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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GibbsGirl

  1. GibbsGirl

    Resuming medications in pill form

    I started all my meds back the night of my surgery. I take a heart med that if you miss, you have to go inpatient to restart. I also take Cymbalta and just had to go very slow in taking all my pills. My doc just had me restart the capsules.
  2. I noticed the TV thing during the holidays, I don't have cable so no skipping the commercials but it was constant. I was on my pre-op diet and then had surgery the 21st it was insane. But I also noticed people do talk a lot about food. No I feel like it's all I get to think about but I know it will get to be the normal.
  3. GibbsGirl

    Feeling Upset and Frustrated

    I had to keep my hands busy, we were both sleeved on Dec 21st. I had regrets as well and was just released to start soft foods yesterday. As I feel more normal and recover things are getting better and better. I am counting my wins, not just the pounds but my favorite jeans I could not get back into are now falling off. I made it through the grocery store without impulse purchases etc. My biggest goal is to make every football game next year for my Senior in Band regardless of the heat. My doctor had me write a top 10 list of goals regarding this surgery and it helps to look at them. I'm sorry your having such a hard time but know you are not alone.
  4. I was released to soft foods today. Doctor was please with my progress, he also understood I am having to get my protein away from The more milk type shakes. I was able to eat one egg, it was good but I did have a unnaturally full feeling. I tried yogurt this afternoon and it was a no go. I'm thinking milk type products are out for a while. I am worried about my protein and am buying unjury (powder) tomorrow. A bit disappointed but it's a process right. So egg drop soup and water tonight. Whoo hooo!!!
  5. It is so nice!!!! Great idea, that will be perfect, crunch and spice while passing all the fast food. I never noticed how much of that is stationed around walmart.
  6. Went to the grocery store with my 17 year old son. The visit started out with me fitting in my favorite jeans that had long been at the bottom of the pile. He was so excited when I showed him. He's getting his usual fair and I picked up more eggs and had some ham shaved for next weeks big move to soft foods. We walked and talked about some of the recipes I wanted to try after my move to regular food and he vowed to try everything. I really thought I was doing great not really oogling food until we hit the checkouts. If the rest of the store doesn't get to you, the chips and candy sure looks even better. I kept looking towards the little nicknacks but there was this small bag of funyuns taunting me, of course it was eye level. Now rarely did I ever eat them because of the sodium but yes occasionally I would splurge. I was finally able to escape and on the way to the car, feeling rather defeated for some dumb reason, my son stops and tells me how proud he is of me. I thanked him and got in the car realizing I was tired but felt better about shunning the funyuns. He went on and on for the 10 minute drive that I needed to be more proud of myself and how I was strong enough to make these changes and keep it up. Of course in my mind I am still waiting for the can you loan me money for this or that game. lol. Anyway I was exhausted but felt like I made a few strides this afternoon, I knew he supported me but I also knew he was pretty terrified the day of surgery so to hear it again was nice. Also I pulled those favorite jeans off without unbuttoning or zipping them. Pretty nice feeling.
  7. Yikes! I can understand why someone would THINK that (even if it is a very vain and mean thing to think), but to actually say it out loud and to the person that is bigger than you...wow!
  8. GibbsGirl

    My soon to be ex changed insurance

    You do have the option of carrying the insurance paying out of pocket for the month you need. It's law. I know it may be expensive but it's an option.
  9. Good for you!!! I must say, in my long running health issues, the nurses are who have over and over again saved my mental and physical health.
  10. GibbsGirl

