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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GibbsGirl

  1. Completely normal for everyone, You are not alone.
  2. GibbsGirl

    Passing out

    The only time I nearly passed out was when getting out of bed, pretty sure it was dehydration, I'm no doctor but my first thought was blood sugar, then read about the cake along with the alcohol. Sometimes your blood sugar spikes and then falls so low it can cause issues like slurring and passing out. It seem to me it would have showed up in the ambulance,
  3. My Nut said one day will not kill you. She encourages discretion and only splurging on special holidays. I think you were due for a little celebration. Now you can get back on track.
  4. GibbsGirl

    Mindful Eating

    I'm going to give this a try. I kind of hate eating right now, it's just boring,
  5. GibbsGirl


    I am so lucky to have my parents, sisters, son and nephew for my support system. My youngest sister was a bit of a hold out, never letting on until I took her to group and she peppered questions and left feeling so much better. My son had reservations a few days before but he was scared. They all went in on a fitbit an presented it to me, it was such a great feeling knowing they all had my back.
  6. I would say 2 weeks, keep moving it will come off and more. Congrats on being on this side of surgery. Whoop whoop
  7. GibbsGirl

    This Pre-Op diet is the pits.

    Keep your eye on the prize but your right it's the pits. But after a few days it gets better, you can do this!!!!
  8. GibbsGirl

    Had my best NSV today!

    Great Job, doing a happy dance for you!!!
  9. GibbsGirl

    Sigh.. The stall kills

    I was a 12/22 surgery, all I can say is yes this sucks. Also I have been taking Senna-S and was told not to expect anything but every few days.
  10. I bet after surgery you will be closer to your goal, and will look great regardless.
  11. GibbsGirl

    NSV Handstand Edition

    What a great no scale victory!! You go!!!
  12. GibbsGirl

    Fat Doctor

    It broke my heart, but in my beliefs he is free and doing everything he wanted. In a way we all have an obligation to live life to the fullest for those who couldn't or can't.
  13. I had surgery on 12/21 and am experiencing my first stall. I'm trying to embrace it knowing it was bound to happen but all the old feelings of failure are trying to sneak in. I know there is a whole thread on this subject and it's temporary. But we wouldn't be here if we didn't have failures in the past. I have been really pushing fluids the last week, since I was getting light headed at times when I stood up. I can say I'm feeling much stronger than last week so that is a plus. I'm trying to remember I have the tools and they are not going away this time.
  14. GibbsGirl

    "Embrace the stall" they say ...

    This is my first stall since surgery so I am not freaking out, since everyone has warned me. Sucks because I'm 2 pounds away from being under the 200 mark for the first time in 20 years. I shall take hugging the porcupine and setting on the cactus, knowing this too shall pass...... It sucks but it will pass.
  15. I have naturally curly/frizzy hair. I use coconut oil when it's wet and as needed through out the week. You have already learned a good tool and that is not washing daily, drys your hair to much. There is a brand called no frizz I get off Amazon that is good. I can only use the styling cream, if I use the shampoo conditioner and style cream its too much. With my hair weight is the key, to short and I am little orphan Annie with a ton of frizz.
  16. GibbsGirl

    Social relationships post op

    I think it happens anyway, just sometimes this may speed up the process. I am really happy so I am just going to keep on trucking along.
  17. GibbsGirl

    Is Your Love Life on Hold While You Lose Weight?

    To my son's dismay I am not planning on dating till he graduates next year. That was the plan even before weight loss surgery. My thoughts are there will need to be a neon sign over his head stating he's the one. I told my son that or I would know when I'm ready when I find a werewolf. He was disgusted and threw his hands up in the air and told me I was being unreasonable. lol
  18. GibbsGirl

    Social relationships post op

    It's kind of a bizarre story. Let me say, she had a relative who had surgery many years ago maybe 15 or 20, she over ate and purged so many times she somehow bled out. So I tried to not be too excited or make my friend feel uncomfortable, but she wanted to talk about it and I assured her things were different now etc. As I progressed she just pulled away further and further. Less contact and the last time I dropped by to talk to her she just said. "Well I stopped dieting, so I will just be your fat friend!" I just don't understand because she is beautiful, she is popular around town, she just received a major award as volunteer of the year . She just seems so angry, I feel like I am causing her to be unhappy. Everyone else in my life are happy for me and it's starting to become a non-issue just old news.
  19. GibbsGirl


    I can't use anything that has a smell so generic Aveno is what I use. I notice my skin looks and feels better if I used it right after my shower.
  20. GibbsGirl

    Social relationships post op

    I guess my attitude is if you were not interested before, I'm not interested now. I have lost a friend over the whole deal, but I now question our friendship anyway. Great subject, can't wait to here others thoughts.
  21. GibbsGirl

    26M two weeks preop!

    Welcome!! I promise it gets better and it's worth it.
  22. I am going to add a daily bible study and meditation/prayer. I think a Beth Moore series.
  23. GibbsGirl


    So insightful, I was just looking at some clothes in my closet and they have to go!!! On board and am going to print this to literally hang in my closet!!!
  24. GibbsGirl

    Fat Doctor

    full episodes are available on you tube and hulu.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
