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Posts posted by LoveMyBypass

  1. We had different surgeries, but I recorded my progress from the very beginning.. I'm 5'5"

    01/07/16 - 253.6

    05/24 - 234

    06/24 - 208.2

    07/24 - 195.6

    08/24 - 184.4

    09/24 - 170.6

    10/24 - 165

    11/24 - 157

    12/24 - 152

    02/27/17 - 149

    03/23 - 147

    I forgot that I lost 19 pounds before surgery.. so I lost 86 in 7 months. Now I only record weight change.. I am not obsessed with the scale anymore.. but I weighed myself EVERYDAY!!! My butt is saggy and my boobs too.. I plan on getting a body lift after I have a baby.. I have no kids right now.. it's not noticable but it's uncomfortabe when my flap of skin feels like I'm sitting on something.. lol

    You'll do great! You're already off​ to a great start..

    You also dont look as if you have much loose skin, you are lucky if thats the case. I have 3 kids, 3 csections and already see a tt in my future [emoji4]

    Sent from my SM-N920V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. So sorry.. this is a VERY long update on what I have been doing these last several months!!

    GOALS -
    My goal is 145 now... It was originally 150 but now that I am dancing between 147-149, I changed my goal to 145.

    After surgery I never worked out, although I wish I did. I am doing random TaeBo here and there, but nothing serious..
    I do find it a lot easier to jog now. I jog to my car from my apartment sometimes to get something I need. Before I didn't make it all the way without running out of air but now it's SO easy.

    WEIGHT -
    My weight hasn't changed since December... Would I call that a stall? I don't know because I'm very happy at my current weight although I would like to lose 20 more pounds because when I get pregnant, I'll want to gain weight without a worry... Yes, I will try to get pregnant soon before the recommended 18 months. I've discussed it with my doctor. I am more than excited I will finally be a mother hopefully before I turn 35 which is when it's high risk for birth defects.

    FOOD -
    I eat a lot when my period is coming and regular on non period days.. but I never gain weight... I hardly eat sweets.. I just snack on fruits and veggies.. mostly jicama or mangos.. I drink AT LEAST 32oz of Water day. I have the very low calorie orange juice sometimes because I get tired of water. I also drink coffee here and there. It's good and I can't stop.

    I only get pre-dumps now... I usually know when to stop.. when I eat sugar such as coffee, cakes, chocolate, Cookies I get the pre-dumps... I don't eat too many sweets but during that special week, I can't help myself. I have absolutely no problems with Constipation, reflux or any other complications.. the only thing I get is pre-dumps after I cause them after sweets.. I always know when to stop eating regular food but when it comes to sweets... I don't know.. also, I experienced​ what it means for food to get stuck.. I had eaten an orange at the time. It was the worst pain ever. Very different from dumping. The last time I had full on dumping episode was back October. I had to leave work early.

    My brain doesn't believe I am 100 pounds lighter and when I shop, I shop like a plus sized woman.. I am now a size 8/9 which is what I always wanted.. but when I see clothes, my brain says... "Ummmm no, you'll need at least a 12/13 and that will for you tight.." how do I get my brain to believe my eyes!? I bought my first bathing suit size 10-12. When I received it in the mail I tried it on and it was too big. So I got a 6-8 and a 8-10.. my brain keeps telling me that I won't fit the 6-8 but my eyes tell me I'll look hot!

    OTHER -
    My regular doctor officially changed my chart to normal weight.. it was a big deal for me and I am very happy about it.
    My loose skin never bothered me before but now it's starting to bug me. My butt looks like a deflated balloon.. after I have a baby/ies, I plan on dancing around the idea of a butt lift and definitely a breast lift..
    I'm still not used to people telling me they want to be skinny like me. Or implying that I am skinny.. it's so new to me.. I was carried by a man for the first time in my life. It was amazing.. I felt like a princess..
    Chairs.. I am able to sit in a chair with handles and not feel pain!! In fact, there is space.. and I can always sit Indian style ANYWHERE I sit..
    I'm always cold, sometimes I feel pain when I sit because there's no meat/cushion protecting my bones from piercing my skin. I also feel that kind of pain on my shoulder blades. I can see my bones!!! My ribs.. it's truly amazing..

    Please let me know your updates and what you guys have been through such as dumping, appearance thoughts, what do you guys eat?

  3. Wow! You guys look amazing! I stopped coming on here because I was afraid my co-workers would find out and I was embarrassed.. but.. I don't know.. I still care but at the same time I don't.. anyway.. here's my updated photos.. I would like to see more of us!!

