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Status Updates posted by heidikat72

  1. 3 more sleeps until vacation!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. heidikat72


      I will! and the mountains should be gorgeous next week. I love fall.

    3. KristenLe


      Sounds like a great vacation!!! Enjoy!

    4. laceemouse


      That sounds wonderful Heidi, it will be beautiful this time of year! I love the Smokey's, we haven't been there in way too long. Enjoy!

  2. 44 today! and gotta say, 44 feels a lot better than 42 and 43 did!

  3. 6 months post op - 89lbs down. 1 year since first consult, 167lbs down. No longer in daily pain in my back and knee - priceless.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. suzzzzz


      That is awesome! Congrats to you!

    3. blizair09


      Congratulations on your hard work and success!

    4. OzRoo


      Awesome result! Congratulations to you :)

  4. apparently I don't sweat like I used to - thank goodness. Spent saturday afternoon outside (99 degrees here in philly area, heat index well over 100), touring Fordhook Farm - a local garden and research facility for the Burpee seed company. Barely broke a sweat, drank plenty of water. 3 hrs walking around, no knee or back pain either. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

    1. Christinamo7


      it sure is life changing, isn't i? I have to admit. anything over 90 still bothers me, but it is a far cry from before surgery! Life IS good.

    2. Kari1985


      That's amazing! I've noticed this as well. I'm always cold now as well, driving my husband crazy that I'm bundled up under a blanket when it's 75 in the house!

  5. For probably the first time in my adult life, not only did I not gain weight between Christmas and New Year - I actually lost 2.6lbs! While I did choose to stray from plan a bit, I didn't lose total control. Yeah sleeve!

    1. MowryRocks


      Congrats! I had the same experience and have been getting a good chuckle by not being involved in the work conversations about holiday weight gain...

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      HK72, "adult" seems to be the operative word.

      @Chrmow, that smug feeling can taste as good as a dozen gingerbread men.

  6. Go ahead and binge, just do it on something healthy! I was actually told this today by a friend that I was venting to about having a rough time today and really wanting to turn to my old habits for comfort. really? go ahead and binge? ugh...at least it angered me to point i didn't want to eat anymore

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Djmohr


      Clueless people.

    3. heidikat72


      and I had just told her the reason for my bad day - I was having NO luck finding a counselor in my area that deals with food addiction...smh, tried to explain to her that what she said would be like telling an alcoholic to go ahead and have a drink, just have a light beer instead of whiskey. she still didn't get it. Guess I won't be turning to this person for any support again.

    4. Valentina


      Time to put the kettle on and have some hot tea and honest talk. Don't give up on a true friend before having a heart to heart with her about you "new you".

  7. Got through the weekend without an altercation with my mother - was able to ignore her at the party saturday. My nephews and their wives now know about my surgery and seem supportive. And I got my new short and sassy hairdo!

    1. Christinamo7


      I am glad it went so well! nice hair do. :-)

    2. heidikat72


      thanks! i love it!

    3. Valentina


      Love, love, love the new do!!! Short and sassy!!!

  8. Had a little victory today. Went to Longwood Gardens to tour the orchid exhibit in the conservatory. Managed to walk for over 3 hours with just a couple short little breaks to sit and chat with my friend while taking in the beautiful flowers. Seriously, a couple months ago I couldn't have handled the walk from the parking lot to the visitor center let alone the hike over to the conservatory and throughout. Looking forward to how much better it will be after surgery. Can't wait to go out and DO things!

    1. GibbsGirl


      Congrats, It just gets better from here.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Next, a day on the Schuylkill Trail and romping in Fairmount Park?

  9. Had first meeting with a counselor to deal with my emotional eating/food addiction. First words out of her mouth were "you know weight loss surgery doesn't really work, right? You'll gain all the weight back. You should join Weight Watchers and a gym instead. Weight Watchers has a much higher success rate"...yeah, i don't think she's the counselor for me. Her advice for how to manage stress/emotional times without turning to food - simply don't eat. How to find a counselor who takes emotional eating seriously?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. heidikat72


      my nutritionist at the surgeon's office is fantastic. It's finding a counselor/therapist who recognizes food addiction/emotional eating as real issues and can help you deal with them that is proving dang near impossible. The psych's that are part of the surgeon's office (the ones who do the final psych eval for surgery clearance) don't accept insurance so I've been trying to find one that does...but I may just decide to use one of them and self pay at least for a while since they will at least have experience with bariatric patients.

    3. Valentina


      I'm thinking the same thing.

