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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by smcbee79

  1. smcbee79

    Losing trust in my husband

    We need to remember it is us going through the surgery but our spouses are going through something completely separate from us. It is kjnd of not fair to expect him not to talk to any body about his fears or concerns. As you say he doesn't understand you, you probably wouldn't understand his thoughts or worries. Try cutting him some slack.
  2. smcbee79

    Why am I hungry?!?!

    @@vsgbeccab i am in the same position as you and started wondering if my stomach was all still in there. Try bulking up your protein. I started blebding my shakes to thicken them uo and adding some natural peanut butter for some extra protein. Ao far it has helped today
  3. All i am going to say he or she who refuses the DVT prophylaxis is nuts! Im an ER nurse and I cannot tell you how sorry you will be if you get a PE. You think the nausea you suffered was unbearable? Hold on for what the PE will do.
  4. Ok guys some ideas on the pureed food please!!! Maybe I just chose the worst thing to try for the first attempt at food. Normally I love refried beans!!! This is actually making nauseated I really was looking forward to this! lol
  5. Thanks for the response this definitely is,not an easy week
  6. @@Nurse_Lenora I agree! This is in no means to be bashing you for your feelings Dave but you need to consider hers too. Actually we all need to consider how our spouses feel. It is not just us going through changes but they are going through them too. They are watching us change our lives and possibly wonder where they may fit in. I no my husband thinks that and he is healthy. He loved me as the fat person and I believe he will love me as the leaner one. Instead of questioning your marriage I would try to understand your wife first. As you see I said understand not question because it could come off not sounding so good.
  7. smcbee79

    Sleeve failure?

    Im worried because i am hungry lol
  8. smcbee79

    Post op day day 3

    Its all in what you tolerate. You can try byt cutting pill in half if it is scored.
  9. smcbee79

    Post op day day 3

    Good morning everyone! @@aleja908 you shouldn't have to crush your pills. I was prescribed Norco as well and I havent taken any. How does your incision look? It isn't infected?
  10. Sleeved on Monday 16th. Actually feel like I have not had any surgery. I am so flippin hungry!!!!! I thought this was to diminish People I no who have had it said after their surgery they were not hungry for months. Im very worried because I want that feeling of no hunger.
  11. Woke up this morning feeling different and when I looked in the mirror I felt different and sad. Never had a problem with depression but am very depressed today and so cold! I am 6 days post op
  12. smcbee79

    Feeling sad and cold

    Holidays are pretty hard. This will be the first Thanksgiving we don't celebrate either because my dad and brother went away for a hunting trip. Guess just a lot of changes very quickly!!! I am loving the snow right now. Oh I understand the no help with the Christmas Tree thats what I forced the issue of it going up now. My doc said maybe 2 weeks, but then an additional 4 weeks of just desk work. He doesn't want me lifting on patients, doing CPR's and very strenuous stuff just to let the staples heal. When I see him on the 2nd I hope that I get my release to go back This group is pretty cool, I'm not one to do online forums but I do enjoy this and all the helpful advice every one gives. @@M&S thanks for the advice Ill definitely put together a music list. Definitely no walking outside for me the next few days. I'm a natural born klutz and we decided it was not best for me to walk outside in the snow and end up falling on my new and improved stomach
  13. smcbee79

    Feeling sad and cold

    @@HopeandAgony Hugs to you too!!! I’m usually the one that has the windows open still during winter yet right now I’m on the couch with a sweatshirt on, a down comforter on watching the snow fall here in Michigan. We are under our first winter storm warning this weekend and its coming down good. I have my Christmas tree up, I put that up before surgery because of the lift restrictions we have I guess I have situational depression, especially this time of year. Four years to the date I got released from the hospital we put my mom in the hospital for the last time. I have struggeled every year at this time since then. Thanksgiving day we were told she needed hospice and she ended up passing Dec 23 2011. I’m thinking with the emotions caused by the surgery and the fact I get this way at this time its making it much harder on me. My mom was only 52 when she passed, she was a young thing. I’m 36 year old wife and step mother to 2 girls. I too am in a very rewarding full time job, I am an ER nurse and in the Spring should be starting my Masters Program. In high school I was always overweight. Never would weigh myself but I remember wearing sized 18 and 22. When I graduated the weight kept coming on and seemed like it never stopped. I’ve battled with binge/purge episodes when I am really stressed but deal more with the binging. This past year I reached my highest weight of 480 and I am 5f11i. For a big girl I can still move it considering I’m in a busy ER. At the 2 week preop check I weighed in at 460 and day of surgery I weighed in at 440 which I cried because I cannot remember when I weighed that. The day of discharge I was down to 433. Currently I don’t know what I weight, but I no my clothes are loser. With a history of eating problems I chose not to have a scale in the house right now because I do no it is easy to go from one eating disorder to the next. Dec 2nd I go for my 2 week check and I will weigh in then. I am hungry a lot!!! More than before the surgery actually. If I forget to sip the fluids I will get a little nauseated and fill like a brick is in my stomach for a few seconds. I really wish I had no hunger. I’m loving popcycles!!!!
  14. smcbee79

    Feeling sad and cold

    My husband hasnt been home much since I got home. He is busy with work and school. Tomorrow he said he wanted to spend some aline time with his brother and hurt my feelings. I just feel more emotional than I am used to and lonley as hell.
  15. smcbee79

    Holy hunger!

    @ when you graduated to solids did you find you couldn't eat much. I feel like I still have a bottomless pit
  16. smcbee79

    Holy hunger!

    @@HopeandAgony i wish i had that problem
  17. Monday I got sleeved. Day 2 was horrible! Done nothing but vomit. Today thats all done and I am finally home. Did anybody notice their heart seem to race after surgery? Im wondering if it could be from the gas bubbles.
  18. smcbee79

    Holy hunger!

    @tinnytink this is real hunger, stomach growling and everything! @@sbg224 that was my fear is that the sleeve wouldnt let me stop eating.
  19. smcbee79

    Purée stage

    Im post op day 4 but just trying to plan my menus for up coming weeks
  20. smcbee79

    Purée stage

    Curious how does poached egg work with pureed diet? I love poached eggs!!!
  21. Did you call surgeon? Maybe they can call you in a script to help you get thru this hump
  22. smcbee79

    Day 3

    My only problem is my heart rate and they think i may be dry and it couod be the anesthesia still. Its not that I cant drink the fluids I just dont have the desire :/
  23. smcbee79

    Any one here from Mi

    Congrats on the Surgery. Best of luck on the recovery. I remember feeling so energetic and vibrant the first couple weeks. Still feel amazing compared to life before surgery, but I remember thinking how great I felt that second week in particular. im feeling kinda crummy right now. Anything I do my heart rate jumps up to 120+. No other other symptoms. Surgeon called back and says its probably just anesthesia and being a little dry. Just dont like feeling like this.
  24. smcbee79

    Any one here from Mi

    Im from Armada I had mine done at Barix Clinic in Ypsilanti with Dr. Taylor. Just was sleeved on the 16th and so far I feel great. ... 2nd day post op was a different story tho lol
  25. smcbee79

    Packing list

    Good luck with surgery!

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