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A New KK

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by A New KK

  1. Wow. My doctor's guidlines are so strict. I have to admit I am 4 weeks post op and I've cheated a little too. I didn't cheat during the liquid phase but I'm on pureed now. Since pureed I have eaten 2 olives, a taste of a corn cake, added Tomato sauce to my refried Beans on 2 occasions before my nutritionist said no tomato sauce and . . . I had 1 cosmopolitan at a holiday party which I later regretted. It was good going down but I felt sick to my stomach overnight and woke up with my mouth feeling and tasting like a sewer. I will not do that again. I also accidentally tasted a carbonated Water. It said grapefruit ice and didn't look carbonated but when I sipped I found it was carbonated and with only half a sip it felt like I was having a heart attack. No carbonation for me.

  2. I am 3 1/2 weeks post op. I have never been one to nap and usually have good energy. However, for the last week and a half (since I went on pureed foods) I am struggling. Yesterday I slept so much I missed a meal and some liquids. I am bone tired. I am out of work until the beginning of January so I have time on my hands. This morning I slept until 1030. Usually I'm up by 730. I am taking all my Vitamins. I admit Protein has been a bit of a struggle so I have gone back to one Protein shake a day with added greek yogurt to up the Protein grams. I am pretty close to 60 grams a day as recommended. I have been Water jogging with weights every day except today when I went in to lie down for about a half and hour and wound up sleeping 3 and a half hours.

    This is so not me.

    Anyone else experience this?

  3. Found out the pain in my hip is advanced arthritis and pool exercise is the best thing for it so my doing the challenge turned out to be the right thing. I am averaging an hour a day (a little over my goal) and lost 4 lbs so far. I think I will definitely hit my goal. Good luck to everyone.

  4. I am not juicing now. I did that last summer. Weighed this morning and the 5 lbs I gained last weekend is gone. So I'm down 11 lbs post op. Still slow but I am encouraged today. I put on a blouse that was tight before surgery and it hangs longer and the sides are actually loose. So I can tell I'm losing inches if not lbs right now. I am going to stay off the scale. I ordered a body measuring tape and a friend who also had bariatric surgery to take my picture each week to see my progress. I think that's better for me than the scale. Thanks for all your advice and support.

  5. I promise to stay off the scale. However, I did better last summer juicing (mostly green juices) than I'm doing with WLS so far. I am jogging in the pool for at least an hour a day with weights at least half of that time. I think I was really depressed because I've tried to walk and my left hip has been hurting terribly since I tripped and fell in Puerto Rico several months ago. Turns out I inflamed the joint socket and apparently I already had arthritis. I finally went to Ortho Dr. yesterday and he said not to walk on land for exercise and to use a cane. He also scheduled me to have an injection in the hip. Said after I lose some weight will probably recommend jt replacement.

  6. I know my nutritionist said to not get on the scale for a bit and I waited 4 days. Yesterday was 3 weeks post op. I'm jogging in the pool for at least an hour every day (I did skip Monday due to bad weather.)

    I gained 7 lbs post op, lost that, went down 10 then up 5 over last weekend and still stuck there. So with 2 weeks pre op diet and 3 weeks post op I have lost 5 stinking lbs.

    I did this surgery because I tried everything the last two years. I gave up booze, diet soda, bread, Pasta. Tried mostly vegetarian, juicing etc. and the same thing keeps happening. I lose a couple of lbs and then stop. Last time it took 4 months to lose 10 lbs.

    What is wrong with my metabolism. I know its a sin to compare but most everyone here is posting that they've lost at least 20 lbs in the same time frame.

    Did anyone else have this type problem?

    I need some support today before I lost my mind!

  7. I don't ever want to forget the humiliation of having to ask for a seat belt extender and how the armrests dug into my hips on my last overseas flight. I envision doing more while traveling. I was afraid to do the zip line in Costa Rica with the kids because of my weight. I can't wait to return to try it out. Rather than living dangerously with my health and food, I hope to add adventure through my travels.

  8. Thanks for the reply. My surgeon will not allow fruit of any kind except sugar free jam. Having a hard time with eggs. Ricotta cheese, cottage cheese, refried Beans with a little light sour cream and slice deli turkey breast go down the best. Just finally able to get 60 grams per day and getting to 64 ounces Water or crystal light. I am going to ask about the avocado. I saw a recipe where someone cooked an egg in a half avocado and ate it with some salt, pepper and a little tabasco. Looked good.

  9. LOL I was jealous that you had a Ritz cracker. I am not quite 3 weeks post op. I'm only down 5 lbs post surgery. I was down 10 but the scale jumped 5 from Saturday to Sunday and is sitting there. I too am struggling to get down all the Protein and Water but I am making a more concentrated effort. My hospital's support group met for the last time this month at the same time I was in the doctor's for my post op so no support group until next month. My nutritionist says it is my muscles retaining the Fluid since I'm up to an hour a day Water walking with pool weights. I was so bummed out I didn't go to the pool yesterday but I am going six days a week(it was raining on and off anyway). In my head I jump to the thought that I regret the surgery but I know I needed to do this. I have today pledged to stay off the scale until the weekend. I do feel a difference in my clothing and can wear things that haven't seen the light of day in a couple of years. Keep moving and I know it will come off for both of us. Good Luck!

  10. I weighed again this morning and still up 5 lbs. I know I can't have really gained that weight but it is soooo frustrating. I have in the last two years leading to surgery tried juicing, going almost vegetarian, exercised and my body seems to stall every time. I mean I gave up bread, Pasta, sugar, booze and still can't seem to lose weight. That is why I finally broke down and got the surgery. The doctor cleared me for the pool and I told the nutritionist and she seems fine with everything I am doing. I was putting cheese on my refried Beans so I'm going to cut that out and try to get in a little more Water and see if that helps. I just had a very reasonable goal weight for Christmas and if this keeps up I won't make it. Feeling a little bummed out.

  11. Day 18. On pureed foods since last Wednesday. Still trying to find what I can eat/tolerate. Got close to 60 grams Protein Saturday and Sunday and drank all my Water. Surprise , surprise I woke up got on the scale and gained 5 lbs overnight from Saturday to Sunday and today still up that 5 lbs. I gained 7 lbs post op and took 10 days for that to go then I dropped 10 lbs and now gain 5. Down a net 5 lbs. Kind of disappointed when I see people down 20 lbs and the weight is flying off. I know I shouldn't compare but after 3 solid weeks of liquids and gagging down Protein shakes and then having a hard time finding anything besides fat free refried Beans that my new stomach will tolerate it's kind of hard. I have upped my exercise (water walking with weights to 1 hour a day 6 days a week.)

  12. My surgery date was 11/19/15. I lost 25 lbs in the 2 months leading up to surgery, gained 7 lbs post operatively and now down a total of 30 lbs but only really 5 post surgery. Even the doctor seemed to think my initial loss was low and said it should pick up. Today I tried my first pureed foods and wanted to die. I know I'm glad I did it but I also know myself, and I need to see results. Happy for your quick results though.

  13. Both my doctor and nutritionist are in the no camp. They say it expands your stomach sleeve making it easier for you to eat more and therefore rregain weight. I gave up TAB over a year ago, had a break and drank a 12 pack in March and then for my birthday in June. That was all pre-op so my plan is to stay off diet soda.

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