      Question: It is the same with my bariatrics' office--their psych only accepts self pay. What's that all about?? How about enlisting personnel who will work with the same insurances as the surgeon and make the package well rounded and complete for their own patients??

    4. heidikat72


      yeah I don't know what's up with that, it's annoying though. Would be so much easier for the surgeon's team to all be on the insurance and have "one stop shopping" so to speak

  10. had my 2 week follow up appoitment today. Incisions are healing nicely. weighloss was...ZERO. nothing. nada. not even a tenth of a pound. *sigh*

    1. Valentina


      Patience, Grasshopper. Patience. It will happen.

    2. Christinamo7


      well, I am glad you're healing up, and hopefully (probably) you are loosing fat in the background even as you recover from surgery. it will come! you're only job right now is to heal.

    3. heidikat72


      I know. and i'm focusing on the fact that I feel pretty darn good. It was just very disappointing on Thursday when I saw the exact same number on the scale.

  11. Had my 3 month post op appointment this morning. New nutritionist since mine went to another hospital and doesn't work with my surgeon anymore. Down 47.5lbs since surgery. Nutritionist was not impressed, said that was at the very low end of how much I should have lost by now. Yet she couldn't come up with anything I should change to increase it. Surgeon, however, was pleased with my progress to date. Thinking I need to find another nutritionist but I'd like to stay within my surgeon's practice.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Christinamo7


      ask your questions here and see if anyone knows - perhaps we can get you through. my NUT is not much good either, but thankfully the surgeon and NP are excellent.

    3. suzzzzz


      That is a great loss in 3 mths! The non impressed nutritionist needs some training in working with people. Someone who is supportive and helpful always motivates me more than negativity. Be proud of yourself.

    4. Valentina


      I'm not seeing the Nut that is associated with the area's bariatric program. I saw her just once. She told me that she had never had a client who was five years out and "we would just have to wing it". Well, NO THANK YOU. I don't have the patience to be anyone's guinea pig. I found a Reg. Dietician who has a background in bariatrics. She has been most helpful to me. Maybe looking around---asking for a local Reg. Dietician who is bariatric friendly. Just a thought...

  12. Had my 4th of 6 appointments with the surgeon and NUT, lost 16 lbs in the last 6 weeks. Finally below 400lbs! yeah me!

    1. jane13


      WOO HOO! you are on the way to TWOterville!



  13. Had my 6 week post op follow up (I'm actually 7.5 weeks post op) with the surgeon this morning. we discussed my progress not just since surgery but overall since my first appointment last december. He actually started to tear up he was so happy with how far I've come and when he told me how amazed he was, i teared up too. We had a good little happy cry right there in the exam room. Hard to believe this time last year I could barely walk a block without being in excruciating pain. Now I'm down 111lbs overall and 33 since surgery and feel pretty darn good!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. heidikat72


      It's amazing. Hard to comprehend really. I can't even imagine now where I'll be in another 6 months.

    3. Djmohr


      I am thrilled for you! I say this all the time, this surgery and our ability to follow the plan will in fact give us our lives back and allow us to experience life instead of watching it from the sidelines. Congratulations!

    4. KristenLe


      That's awesome @heidikat72! So happy for you!

  14. Had my 6th and final appointment of my medically supervised period this morning! Down 63lbs since my first appointment in December!! My file is being sent to insurance for approval this afternoon and barring no significant delays on the insurance approval, I'll be getting sleeved June 17th!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. heidikat72


      thanks! I'm just a little bit excited


    3. Daisee68


      Wow!! Outstanding work! Congrats!

    4. J.lynn


      that's amazing! good job!!!!

  15. had to retire a pair of jeans over the weekend. they actually almost fell off at work on friday - can't be showing my ass at work like that - well not literally anyway! and to think - in may, i couldn't even come close to buttoning and zipping those suckers!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. heidikat72


      @Dub - yes fortunately it was something I could just laugh off and a good reminder of my progress - had several of those reminders last week!


      @LL - I certainly get the be disciplined aspect of martial arts, but damn a 100 push ups? that's just adding insult to an already embarassing situation. although I bet you made sure from then on that your pants wouldn't fall down in class again!

    3. heidikat72


      @LL - what was deleted? oh lord, what fun did I miss last night?

