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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    betterme38 reacted to GranadoM74 in Last visit   
    After some confusion and the wrong fax number, all of my clinicals/information was submitted to insurance on Monday. I just got off the phone with UMR (I have UMR/UHC) and I was approved! I should be getting my date early next week from my surgeon.

    I'm SO excited.
  2. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Rainy Days in June - July sleevers?   
    Oh yuck on that drive! I completely understand though. My insurance only pays to in-network surgeons, and those surgeons are 4 hours away! My surgeon has really worked with me and arranged for me to have multiple appointments in the same day. My next appointment is for the upper endo and my last NUT visit. And my local PCP will be handling my post-op incision checks. However I still have to go back to the surgeon for periodic post-op checks. If I could switch to a local surgeon I totally would.
  3. Like
    betterme38 reacted to tricialewis.118 in June - July sleevers?   
    My surgery is scheduled for July 27th. I am having my lap band removed, and the gastric sleeve done. My insurance only requires 90 days, so this process is going SUPER fast.. Unlike my lap band process, which was 6 months..
    Mine is also a birthday present to me, my birthday is July 24th,
  4. Like
    betterme38 reacted to alwest68 in June - July sleevers?   
    Mine is my 48th bday present. July 25th. A couple weeks pasts my July 16th bday but close enough.
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    betterme38 reacted to kzoojason76 in June - July sleevers?   
    My VSG is scheduled for July 11th. I'm giving myself an early 40th b-day present. The gift of health!!
  6. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Fatdiva14 in Just got my Approval!   
    I am so excited! I have been waiting patiently and just received the phone call this morning from the insurance coordinator at my Doctor's office that UnitedHealthcare approved me! So excited right now, I can't contain myself! Now I am waiting for the insurance coordinator to call me back so we can set a date!
  7. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Christinamo7 in Not telling people about your surgery is a "half truth" or a "lie" steams me like a pile of fresh cow dung...   
    I don't really care what other people choose to tell or to not tell. I'm old enough to understand most people don't care about my personal choices!
    I am sorry if people feel like they "can't" tell, but that is not the same thing.
    I am pretty open about anything so I tell anyone who cares to know, but I also think that is my own choice/business.
    I would add (and Lipstick Lady liked this before I added this part) That if someone thinks it is half truth that's also their business, and their opinion. I wouldn't waste 2 minutes trying to change their mind because in the end, I just don't think it matters that much. tell or not tell according to your own reasons.
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    betterme38 reacted to Babbs in Not telling people about your surgery is a "half truth" or a "lie" steams me like a pile of fresh cow dung...   
    I tell some people, I don't tell some people. I don't feel any less honest when I choose to not tell certain people. I owe nobody an explanation about my personal life.
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    betterme38 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in Not telling people about your surgery is a "half truth" or a "lie" steams me like a pile of fresh cow dung...   
    I couldn't agree more.
    The only time I think people are lying is when they are doing things like selling weight loss products and claiming those products helped them, when they lost weight from surgery. I know of one person that did this.
    Just because a ton of people in the current "society" we have are cool with oversharing, doesn't mean that everyone does.
    Plus a lot of people that post here forever that people are from different age groups, cultures, and socioeconomic levels.
    I was raised not to talk about money, I am for sure not going to talk about a surgery.
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    betterme38 reacted to LipstickLady in Not telling people about your surgery is a "half truth" or a "lie" steams me like a pile of fresh cow dung...   
    I'm not sure when making the personal decision to not tell the world all of your personal business became a "half truth" or "lie by omission" but if that's the case, I have a few scenerios/questions for those of you who think that way.
    By that logic:

    If someone asks me how me and husband are the day after a huge fight (or a night of great sex), is it my duty to tell them all the details or is my standard answer of "Great!" or "Fine!" now a lie?

    If someone asks me why I look tired, do I have to tell them that my husband snored and farted all night/was extremely frisky/kept getting up to pee and woke me up a gazillion times or am I lying?

    I am just getting over a horrible tummy bug. When people ask me if I'm feeling better, should I go ahead and tell them that I am terribly afraid that I am going to poop in my pants at any minute because my stomach still feels off? If I don't, I am TOTALLY lying by omission.

    Well meaning friends often ask how my kids are doing in school. Should I tell them that my oldest is in the top ten in her class, got into a top rated university, has received an a$$ load of scholarships but that her ex-boyfriend is being a real bast@rd and making her personal life a little miserable? I mean, that's the truth.

    People often ask me my ethnicity because I am olive complected in the bible belt. I tell them Mexican and Italian, but I leave out the drop of German and Acatec Indian. Pin a big red L on my chest!

    Must I tell people that I am on the rag/pissed at my kids/need a glass of wine/really have no desire to talk to them/in a hurry when they ask me how I am doing? Manners be damned! I don't want to be a liar.

    Do I love your skirt? Why yes, I do! But now I have to tell you that it's beautiful but looks like **** on you because I don't want to omit any info.

    Why am I smiling? I just crop dusted some nasty faced woman an aisle over. TRUTH!!

    I could go on forever ...

    Keeping my personal business PERSONAL doesn't make ME a liar just because you choose to share YOUR personal business.

