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Posts posted by GibbsGirl

  1. Some people are emotional vampires, you have to let them go and wish them God Speed. I'm having a neighbor situation and trying to remember that.

    What keeps coming to mind is you can't fix crazy!!! That and the rest of my neighbors have my back and bail money.

  2. I have lost approx 70 pds and will hit my 6 month anniversary in a few days. I am super happy and proud of myself for pushing through the before and after.

    I had worries before and regrets right after, but it was all worth every minute. I would not change a thing.

    How much have you lost so far?

    Sent from my SM-N910V using the BariatricPal App

  3. Hitting my 6 month anniversary, I'm so tired but after getting back on sugar and giving it up again, I am back to losing. It is my blood pressure that is the problem.

    I am tracking my BP and one example was 77/66 mostly its in the 90's/60's, so after keeping a log for a few days I called my cardiologist to see about lowering my doses.

    This is good news, but I am feeling a bit apprehensive about it all. My defibrillator hasn't shocked me in 3 years. Before that I was shocked at least 10 times, in 7 years. It doesn't sound to bad but it does cause some anxiety, well a lot of anxiety. One of my meds is a help you or kill you med that I may have to go inpatient to adjust. It is tempting to just gain a few pounds and maintain instead of take the chance while adjusting the meds. I'm happy here, it's just not the best I think I can do?

    I never set a number goal in my head, what you see on my timeline is 150 just because it sounded ok, according to my BMI I should be even lower like 135, I got there once but couldn't eat to maintain,I just want to be happy and healthy.

    I know what a problem to have, I could not have foreseen me ever thinking of maintenance this early. It sounds like such a major whiny baby topic.

    The doctor calls me back Monday with my changes, I am going to give it a shot and drop this last 20-30 pounds. If it gets to bad with my heart then I will at least know I tried.

    May make and appointment with my counselor just to work through the anxiety. Thanks for listening.

    Remember Fluid is even more important in the heat!!!

  4. When I was a kid, my grandparents had a picture of a wolf standing above a town looking down. I made up many a story about that wolf. I now have my own with blue eyes, I named her and she always watches my back. I have wanted one since I was 18 but it took till I was 43 when I finally decided on it.

    My oldest sister found us 4 years ago and we all decided a couple of years ago to get matching tattoos so I have the trinity symbol on my ankle.

    I would not change either one. I am not planning on another but you never know. I personally love ink as an art form, I figure to each his/her own.

  5. I spent the entire last week in another state with my Mom watching my niece and nephew. I was bored, stressed, did I mention all week with my Mom and tired. I decided to carb it up, not really carbs but sugar. I decided to have dessert, basically every night almost. My sleeve held me in check with portions but sugar was not an issue.

    I gained 3 pounds.....3 3 is the magic number to slapping me back into my place. I am also now having to fight the sugar cravings I created again, annoying so annoying.

    Some of you might think why go through all of this just to fall so far off the wagon. Well I still fight the mentality every day that one cupcake or package of M&Ms won't hurt. I have always ate when I'm happy, ate when I'm sad and ate for energy. I have not been allowed caffeine in many many many years so I used sugar as a boost. As for the why, I thought I wanted a week of freedom, but really it was a week back in the prison of sugar.

    I played and I paid. So it's back to basics and back to feeling better, back to coloring in the lines.

    I refuse to beat myself up though, I am a success and will be a long term success!!!

  6. You have to do what you have to do. Document all your calls and the information exchanged. When you go in documentation is necessary so video is a great idea. Sounds like some past behavior repeating regarding trying to control you. If spousal support is possible then go for it, divorce is a negotiation put yourself it the best place and go from there. He isn't feeling sorry for you so you can't let old emotions filter in.

    Rip off the band aid and get a lawyer. You don't have to be nasty to get respect just expect it.

  7. I love the interplay between

    Sam Elliot? :)

    I've had "visions" where he would sit on my dresser and just talk to me. just talk with that voice of his---mmmmmmmmmm. :) aaaaaaahhhhhhhh :)

    Now, Dubs, if you want to break the world's record for watching TV, you will have to continuously sit there for 95hrs. The record of 94hr was just set a couple of days ago.

    Are you up for it????? :)

    Happy watching!!

    Pretty sure I broke the world's record when I found out about the Soprano's and Game of Thrones.........

    Be right back.......working on my Sam Elliot voice...........

    >I loved it!!!!

    Killer show, right ?

    Witty as hell interplay between the characters.

    Yes witty and engaging. Sam Elliot was really hesitant because he had never done anything like it. Thank you fates that put that hot man on TV.

  8. My surgeon requested I write down my top 10 goals for losing weight and keep them handy for inspiration.

    My number 1 was to be able to participate in every senior even my son had. Before weight loss surgery, I would sweat excessively, this would in turn make me sick. I have heart issues that cause exhaustion etc all roads would lead to living like a vampire in warm weather. Sometimes in cold weather.

    Well Saturday was Junior Day at a local college. I rested Thursday and Friday in hopes I could make it through without any issues. I just want to be a normal parent for a change.

    My friend and I teamed up and took our sons and I did it. There was a lot of walking and it was muggy but I only broke out in a slight sweat once and looked over and my skinny friend was also flushed so it was normal. I was able to just enjoy and not be stressed out about the what ifs, the whole time.

    I was there to see my son's eyes light up when he finally connected with an idea of how to get where he wanted in life. He went from this is a waste of time to engaging professors and excited about seeing dorms and even paid attention to the how to pay for school presentation.

    He was able to enjoy the experience without worrying if I was getting sick or could keep up.

    I won't lie yesterday and today I have had to drag myself around but it was all worth it, it is all worth it.

    I couldn't have made it this far without everyone on this support group, thank you from the bottom of my crappy heart for getting me to this day.

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