What do you think. Sorry I'm asking a thousand questions . Lol
  15. Lol . Thanks for the tip . I've heard it helps a free surgery to get a sippy cup to help you remember to sip and not gulp ...and to get small kids plates and kids utensils. Have you heard /done either?

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