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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by M!@

  1. CarlAllen_95,

    We were all super motivated about what we were going to do...even more so for me now at 8 months post op. However, you are in the early, early stage, and I know our expectations can get ahead of us, but please take in slow and follow your surgeon's guidance regarding incorporating exercise: You will need weeks to heal and this is key to long term success...the gym will be ready and waiting for you once you are cleared by your doctor.

    Congratulations on your success thus far...there is much more where that came from.

  2. Hey Everyone, doing my check-in...I have gotten so busy at work that I barely have time to breathe, let alone get lost in the forums.

    So I am currently at 173 lbs, and seem to be losing ounces steadily. I have gotten past the point where I need to see the loss on the scale. I do not weigh every day, just 1 x weekly. I have increased exercise, and feel like I can do just about anything. I also keep track of my inches because despite the scale the clothes are still becoming looser; of course that means I have to have a consistent process for clearing out the old clothes. I figured hey if I put it on and it is too loose, it goes into the to-go pile. I am not making a big production out of it cause again, don't have the time. ; > I am also replacing items 1 at a time...

    I recently incorporated running, but I work out at least 5 x weekly.

  3. I am coming up on 7 months post op, and I have had at least 3 stalls. My first was around the 3 week mark I believe but is was fairly short. The second stall I barely noticed as I was moving to a new state and did not weigh for some time. More currently, I do not even believe these are considered stalls, but every few pounds my body will linger for a week or two and then start slowing losing again. Since my journey began in November I am down 70 pounds.

    My advice which I myself do not follow, because the stalls don't bother me is...stay away from the scale. Some people say don't weight but every month, others say every few months etc. If you don't get on the scale, you won't know that the number has not changed during stalls. Another good tip is to take your measurements. Even during stalls my numbers have stayed on the down trend.

  4. if the teenagers would just text me when they use the last bit of something I wouldn't have to turn into a raging madwoman when I discover the empty container still in the cupboard or fridge....................

    LMBO that and this...I tell them to text me a grocery list, and they send me 50 items but they send them 2 by 2. Can they not just send 1 with everything, not send as they think of it? My phone is going off all day at work. Geesh

  5. Carbonated beverages are a gas, when you drink them...guess what? You are more susceptible to... well what do you know, gas. Or more so feeling the discomfort from the gas very quickly, due to that small pouch you now have.

    I am no doctor, nor do I play one on TV...I have no authority to speak on the matter, no official research conducted. I asked my doctor, he says during the healing phase, stay away because it can cause complications. After that, it can cause some serious gas, so he suggests sipping.

    But since it seems everyone is giving their opinion on the matter, I figured why not chime in with my non-professional opinion.

    My name is Mia, I am a diet soda sipper, and I approve this message LMBO

  6. Thanks for the compliments, they have not gone unnoticed!

    You look amazing!


    When people ask me my goal weight I tell them simply "healthy". I'd be happy to lose anywhere from 50 to 140 pounds so I don't really have a number goal in mind, just healthier than I am now.
    Congrats on your progress, you have a great curvy body!


    Keep up the good work

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal

  7. Hi, first of all english is not my first language so Im sorry if I make some mistakes while writing

    My surgery (sleeve) is in 9 days and in the past few days I've been feeling completely alone. My family supports my surgery but lives on the other side of the country, my best friend is on the other side of the country too doing her residency and my boyfriend is the kind of people that freezes with medical stuff so he's been nervous and avoiding talking about my surgery at all costs.

    And I just feel like I need to vent, you know? Im already on the liquid diet, it's hard, and I havent lost a single pound in 5 days!! Im nervous about so many things! I don't doubt about having my surgery, Im just anxious and nervous and I want to talk about it! And I feel I don't have anyone to talk.... Until two days ago my mom was the one I could talk all day, but now she's more nervous than me and asking every 2 hours if Im sure and sending me articles about "natural" alternatives to loose weight without surgery.

    Now Im distracting myself with work, and concentrating on being my own support, but I can't help feel scared. It would be great to talk to someone.

    Did any of you felt like this before surgery???

    Milo, you are not alone...we are here to help and also let you vent when you need to.

    It is natural to be nervous prior to such a life changing event, and it is natural for your boyfriend and mother to experience their own feelings of anxiety about this. They seem to really care about your health and well being.

  8. So, I am not sure what size pants I started at because after a while I only wore stretch or workout pants. Those were 2X or XL. Currently wearing a S/M but the pants size ranges from 10 to 14 depending on brand. I am hips, thighs, and ass. 247 to 179 currently.

    Hope this helps!

  9. I just made my 6 month surgiversary last week. Needless to say, the journey has just began. I stood on my scale this morning (day late from yesterday) and I have dropped down into the 170's at 179.2. A difference of nearly 68 lbs since beginning my journey last November. I am not sure what it was about this particular weight or those numbers but I was a bit in shock as I stood there looking down at the scale. I think it deals mostly with the amount of weight I still need to release/let go/fire (I don't generally say lose or lost if it is a purposeful act). With a goal weight of 145 lbs, 34.2 lbs seems just around the corner.

