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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Kalipso2

  1. my problem has never been eating in front of clients or people i work with... it's my family!

    yesterday was the first time in 34 days that i've eaten with them. i had one piece of pizza (which i couldn't even finish!!) and my mom was watching me like a hawk. at one point she said "kris marie, that's too big of a piece!" *sigh* what does she know? later that night i had a tiny piece of cake (maybe 1" x 1") and less than a quarter cup of icecream (it was my birthday dinner). after i ate i had to go to the bathroom. when i walked out my sister asked me if i had been in there puking. *sigh* hopefully they stop watching me so closely and give me a little bit of credit for knowing my body and knowing what to do!

  2. i had my surgery on april 21st. i choose a doctor 4 hours away from home so i asked my parents to go with me. i wasn't nervous until the morning of the surgery.

    after i got changed into my gown, i was told i was 3rd in line. the one girl left and my surgeon stopped in quickly to make sure i was okay and make sure i didn't have any other questions.

    about a half hour later i'm told it's MY turn but there was still supposed to be one guy a head of me! everything happened so fast after that.

    i was rolled into the operating room and asked to scooch over to another table. the OR was SO bright and big... not like it is on tv lol. i was told to hold both arms out to the side and then i got some oxygen. next thing i know i'm in recovery.

    i must have been enjoying the drugs and sleep because the nurses said i didn't want to wake up. even after i woke up i refused to open my eyes for some reason. i was moved to my room shortly after.

    i was hurting a little more than i expected but it was bearable for the most part. i do know that when i had to go to the bathroom it took me forever to pee! i asked the nurse if i could walk around and she said yes. no on ever "made" me get up and walk which i found surprising.

    the drugs made the pain manageable and sleepy if it weren't for the nurses coming in every 2 hours lol. i was glad to get home the next day!

  3. how long will you be staying in Mexico?

    i had all these grand ideas that i was going to feel so good after my surgery that i brought books, my ipod, my hair dryer & curling Iron, pajamas and a change of clothes for the next day.

    i never opened a book. i never turned on my ipod. i was in too much pain to take a shower and do my hair. i was hooked up to my IV so i never did put my pajamas on and i left in the same clothes i wore there. lol

    so my advice would be to pack as little as possible! good luck on your new journey!

  4. i was a self-pay patient too. in the cleveland area the cost was between $15,000 and $21,000. then i started looking into Mexico but knew i'd have to find a doctor to do my fills here and i couldn't find one who would fill a patient banded in mexico.

    so i started expanding my search and found a WONDERFUL surgeon 4 hours away in cincinnati, ohio. it was luck that he was also the least expensive.

    after i did research on his background i knew he was the right surgeon for me. he answers questions under the "complications" section and he always, always, always responds to all his emails personally.

  5. today has been 30 days since my surgery. when i went in for my first fill i asked about increasing my exercise to more than walking. i mentioned that i tried to use my ablounger and it hurt.

    i was told that after 30 days i was free to do any exercise i wanted BUT the port area will hurt... you won't tear the muscle where the port is located but the pain will be there for around 3-4 months.

    i was told to stock aleve!

  6. deb, i'm not sure if your doctor does fills under flouro but try to find a video to watch about it because it totally freaked me out! i watched a regular fill being done but wasn't expecting the first fill under flouro. i was standing up and the dr sprayed some numbing stuff on my port incision and came right at me with the needle. i didn't think... i just reacted and grabbed her arm before the needle got to my stomach. i guess i didn't think i would be numb enough yet. it happened so quick! i did apologize for grabbing her (oops!)

  7. i had my surgery on 04/21/08 and my first fill today, 05/19/08. during my consultation, my surgeon said he would most likely use the Realize band. I found out today during my fill (not given by my surgeon) that i actually have a Lap band. She didn't know why he decided to switch.

    also, she said i already had 1.5cc in my 10cc band that was given to me during surgery and she gave me another 1.8cc today for a total of 3.8cc. i didn't think they put the band in with any Water? how many cc's will it take to feel a decent amount of restriction?

    the good news is, i've lost 14 pounds during this first month and it was hard work. my dr's office said i did great and a lot of people don't lose anything during the first month after surgery.

  8. of course there are risks... it's surgery. while i was VERY confident with my surgeon, i still filled out a living will and power of attorney... much to my mom's dismay.

    maybe my family is morbid but we all talk about what we want done if one of us dies. i have all my animals assigned to specific family members and my burial wishes were told to my whole family.

  9. i chose to stay overnight because i've never had surgery before and wanted to make sure i had access to the stronger pain meds before going home. i can't really say it was worth it because the nurses come in every 2 hours to take vitals but the stay was included in my payment.

  10. understandable... i almost went that route too but decided it would be too hard to find a doctor to do the fills in the US. make sure you have one lined up before you go to Mexico unless you plan on going back there for your fills! There are a lot of US doctors who won't do fills on another surgeons "work".

    If you want the name to my surgeon, let me know. He participates on this board regularly but most of the time in the "complications" section so he can help answer questions.

    Good luck!

  11. i was banded on april 21st and technically you're not restricted until you have your first fill. i'm lucky and my doc does the first fill at 30 days under flouro so my first fill is scheduled for may 19th!! i'm nervous AND excited.

    since you're not restricted, it's absolutely normal to feel hungry! i actually gave in to temptation one time and PB'd... it wasn't pretty... so don't give in to the ho-ho's!!

    i emailed my dietician and asked what to do to stop the hunger and her only advice was willpower and Protein. i found that the slimfast optima creamy milk chocolate shakes are awesome... especially when stuck in the freezer for an hour or so!! also try to eat ever 2-3 hours... small meals.

    here is what i've been "eating":

    breakfast: slimfast

    snack: sugar-free pudding

    lunch: small wrap with 1/4 cup cheese (melted)

    snack: slimfast

    dinner: 2 scrambled eggs

    snack: sugar-free Jello w/sugar free whipped topping

    supposedly this is what's called "Bandster Hell" because we're banded but not restricted and HUNGRY!

  12. good luck with your surgery! it's an exciting time, isn't it? i was banded on 04/21/08 by Dr. Trace Curry in Cincinnati (but i live in cleveland). i know when i was "shopping around" i had a hard time finding a doctor that would do fills on a patient that they didn't operate on. If you would like Dr. C's # let me know. he may take fill patients. i know i called the cleveland clinic and was told they do it as a "case by case" basis.

  13. i was banded on 04/21/08. i get to start mushies on 05/06/08 but i just couldn't wait. (no lectures, please).

    friday is "doughnut day" at work. i didn't even want one but i ate one. i started feeling stuck and then the hiccups started. i wasn't sure what was going to happen since it's never happened before. luckily i was smart enough to walk to the bathroom.

    i gagged and out came the entire doughnut. it reminded me of cat vomit the way it came out in one long strand of food.

    needless to say, i'm back on liquids and have learned the hard way that i need to learn to eat slowly!

  14. i didn't have a catheter but i bet the nurse wished i had lol

    when i was in recovery and still REALLY out of it i told the nurse i had to go pee. she rolled me over and put me on top of a bed pan. i don't even remember how long i stayed like that but when she came back i told her i couldn't go.

    next thing i know they're rubbing something on my lower abdomen and the nurse said "honey, there is absolutely nothing in there."

    i guess i didn't have to pee after all lol

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