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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs_O

  1. They told me at my follow up the day after surgery that they had sutured mine so I didn't have to come back in a week. I won't go back for 3 months I def ain't ripping these suckers off. I had just always heard they came off in about 7-10 days but guess not. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't alone. I do wash over them with my soap and water in the shower but the edges are getting a little dirty. Just want to make sure I don't get some kind of infection.
  2. I also thought mashed potatoes was an odd addition to the soft diet. Crackers too. I did try a little bit of some last night and they settled fine but didn't taste good for some reason. Weird how our taste buds change! My moms taters usually are the best!
  3. Mrs_O

    First food!

    I was surprised I ate the whole egg. It took a while and afterward i definitely had some pressure for a few mins so I guess I should've stopped earlier. This is just going to be a learning experience for sure!
  4. well, i got cleared a day early to start soft foods! yay. just took me about 40 minutes to eat a scrambled egg! so weird. but it was SO good. i can already tell this not being able to drink while eating is going to take a LOT to get used to. just finished up about 5 mins ago and i am SO thirsty.
  5. Mrs_O

    I can EAT!

    I also didn't have a purée stage. I went from liquids yesterday to soft foods today. Scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, cheese, retried beans etc. in two weeks I can add in soft meats like tuna, moist chicken etc.
  6. yes super jealous. i am almost two weeks out and still have trouble with liquid consumption. i was never a big drinker while not eating beforehand though so I'm sure it will just take an adjustment. i will say, today i was cleared for my first food. had a scrambled egg and now i am SO thirsty!! a few more mins and i will be able to drink again!
  7. Mrs_O

    I can EAT!

    i got cleared today to move to soft foods! so tired of liquids. just had my first food, a scrambled egg, and i am full. crazy to actually say that after all we've been through. love some of your suggestions on food. can't wait to experiment and get away from soup!
  8. i started the pre op liquids on jan 20th, sleeved the 27th. today i was cleared a day early to start my soft foods. just had my first scrambled egg and it took me 40-45 mins to eat. no problems while i was eating it but now that i am done, i realize i may could have stopped a few bites ago. just going to take some learning on how to tell if i am full or not i suppose!
  9. I was sleeved the 27th. I did have the drain and was so freaked out about them taking it out but it truly was no bid deal at all. Doing good so far. Still struggling to get in liquids and protien but start soft foods tomorrow some am excited. The liquid diet has definitely been the worst part and even it wasn't that bad!
  10. hi all. i am supposed to start soft foods tuesday (YAY) but i am starting to get a little nervous. how long did it take for your swelling inside to go away? i was sleeved on 1/27 and i still feel some pressure while i am drinking my liquids although i am still sipping. it is not every sip for sure but it is definitely still there and i am afraid this is going to make even tiny bites of soft food hurt thanks in advance for responses!
  11. Ok. I just didn't know if y'all noticed a time when that constricted feeling stops. I was confused that it is still sore sometimes while on liquids but I am assuming it's just normal
  12. hi all! i am a week behind you guys as my surgery was the 27th! i am also struggling with getting in liquids and Protein. I've been putting some unflavored powder in just about everything i can and i also ordered the GENEPRO this week as the scoop is much smaller. luckily my plan allows me to start soft foods on tueday so hopefully that helps! I'm SO ready.
  13. Mrs_O

    Monday I can EAT!

    I really wished I liked yogurt. I have tried SO many flavors and they are all so tart at first that I don't even taste what flavor they are supposed to be life would be much easier if I could eat them!!!
  14. Mrs_O

    Monday I can EAT!

    I don't find it too bad until I am sitting around with others and they are eating. I'm glad I already don't feel the need to eat so much but simply anything is going to be nice!
  15. ok so i am getting ready to start soft foods on Tuesday (YAY! FINALLY) but i actually have a few questions about future foods. at what point did you eat pickles? i would assume with them having the skin i would wait until right about the last stage to add them in but just curious. also, when checking packaging and such for carb count do you just go by regular carbs or net carbs?? when i get to that stage, i would occasionally like to add in a Protein tortilla for a meal with meat and cheese. i was looking at tortillas today and found two options and one has a little less total carbs but the other only has a few net carbs. just want to choose the right option! and yes i understand this phase is not what i am on or fixing to start but i just wanted to ask while i was thinking about it!!! thanks in advance!
  16. I'll keep y'all updated. I am SO ready to move on to move than drinks but I am also a little nervous! Starting Tuesday morning with a scrambled egg
  17. I hadn't really even thought about it much until the NUT mentioned some people put their chicken/tuna salad on a pickle to save the cracker carbs. Sounded good!
  18. Did you lose on your pre op? How much? Atleast you're in full liquids for a shorter duration. I 3 weeks full liquids, and 3 weeks of pureed. My procedure is the 23rd :/ Yes I lost 10lbs pre op and 10 down from surgery day as of this morning
  19. So jealous of yalls pre op diets! Mine was full liquids Still on them too until Tuesday! Can't wait to start soft foods then. I was sleeved 1/27/16
  20. right now i am doing well but of course i am still on liquids until tuesday. i was just wondering when the time comes, which is the best to get. i am not really planning on adding in any tortillas for weeks still maybe more but i had time to kill at the grocery store today and it made me wonder. most curious about the pickles though as i would want a piece with my tuna salad in a few weeks when i try that but didn't know how the "skin" is tolerated
  21. Mrs_O

    Monday I can EAT!

    i also get to move to soft foods tuesday! woot. we don't have a puree phase on my plan but on my soft foods list is eggs, cheese, masked potatoes, refried beans, any soft cooked beans, softly cooked non fibrous veggies, crackers etc. two weeks on that and then i can add in some fruit, soft meats etc i am REALLY looking forward to a scrambled egg that is for sure! liquids i am SO done with
  22. I lost 10 lbs on the pre op diet
  23. "where did the rest of my legs go"...probably the thing i am most ready for! I've always had bigger legs and am so ready for skinny jeans and BOOTS! can't wait
  24. Mrs_O

    Recovery time

    i was sleeved on 1-27 and everything was a breeze but i was still tired a week after. i am a baker and i just now have taken my first cake order since surgery for this saturday as a lot of things still make me tired due to healing and the liquid only diet. of course my baking is a lot of standing so maybe if you sit and it isn't a long time to play you may feel up to it. i know the violin isn't heavy but also keep in mind you'll have a lifting restriction of about 10 pounds in case you have heavy equipment to move as well!
  25. i was also lower BMI (33-34) when sleeved on 1-27-16. from hight weight i am down right about 20lbs this morning. move on to soft foods finally this coming tuesday! at my post op appt the day after surgery my doc said since i was a lower BMI to start with to only expect about 30 pound loss in the first three months so it seems what you are experiencing is normal

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