  11. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Shanni1269 in Submitting to Insurance!   
    That is awesome congrats. Mine was resubmitted yesterday and I am hoping dor a quick approval so I can have a May date as well
    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  12. Like
    betterme38 reacted to tallow2102 in Submitting to Insurance!   
    Got the call!!!! I was approved!!! I'm so excited!!! My surgery date is May 10th!!! Eeeeek!!!
  13. Like
    betterme38 reacted to sleevemom88 in I don't look like "me" anymore... and I'm ok with that!   
    I am 16 months out and down 140 lbs. I went from 334 to 194 and LOVE IT! It has been brought to my attention that I no longer look like the woman I used to be. Some say I look younger, others say it looks like it could be my sister but definitely not me.. I love it! I feel like a different person too. There are so many things I can do that I never did before (as I sit with my knees to my chest on the couch comfortably while typing this... ummm can you say MAJOR NSV?????) I would like to lose another 10 lbs or so but I am totally happy where I am now.
    Feel free to share your face to face pictures below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Like
    betterme38 reacted to MomOf4OhMy in June - July sleevers?   
    Yay! Congrats @@Rainy Days on firming up your date! I'm supposed to be moving out of state 4th of July weekend, but I'll be able to drive back and forth to my surgeon (about 6 hours each way) but this late in the game it seems silly to switch surgeons. If for some reason my insurance denies the first go-round, I'll look into switching to a surgeon in my new state.
  15. Like
    betterme38 reacted to MamaRhea in Calling all August 2016 sleevers!   
    Yay! So fun to see so many August Sleevers! It is going to be great getting to know all of you
    So, quick update on my journey.
    Yesterday I had my chest xray, my upper GI, my bloodwork (they took 13 vials!!!!), and my appointment "0" with my nutritionist.
    Unfortunately, my upper GI uncovered an anomaly that they think may be an ulcer.
    This definitely throws a wrench in the spokes. They are having me set up an appointment with a gastro-enterologst. Apparently he usually books 1-2 months out. Once I meet with him, he will schedule me for an endoscopy (another 1-2 months out) to determine if there is in fact an ulcer. If there isn't, my surgery can go on as planned (if it isn't already delayed at that point). If there is an ulcer, I have to have it treated for several months before they will do the surgery. This could potentially push me into the next calendar year, which would mean I would have to pay my OOP max again.
    I feel like crying. Just a little.
    But, I have plans. I have already ordered some aloe juice and am going to be drinking it like it is going out of style. I don't honestly think I have an ulcer (I have NO symptoms), but on the off chance that I do, this aloe juice should clear it up before the endoscopy.
    I am also going to ask my doctor for a Urea Breath Test. This will show whether the bacteria H. Pylori is living in my stomach. If there is no H. Pylori, there is no ulcer. Hopefully that would convince him to not make me do the endoscopy and could save me months of waiting (and lots of money too).
    We shall see.
    Anyway, rant over. How is everybody doing today?
  16. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Sharon1964 in A Motorcyclist NSV   
    Well you thought WRONG, mister! Didn't you know that riding a bike is akin to foreplay for some women????
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    betterme38 got a reaction from kjhughes90 in Calling all August 2016 sleevers!   
    Thank you @@kjhughes90 and welcome, I have been married for 18yrs ????:-)
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    betterme38 reacted to Rainy Days in June - July sleevers?   
    The surgeon's office called me today to remind me of my NUT appointment on Friday and I asked about getting me a firm date for surgery. The surgery scheduler put me on for July 11th like I was hoping!!!
    But then.... I requested the time off work and was asked to reschedule surgery . A person in another dept has that time off and one of our people was going to cover for them. I asked them to reconsider, but I'm pretty sure I'm out of luck.
    The surgery scheduler did mention an opening for May 31st, but getting insurance approval from May 20th (my last appointment) by May 27th would be tricky. So... if my work doesn't approve of my time off, I'm likely out until August because the surgeon is gone in June.
    Crossed fingers that my work approves my time off for July 11th.
  19. Like
    betterme38 reacted to Pipergurl in Calling all June '16 sleevers!   
    I also teach eighth graders! They can keep you on your toes, that's for sure!!!
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    betterme38 reacted to hockeymom11 in Calling all June '16 sleevers!   
    I also wanted to squeeze surgery in over spring break but as it turned out my doctors were out of town and I couldn't get approval in time anyway. I figure it was all a good thing anyway because the week off probably wouldn't have been enough time. Now with my June 13th date I'll have all summer to recoup before returning to my lovely 8th graders????
  21. Like
    betterme38 reacted to kat27641 in Calling all June '16 sleevers!   
    I am June 6th - Best wishes to all!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    betterme38 got a reaction from mrz.mott in June - July sleevers?   
    @@mrz.mott yes Kansas City ???? :-) I see you have an app May 25th...I do too! Mines at 9am last class YEAH!! Where is yours done at?
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    betterme38 reacted to mrz.mott in June - July sleevers?   
    I come back with something that I'm hoping is going to be good news! I had my appointment with my surgeon and told him that the insurance company didn't have a specified number of appointments needed for weight verification. He said that as long as I get the approval letter from my PCP, he will have the paperwork submitted to the insurance company after my next appointment, on May 25th. If I get approved, I would be looking at a surgery date between the end of June to the Beginning of July!!! Keep your fingers, toes, and legs crossed for me! ????
    Sent from my SM-N920P using the BariatricPal App
  24. Like
    betterme38 reacted to nessale15 in June - July sleevers?   
    That's great. I have one more weigh in May 2 and a follow up appt with my pulmonary Dr on may 12. I am hoping the insurance gets the paperwork and approves is it by end of May soni can do my two week liquid diet by beginning of June and have surgery by mid to late June. I would live to be on at least a puréed diet by mid July for my birthday to feel a little normal on that day dinner wise. Sent from my SM-G920T1 using the BariatricPal App
  25. Like
    betterme38 reacted to shrinkingkimber in June - July sleevers?   
    What an awesome anniversary gift! My sleeve is my birthday present. Lol I'm getting sleeved on June 9 and my birthday is June 5! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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