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Status Updates posted by DivaSoBlessed

  1. I'm feeling hopeful. I attended a information session which is required before meeting with a surgeon for a consultation. I was surprised at the number of people who were in attendance just a day before Thanksgiving but it let me know just how much we are all seeking out much needed help. I am now waiting on a phone call upon verification of my insurance to meet with the surgeon. I wishing you all much success in your journey. Happy Holidays!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. DivaSoBlessed


      Djmohr that is the best news that I have heard all day! I am so happy for you because I know exactly what you were experiencing. My husband has type II diabetes, Gerd, high blood pressure, and before having is gall bladder removed he was diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver disease, and pancreatitis. He works out very hard 5 days a week and has lost over 100 lbs. on his own i discussed us both having the surgery but he has lost so much weight on his own that he wants to continue that way. On the other hand losing the weight on my own hasn't been as easy. I am a size 26 but I can remember when I was in a size 7. I can't wait to feel and look healthy Djmohr. Its just a dream for now but I am hoping to get there soon. I am so very happy for you. It warms my heart seeing people reach their goals and fell good about themselves. I am wishing you continued success!

    3. Djmohr


      I can feel your excitement and I am excited for you! Tell you're husband how proud you are every day. Losing that kind of weight on your own and keeping it off is so very difficult! Good for him!

    4. DivaSoBlessed


      Thank you @Djmohr really! I have been so busy dealing with my own issues that I haven't even given a thought to supporting him by letting him know just how proud I am of his accomplishments. I appreciate you for giving me that reminder to do it. It always helps to know that your spouse has your back and I want him to know that I definitely have his back because he has always had mine.

  2. I'm feeling hopeful! My consultation went well and he says that I am a good candidate for any of the surgeries but I am choosing VSG. Today is definitely a good day and I hope that your day is too. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ZetaStar


      Congratulations, DivaSoBlessed!!!! I understand how you feel...I'm waiting on insurance approval now. Like you, I can hardly wait to get on the losers' bench!

    3. DivaSoBlessed


      @ZetaStar I have to say congratulations to you as well because if you are waiting on your approval that means that you have gone through all of your testing. That is wonderful news!!! I still have two more test to take but what I thought would be the hardest of my appointments which actually wasn't is behind me now and I am so glad. I can't wait until we reach that loser's bench. It will be bitter sweet. Hope that your Sunday was good.

    4. ZetaStar


      Hey DivaSoBlessed!!!! I got my approval!!! Now I just have to come up with my portion of the payment and I can schedule surgery!!!

      I'm excited and nervous at the same time!!!

  3. Consultation Scheduled! I'm relieved that I finally get to meet with the surgeon but just a little sad that I have to wait until after the new year. I guess that maybe I should be looking at this on a more positive note. This gives me time to deal with preparing getting into a exercise routine and sticking to it, taking a deeper look at what I am eating and how it affects my health, and getting my head in the game mentally for the ride that I am about to take. I already know that I meet the criteria for having the surgery so I am not worried about the process of being approved. God has brought me too far to fail me now. I'm exited, I'm anxious to get started, and I am ready to say good bye to the old me and hello to the new Diva that I know I can be. I'm crying tears of joy because I am finally starting to see the light at the end of a long tunnel. I wouldn't wish being overweight on my worst enemy. Through it all God is good!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DivaSoBlessed


      Thank you ladies! I have much work to do but I am so ready. @jane13 I totally forgot about the caffeine because I am a once a day coffee drinker at breakfast. I guess I will have to eliminate the coffee now and I enjoy tea lots of it! I get loose bags of herbal leaves from Mountain Rose Herb which is 100% Organic and combine them to make my own custom blend teas. I usually get Neem, Catnip, Spearmint, Nettle, Yarrow, Motherwort, Hibiscus, and quite a few more loose leaf teas. A lot of what I named also help with my symptoms of PCOS which is why I originally started getting them. I suppose that I will have to get educated on whether they contain caffeine or not but I am assuming that they all do.