    4. LipstickLady


      You missed no fun, I promise you. ;)


      Yes, push up. No, I never lost my pants again. :D

  16. Having lunch today with two guys I used to work with and haven't seen since March so pre-surgery and about 120lbs ago. Should be interesting to see if they notice a difference. One knows about the surgery and has seen a relatively recent pic (from vacation in October). And I think he may have told the other about the surgery. Should be an interesting lunch in a lot of ways!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raymia


      Oh they noticed I'm sure they had a lot to say once you left and nothing better then the exit... Love it! Did you glance over the shoulder too? lol

    3. heidikat72


      haha I thought about doing the "glance back" like Loretta Devine in Waiting to Exhale as she's sashaying away from Gregory Hines whispering "he better not be watching me walk away, (glance) oh, he's watching me walk away". But we actually stopped in the parking lot and Jeff said bye, and Scott stood there and kept talking (very typical of him) until I twice had to say I have a meeting so I have to get back to work. But I'm sure the guys were texting the rest of the afternoon and probably including our friend Jason who wasn't able to make it to lunch. But it was nice to have lunch with the guys I used to eat lunch with every day for over a year. The only thing I miss about that company is a handful of people.

    4. Raymia
  17. Held a plank for 30 seconds today. Considering 8 weeks ago I struggled to hold it for 12 seconds, I'd say that's progress! And did four of them in a row today not just one. yeah me!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Christinamo7


      yes they do! I do them a few times a week at work - and I do yoga and pilates. Pilates is what I love best - because like Dub I want to get my abs of tin. haha :-) I'd like to make people's mouths drop when they learn about my 7 kids.

    3. heidikat72


      abs of tin! I love it!

    4. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      30 seconds is tremendous progress. I remember your earlier note about planks. Right now I have abs of gossamer, but have just begun -- again -- PT. Core strengthening is one of the chief goals.

  18. hmmm apparently I can't post in the forums anymore...

    1. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      The only time I have had that problem is when I have to reboot my computer after an update and have gotten involuntarily logged out. Once I log back in, I can post and reply as usual.

    2. heidikat72


      i'm clearly logged in. Plus I shut my computer down each night. Tried to post on two threads yesterday - one of which I tried to post 3 times. Didn't take. This morning same thing. oh well

    3. Valentina


      Can you PM Alex? Maybe he can help. good luck and get back here!!!

  19. It really is the little things that mean the most. Spent the holiday with one of my nephews and his family. Managed to go to the Christmas theme at the local amusement park and walked over 5 miles. This was something I had to bail on them for last year because there was no way I could do it. That was my final straw that made me go through with the surgery. While I struggled to keep pace with his wife zipping back and forth all over the park (man, she uses that stroller like a deadly weapon! ha!), I did it. But even something as simple as running around their backyard with the 5yr old and 2yr old just made my day. Truly blessed.

  20. Just got my flu shot at work...and a bugs bunny band aid. Funny, after all those lovenox injections post op - I didn't feel a thing with the flu shot.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShelterDog64


      My sports med doc who injected my shoulder all last year has 2 young children...he buys his own bandaids and lets his kids pick them. I'm usually sporting either a Disney princess of some sort or a nice Superhero (I prefer Superman or Batman, being old-school) :)

    3. LipstickLady


      I keep ninja bandaids in my house. They are SO cute. I hate the brown band-aids. What a wasted opportunity!

    4. heidikat72


      ooh while the shot didn't hurt yesterday my arm is super sore today. The injection site isn't red though so no adverse reaction to the vaccine. just sore

  21. Just got the call that insurance approved! Finally! One less thing to stress about right now. All systems are go for VSG on June 17th!

  22. Just got the call that insurance approved! Finally! One less thing to stress about right now. All systems are go for VSG on June 17th!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. finding_onederland


      huzzah! Can't wait to be able to post the same thing! Congrats!

    3. deadmanwalking
    4. deadmanwalking
  23. last lovenox injection done!!! so glad to have those behind me

  24. making a mental note to profusely thank my bariatric team for the 3 inch thick binder of info and all the pre-op talks

    1. Christinamo7


      my NP messaged me Friday to see how my PCP appointment went. I am thankful for an involved, caring team. not everyone has the advantages I have had.

    2. LipstickLady


      Riiiight. Excellent.


  25. mmmm coffee with a splash of caramel premier protein shake. delicious

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AmiLou


      I knew this myself. I've been drinking a bit every morning with coffee at work. I found it at Sam's and have been back a couple of times already. It sure satisfies a sweet craving with very little calories and added protein.

    3. LipstickLady




      I did half cup coffee, a protein shake and ice in the blender. YUM. Took me a long time to finish it, but in a Tervis tumbler, it stayed slushy like.

    4. Cervidae


      Where did you find the caramel ones?! They used to have them at Walmart but I can't find them there or online anywhere. :o

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