    I bought my first bathing suit.. I'll post that when I take a picture.. soon.. it's my first non-dress bathing suit.. I'm excited.. I hope you guys tell me what you think.. [emoji4]

    IMG_20170401_234630_797.thumb.jpg.dad89836c9a4376799b402d41bd6c5e2.jpg PhotoGrid_1491112165900.thumb.jpg.75f1be1a5c02cb362d0a5b51419a0538.jpg

  4. I work physical labor. I'm on my feet 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week. I am expected to lift up to 75 pounds or I am considered unable to fulfill my regular duties. With that being said, I feel fantastic! I'm finally JUST overweight. I'm not obese anymore. My BMI is 29.8.. My health is good. My doctor isn't too worried about me anymore like when I was dehydrated.

    On a very good note, I am finally confident enough to go on a date. We are going on our first date this Sunday. Wish me luck!!

  5. Hmm.. that's good to know.. I'll just keep avoiding it. I don't like beer or wine.. I only drink shots of liquor to get drunk. But I don't miss it, so I'll just wait.. thank you for the information.

    By the way, I'm only 2.4 pounds away from JUST being over weight!!! No more being obese for me!!! Yey!!

    Just a little...not at all what I was expecting. It was only one glass but I thought I would get a buzz from that.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

  6. In two days we'll be 3 months Post-Op or starting off our 14th week...

    I feel great, healthier, lighter, my hair has begun to fall off, but I'm in the lucky group that has extremely thick hair and I have A LOT. Although I notice it, no one else does. So that's another thing I am extremely grateful for.

    I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do. I am now able to take my chewable vitamins without getting sick. My Protein is perfect, but my food intake needs work. Because I feel full all day, I thought I was over eating, but I need improvement. Doctor wants me to eat more. It's just hard because well... I don't want to eat! Lol.

    Anyway, I am still as grateful as I was the day of surgery. Some people don't have insurance like me. I'm humbled and happy. I'm a very happier person.

    Things I have noticed that bugs me a little... People are MUCH nicer to a thinner person. I still have 30 more pounds to lose, but it's terrible knowing that some people wouldn't talk to me before because I was big. Now, everyone is extremely nice. Smh

    Still the same, I'm a happier person.


  7. I thought I was eating like a pig... But my doctor said I'm not eating enough and I'm losing weight way too fast...

    It only concerns me because what if when I'm done losing weight, I can't stop.

    I didn't worry about too many things prior to surgery but losing too much weight was a concern of mine. I'm getting close to my goal and wondered what I am going to do different in order to stop losing. I'm never hungry, I eat because I'm suppose to and I eat until I'm full.... I have not tried anything really but meat...a little veggies and a little fruit.

    I know they say our hunger and cravings will eventually kick back in. I think I read between 6 months to a year...does that sound right?

    I'm actually setting at docs office right now for a check up...im gonna ask what approach I take to stop losing and when the heck I can have a glass of wine...lol. at this point, I would settle for a thimble full.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

    OH, can you ask about pop corn? i keep forgetting to ask my doctor when i see her..lol

  8. I'm 3 months post-op and stopped measuring my food because I thought I could do it in my head. I then started feeling pop-your-button-open full all the time. It sucked so I started measuring again.

    The feeling you once felt pre-op, I think, will never come back the same. I dumped a few times before I found my own pace. You need to re-learn your body. The feeling "full" or "satisfied" is all a different kind of feeling that you need to learn all over again. It's all about nourishment with a tiny bit of pleasure. Your stomach is still there, it's just changed and you need to change with it.

    As far as feeling hungry, to this day my stomach hasn't showed me it's ready for food. No sign at all. No noise. Nothing. Sometimes I forgot to eat. I hate to say that I had to force myself to have a meal. I find myself looking for Protein mostly.

    BUT, this passed weekend, I feel like I want to eat everything. Not because my stomach told me. I still don't have hunger pangs but I am eating because I want to eat, not because I have to. Is in my head and I think this is where I need to become more cautious because I have gained a pound since last Tuesday. Maybe it's because I wasn't eating enough to begin with, or maybe because I'm eating too much. I need to find my center again.

    It's all about discovering yourself. At least that is what I've learned from my own experience.

    It's like losing a finger... You'll have to learn to write differently. But you'll learn. [emoji3] [emoji106]

  9. *sigh*

    I'll just wait and see. Hubby says to be patient, it was like a "little surgery". I guess he's right.