    5 month surgiversary

  11. I will tell you I kinda blew it even if I wanted to keep it secret at church. I had surgery on 12/21, my little sister picked me up for Christmas Eve service and stopped dead in her tracks. I had I guess just planned on wearing jeans (we are a super casual tiny church) but everything was to tight on my stomach. I was also on my pain killers but had settled on bright orange Halloween pants with cats all over them and a grey and green shirt. I am such a light weight on pain pills but she ask me once are you sure you don't have something else and I said something snarky. So yep there I was in my Halloween best, she at least talked me out of serving communion. So needless to say the church knows. lol
  12. This has been a hard decision for me, I am very private and live in a smaller town. I don't see where it is anyone's business but I also have witnessed a few people who kind of lied about getting help. It's a no win situation here and so close family and friends know, if someone asks or asks one of them, it's ok to explain the program and I had surgery. I am not ashamed that this is what is working for me. Anyone that says this is easy has lost their minds. I know everything I eat or do will be commented on or even gossiped about I'm sure. But I figure it is what it is, I choose to live here.
  13. I just had mine 12/21 but I was on a strict low carb high Protein regiment prior to surgery and will be again. You might try to reset and do what worked in the beginning. Low carbs seems to be the key for me, I'm not sure about others. Hope you kick those 33 pounds to the curb.
  14. I was told it's ok if you cant handle all the protein supplement just drink water instead as long as you stay hydrated that is most important is what the staff told me for first 7 days. also since i came home yesterday I have also had bad gas build up and find that walking helps to get it out of you Try moist or dry heat on your chest or where the gas builds up. It does make a difference. I found my self doing the trucker move, where kids pump their arms up and down to get them to honk, while I drank to help keep every thing moving when I wasn't walking around. My sister came by and thought I had lost my mind. lol of course she walked in when I decided to add sound effects. I'm a Dec 21st sleeve and I promise it gets better. Now if I could get the lower half on board and moving properly, but I know that it will.
  15. GibbsGirl


    I have found a few thrift stores that are really nice. My goal is to keep just basics in stock as I lose, especially things that can be a bit baggy and still look good. Sounds like you have a plan.
  16. My nutritionist said Fluid before Protein. I have been getting in two shakes and as close to 64 oz as I can. But every time I stand up I get dizzy, sounds like I need to push fluid hard. My blood sugar has also been pretty low. uggg, I feel like I'm floating.
  17. That may be normal. Liquid in .. Liquid out. I had similar issue.
  18. GibbsGirl

    Too much protein?

    I'm suppose to be drinking 3 shakes but found it was actually causing issues on the back end. I think everybody's body is different so sounds like one more shake a day would benefit you.
  19. GibbsGirl

    Dating awkwardness

    I never considered it till now, I never want to mislead anyone but I also have a heart condition that I'm not sure when to mention either. I have basically a year till my son graduates. So my excuse of not dating till then is coming to an end. I love the idea of doing something other than eating on a date but when is it too soon or too late to discuss let's say having a pacemaker?
  20. Stay strong, wait till next week and you can look back and say, I made it though!!! I hit a hard place and my Mom sent my Dad over in an ice storm with coloring books and pencils. I have been keeping my hands busy and mind busy with that and listening to TV and it has been easier. I also go back and watch videos of the success stories from my program and pull up some of the same on netflix. Just to remind myself of where I am going. I also just started on riding my indoor bike since it's to cold to walk. You are almost through the hardest part, stay strong.
  21. GibbsGirl

    Rude people

    Holy cow, holy cow!! I am a very private person but have been upfront about my choice. I don't want attention but also don't want people to think I am trying to hide my decision. It's a balancing act that I thought was hard until I heard your story. I totally admire you and your responses to these two, I can understand wanting peace but just WOW!! Sounds to me like if it wasn't this, it would be another subject with those two. I love the "let the little dogs bark" attitude but unfortunately I would be the menopausal and STD type, but good sarcasm is lost on people like that. lol Sounds like you have a great support system around you they brought out with their nastiness. We call our friends our family by heart. Blood is not a qualifier here. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  22. GibbsGirl

    Did you say "what did I do" !

    I am a Dec 21st girl and YES YES and YES. I have waited years for my heart to be strong enough, did all the research etc but woke up thinking I had made a huge mistake. I am usually the focused goal type and no looking back girl but this was different. I came home and every night I cried (not a crier) starting about 7 till 8. Looking back I did the same thing after my son was born, but this felt as crazy of a time. Of course right after Christmas my son went to his Dad's and then a big ice storm hit, so everyone was stuck at home. I'm normally a person who enjoys alone time, but it all piled up and kinda Whammied me. Everyday has gotten better and the closer I am to moving on with my plan seems to help me mentally. I know in my heart this is the best thing I will ever do for myself, but I am human and am riding out the ups and downs.
  23. I count the Protein shakes toward my Fluid. But even so the bathroom issues are getting a bit scary. Did you get any instructions on how to avoid problems other than water?
  24. I could not drink out of the tiny cups, I got too much air so I switched to a regular bottle.

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