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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sarasleeve

  1. I'm glad I came across this post. I am 7 weeks out, and have lost around 19-20 pounds. I lost 11 pounds my first week after surgery, and around 8 pounds over 6 weeks. I am 5'1 and my surgery weight was 219. Highest weight was around 240. At my 6 week check up, I expressed my frustrations with my surgeon and nutritionist. ***Shouldn't I have lost more weight by now? Is a stall at the beginning normal? Did the surgery not work? Could I have stretched out my stomach already? Am I not doing enough? Is this it? Did I put my body through this trauma to only lose 20 pounds? *** [end rant] They both were very reassuring and reminded me that everyone loses at a different rate, simply because everyone is different. We are just slow losers I guess. The bright side is that we are still losers! --though it is very frustrating.
  2. I'm not sure how I am just now finding out about this app the day before my surgery, but just from an hour or so of reading though some posts, I am already thankful that this community exists. My initial message after signing up said I should introduce myself, so hello! My name is Sara. I'm 29 years old, 5'1 and weigh 225lbs. I am having the VGS tomorrow morning, December 28th. I started dieting when I was 12 years old (weight watchers, Adkins/South Beach, Curves for Women, personal training, and more pills than I care to admit). I've had varying success over the years, but have never been able to keep the weight off. My mother approached me with the idea of WLS back in July and it has taken me since then to get on board with it. This biggest seller for me is that the sleeve, my new stomach, will be the tool for me to lose weight, not some appetite suppressant or fat burning pill that is loading my body with toxins. I still don't know that I'm 100% confident that this is the route for me to achieve weight loss and a healthier life, but I'm going to do it anyway. Current things that give me anxiety: --Nausea after surgery and the possibility of not being able to keep Water down. --I drank a beer last night and feel like I've screwed everything up, and my surgeon is going to go in there and say, "sorry girl, couldn't do it." --not being able to see the light beyond the woods, getting distracted from the bigger picture by short term issues. Getting down on myself. There are more, but we'll leave it at that. Nice meeting you! P.S. Do y'all recommend or discourage taking before pictures? Like scantly clad or naked before pictures just for yourself. I can't decide if that will be encouraging in the future or not.
  3. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    You'll do great! The first few days after are hard, but I'm a week post op tomorrow, and am feeling much closer to normal. Keep us updated!
  4. sarasleeve

    Post-Open Day 3

    I'm sorry about your car ride. My hospital is only 15 minutes away from where I am recovering, so I lucked out on that. My surgery was also on Monday, and I was discharged this afternoon. I too was not prepared for the level of pain from this surgery. I finally passed gas around 5:30 this morning, and it helped with the pain some. I walked around this hospital quite a bit, and it still took nearly two days to happen. My doctor said the pain medicine probably made me constipated. Right now, I'm struggling with drinking Water and Protein every 15 minutes. It hurts to go down, and I feel like I have to hold my breath while it goes down my esophagus. I had to have a hiatal hernia repair too, so maybe that has something to do with it. Anyway, I feel like this post has been mostly complaints from me, but this is just to say that you are definitely not alone! I do feel better today than I did yesterday, and I hope you do too. Hang in there, and if you come up with any tips, let me know! ????
  5. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    Update: my surgery went really well, but I wasn't prepared for the level of pain I have been experiencing. I've been walking around a good bit, but have yet to get rid of the gas in my body. The back pain has been worse than the pain in my abdomen. I know it will be better in the coming days, but right now I'm hurting.
  6. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    See ya on the other side!
  7. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    Good luck, girl! So glad to find people with similar stories here!
  8. sarasleeve

    The day has arrived!

    I just checked into the hospital. My surgery is around 10am. Best of luck to everyone getting sleeved today! ????
  9. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    Thanks! I have decided to do before pics, though I might have to decide later or whether or not to share them with anyone. ???? I hope in the future it will be a good reminder of why I did this. Congrats on all of you success.
  10. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    I will definitely let y'all know how it goes! I do feel a lot better about it now, and I think this platform has been a big part of that. I'll be thinking about you on the 4th! We're all in this together!
  11. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    Thanks, Stacey! That's awesome that you were able to get down to 211 before surgery!! Calming down and staying strong are words I definitely need to live by right now and I will be thinking about you on the 29th! I like the idea of having a group/thread for people doing surgery around the New Year.
  12. sarasleeve

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone in feeling this way. I still think you should do it, even with doubts. I'm feeling better about it now than I did this morning. If you have a similar yoyo dieting history like me, I think this is the best option for being able to move on with our lives. Over the course of my life, being overweight had probably my biggest insecurity Now, my biggest hope with this surgery is to get healthy and move on with my life, and to stop using food as an emotional crutch. Us both getting on here at the same time and having surgery tomorrow might be a sign. Maybe we can be support buddies through this process. ????
  13. sarasleeve

    Any December 29th Sleevers?

    Mine is tomorrow, December 28th. It's exciting, though I'm getting a bit nervous. ????

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