    Lol.. yes.. but I should also tell you that my sister, who has a child... Got the Mirena, also, about 3 weeks or so ago.. and she loves it. I think maybe it hurt me because I don't have children yet.. who knows for sure. I really hope you love it too.. but it wasn't for me.

  10. @@summerset

    I'm not on birth control at all. I'm currently not sexually active. When I start having fun again, I plan on getting on the implant. Until then, I'm single so there is no rush.

    The only reason I got birth control in the first place is because they wouldn't approve my surgery without it. I had planned on just keeping the Mirena in until my time was over, but the pain was so much for me that I had it removed. I have bad cramps alone, and this thing made they worse. The only difference was that there was no flow accompanied with the cramps. I'm happier without it.

  11. Oh boy, got my Mirena yesterday afternoon and it was pore painful than I thought. That pull on the uterus... BLAH!

    I'm still having pain that feels like "I'm having my period and obviously diarrhea on top" and that I was very familiar with before I went on the desogestrel pill years and years ago (well I have my period, so...). Hopefully this resolves today. I'm going to call in sick today.

    *goes to the couch with a hot cherry pit filled pillow on belly"

    I obviously underestimated this Mirena thing a little bit. <_<

    I had cramps the whole month I had it in.. I couldn't stand it any longer than that. I hated the Mirena

  12. Aww thank you @@Lana R.

    I think it's safe to say that your surgery wasn't normal. ???? I wish it was as easy for you as it has been for me. I feel so bad that you're still having a hard time this far out.

    I was just telling my mom how lucky I am to have healed so well.

    I'm used to not eating unhealthy now. I don't even crave it. I wanted pizza the other day, and instead i ate 1/4 of a flat-out Protein bread with pizza sauce, cheese and turkey pepperoni. It was delicious and fixed that craving.

  13. How much is everyone eating... I feel like I'm eating too much. I'm losing weight still but... Yesterday, I made a tuna salad with a boiled egg and put 1/3 of it on a whole wheat toast.. I ate 75%.. is that too much? Also, I eat a whole 5 oz yogurt.. takes me forever to get that stuff in, but the yogurt is my Breakfast because i never have time to sit and eat. I'm constantly moving when I wake up. For dinner I have a snack or I finish up my protein... My calories are still 500-650..

    Any input?

  14. Happy two month surgiversary

    (I think this word is so lame. I almost feel uncool saying it. Lol)

    Here are my numbers...

    HW: 253.6

    SW: 234

    CW: 195.6

    TL: 58 pounds

    I was sad for a bit because I wanted to lose more before going back to work, but after I saw this picture.. I said wow.. I think I'll be okay.. lol

    You look fantastic! You've lost so much in your face. It's gonna be so fun to go back losing that much.

    Just this past week people started noticing that I've lost weight, before that they would just say, "you look so pretty" "something's different about you" "did you get your haircut" "did you wear makeup today" LOL.

    Sent from my SM-G920T using the BariatricPal App

    Thank you @Pup..

    People should compliment you, you look way better than I do!

  15. Thank you. Do you or anyone you know that has been thru this process have Kaiser? I'm double insured but Kaiser is my main insurance. I know what to expect with Tricare but I don't know anyone with Kaiser that has gone thru WLS.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    I have Kaiser.. we took a 12 week class called Options. Then, assuming you pass all your blood work, you get scheduled.

  16. @ you look great! I think you'll be ok :). I haven't started my process yet, but I was wondering how long you have to be off work for? Just curious. I'm asking my doctor for a referral for a VSG surgeon this week. I know the process will take a good 6 months or so before the actual surgery but I'm just wondering about the time off work.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Hello @@emme.vee and thank you so much.

    To be honest, I have been off work for a year on a different injury. I decide to get the surgery while I was off to avoid being off more time later.

    Surgery was May 24. My sides stopped hurting at about 3 weeks out. So depending on what you do, let's say an office job, you'd be able to return to work after a week.. two weeks max. I work for USPS, so for me, I wanted to take a bit longer than the 6 weeks they'd have given me. My return to work date is July 30th. So I've had a good 9 weeks before returning on Friday night. There isn't much I can't do at this point besides eat crazy. I've gone to Disneyland 5 weeks out and just today I went to a Water park. I had my water bottle with me all day and filled it with ice every hour. The weather was a hot 95. I feel great and I drank about a gallon today. Best part was, I took lots of pictures.. I'm not embarrassed anymore.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