    3. DivaSoBlessed


      @dhrguru I have my head in the game but I have a lot of preparing to do to ensure that I succeed. I am just thanking God that my husband is on board to make some changes as well. He has type II diabetes but he works out 5 times a week and has already lost over 100 lbs. With his support and willingness to make some minor changes in diet I am sure that we will both reach our goals for a better more healthier lifestyle. You all keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you.

    4. jane13


      my hubby has been my cheerleader... it's great

  4. This has been a learning experience for me. I have decided to make better choices on what I eat and surprisingly it wasn't as hard as I thought that it would be. I don't have cravings like I use to for bread and junk food. I have replaced bad snack with healthy choices. Who knew that fresh fruit smoothies would kill my cravings for sugar? Now I can't get enough of them. Who knew that veggies could be a free food that I could load up on and actually get full? Apparently not me lol! I had my 30 day weigh-in this past week and with consistent exercise and healthy food choices I managed to lose 9 1/2 pounds. Yay for small victories. Now I wait for the green light. :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ZetaStar


      Way to go DivaSoBlessed!!!!! I celebrate your victory!!! That's awesome!!!

    3. DivaSoBlessed


      I don't know why I am just now seeing a notification of your post @ZetaStar its like the system is lagging but Thank You Thank You Thank You!!!! I really appreciate it my friend. I am continuing on and I am doing good I just have to be careful not to lose too much weight. I'm getting addicted and falling in love with my treadmill, resistance bands, and kettle bell weights all over again ...lol! I'm still side eyeing my stationary bike... we aren't friends right now but I am grateful to have the tools necessary to assist me with this lifestyle change. I hope that things are well with you too.

    4. ZetaStar


      Hi DivaSoBlessed!! Except for "bum" knees I'm ok. I'll have surgery in 2 wks. 2 days on March 21st and I'm anxiously anticipating that. I'm still not a fan of exercise, though. I guess because my knees and feet hurt so much. I try to walk, but it'd just painful. I've been doing chair exercises and aqua aerobics ( I like doing that) and I even did line dancing! That was fun too!! I have one more appointment with my Nutritionist, then I have 1 week liquid diet. I just pray everything goes well. I'll tryta keep you posted!


  5. Surgery is in 3 days! My head is spinning. This is really about to happen. No more hoops to jump through no more waiting for a decision that is going to aid in changing my life. I am so nervous, excited, and a little afraid but I am so ready! Thank you God!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maggie143


      Good luck! You're going to do great. Look at all the happy people here with positive attitudes. Its going to be you next! ;)

    3. DivaSoBlessed


      Thank you @jane13, @unique_cathy, and @Maggie143! I'm sitting her trying to take it all in. I'm hours away from the start of a new life. Make room for me on the losers bench. I will keep you all posted.

    4. jane13


      I have your spot saved! Come on!

  6. I was in a panic thinking that I wasn't approved . Since I got the letters on Friday my anxiety lasted the entire weekend until I made the call today only to find out that I AM APPROVED!!!! I am feeling so many emotions at one time I don't know if I want to laugh or cry but it's all joy. On to the next leg of this journey.

    1. ZetaStar


      YAYYYYYYY!!!!! Congratulations DivaSoBlessed!!!!!! I understand how you feel! I feel the same way. I started my Liquid Diet Today & had my hospital pre-admission testing. It's REALLY becoming real now!!!

    2. DivaSoBlessed


      YAYYYYYY For you as well!!! I'm clapping my hands over here. That is awesome NEWS!!!!! We are really doing this!!!! It is definitely REAL NOW. Congratulations. Please keep me posted and I'll meet you on the losers bench. Praise God! I'm so happy right now.

  7. I've been holding my breath up until this point filled with nervousness. I completed my mandatory nutritional class today and today marks day 1 of my 2 week pre-op diet! I'm soooooooo hungry but I'm happy!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      The last part of your note made me smile. Stay happy. You're on your way.

    2. DivaSoBlessed


      Thank you so much @WLSResources/ClothingExch! It feels good to be a few steps closer to my goals.

  8. Post Day 8 I cannot believe the amount of energy that I have but I am still feeling sore from my incisions. No pain pills in two days so that's a blessing. I am however struggling just a tad bit with this pureed protein only stage for the next two weeks. I am craving vegetables!

    1. vandernoordh


      I'm glad you're feeling better!

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