    I am not saying it will easy or even that I can tell my body where to stop. Hell, 145 is just a number I chose based on where they say I should be for my height and age, etc. etc. etc. What I have control over is how I choose to use this tool to my benefit and that is what I do. My diet is not perfect, and by that I mean I choose to sip diet coke periodically, and I haven't tracked in at least 2 months but primarily because my diet consists of the same things. I drink coffee for Breakfast or my first meal every morning. Granted, I use vanilla Protein for Creamer. I work out 4 x weekly at a minimum and try to do active fun things on the weekends.

    It seems that I have began rambling at some point, so bear with me on this reflective outburst I seem to be having. I suppose 6 months is a good point to consider the way ahead; to determine if I am happy with progress thus far (which I am) or if there is something differently I should be doing to maximize this opportunity so as not to become complacent. The truth is, I don't know if I should change anything at this point...which means I need to spend a little time reviewing my literature and looking through the topics here.

    I guess the shock comes with not knowing what is in store for me, but being so far so quickly. I started with 102 pounds to let go; 68 of those have gotten the pink slip over such a short time. With there being potentially only 34 left to fire, I guess it bothers me that I do not have a true stop point; well not one that the higher ups (my body) is sharing with the lower level staff (my brain). Do I fear that I will be too thin? (not really, not yet). Do I think it will just stop all of a sudden or worse reverse direction? (I don't think that is it either). I believe it is more to do with...I can exercise all types of control over what I do, what I eat or don't; but the "goal" I am reaching for is unknown or out of my hands (arbitrary) and the one I set is just there so I can have an answer when asked. But next to asking how much have I lost, its the very next question people ask...what are you trying to get to, how much are you trying to lose, what's your goal?

    From now on, I think I will opt for a more realistic response: "The ideal weight for a female of my age and height ranges from 118 to 154 lbs based on healthy BMI recommendations" LOL I guess I will find out when I get there.

  10. There are some interesting takes on this topic as always. I say if diet soda or any food for that matter is like a drug to you or is a gateway to other bad habits then do not indulge.

    I mean you have to ask yourself if you can sip and be fine or if you are Jonesing for a long gulp. Can you go several days or weeks without it being on your mind 24/7.

    Before I even considered surgery, I was not eating rice, bread, Pasta, potatoes, and tons of other things and people, of course thought I was crazy then, well they still think I am crazy now as I still do not eat these things. But I do drink diet soda, and having one or two sips here and there doesn't really drive me to drink more, or cause me to crave anything else. I am not drinking enough to fill my stomach, so the likelihood of stretching is probably slim.

    There are certain instructions which are strictly do and don't do, some of these are because of the nutritionist's and doctors' past experience with other patients. And it is important that we know that this has caused other patients problems in the past.

    Please share a few of those "tons of studies" on soda and sleeve stretching - I'd love to read them.!

    ??? maybe this comment was for someone else??? this was not mentioned in my post ;)

  11. There are some interesting takes on this topic as always. I say if diet soda or any food for that matter is like a drug to you or is a gateway to other bad habits then do not indulge.

    I mean you have to ask yourself if you can sip and be fine or if you are Jonesing for a long gulp. Can you go several days or weeks without it being on your mind 24/7.

    Before I even considered surgery, I was not eating rice, bread, Pasta, potatoes, and tons of other things and people, of course thought I was crazy then, well they still think I am crazy now as I still do not eat these things. But I do drink diet soda, and having one or two sips here and there doesn't really drive me to drink more, or cause me to crave anything else. I am not drinking enough to fill my stomach, so the likelihood of stretching is probably slim.

    There are certain instructions which are strictly do and don't do, some of these are because of the nutritionist's and doctors' past experience with other patients. And it is important that we know that this has caused other patients problems in the past.

  12. Hi all!

    This is my first post here. I have been researching a lot and am ready to start going to my doctor to get the ball rolling. I have PCOS and an looking to conceive (I know, 18 months after). I am really freaking out about the recovery. I am mostly concerned about having staples, or having open incisions. How fast did they heal enough not to have pants hurt or if you turn at your waist? I am a baby with pain! I am looking to only take a week off work. I have a desk job that requires no moving really. I will have my husband drive me to work as well. I am just concerned about the incisions/scabs getting caught, ripped, tugged. Any advice??


    Recovery was not long for me. I had 5 incisions (1 small, and 4 extra small). I was fine driving on day 2, I was not on any pain meds; just took it slow. I had surgery on Friday and was back at work on Tuesday feeling fine. My job required lots of walking which was great with the gas pain. It really helped. I was exhausted when I got home though. Stitches were removed after a couple of weeks. It was difficult getting in the needed liquids but I did ok.

    Can't speak to the conception after surgery, mine are teens. But what I can say is this surgery was nothing compared to childbirth. It felt like someone pinched me unless of course I forgot about the surgery and moved too quickly.

    However, everyone does have different experiences, so you have to give your body the time it needs to heal correctly. As for more help if you need it, ask for more time if you need it, and follow the recommendations given by your surgeon and nutritionist.

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