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Posts posted by amyg80

  1. I did the same thing during winter breaks when I was in college. It's cold, u just worked ur butt off, ur mentally drained, and u just want to veg out. That usually lasted for 2-3wks and then I focused on getting ready for the next semester.

    Try to find something outside of the house that relaxes u and keeps ur mind busy. Or find a fun physical activity u can do outside. Something that's fun but also exercise like ice skating, roller skating, swimming, etc

  2. Has anyone tried eating tofu noodles after gastric sleeve? I'm almost a month out and would love to eat these again after I get into the general diet! I ate the b4 I was sleeved! It quenches my desire for Pasta.

    They only have 3carbs, 2 which are Fiber. And 10 calories per serving. Just curious.

    And of course I'll ask my NUT, but just wondering if anyone's had them after sleeve.

  3. I had the same experience when I went for my consolidation back on 2013. Surgeon really was against the band and advised me to go with the sleeve. He said I'd prob only lose 30lbs. Well I was head strong and got the band in 9/13. Lost 25lbs in 8mo but I wasn't really following a diet plan. I had a demanding work schedule and didn't focus on my weight. Them got pregnant in 5/14. Gained 50lbs.

    Long story short, I just got a revision to sleeve 12/1. Have lost nearly 20lbs so far.

    I'm happy with band thus far. No throwing up or getting food stuck in band. No sliming. No fills. It's a whole diff experience.

    It's a huge decision...take ur time and be comfortable with it. Good luck.

  4. I had the lapband in 9/13, got pregnant 5/14. I had only lost 25 lbs. it was not planned, but I didn't take precaution either. I was 34 when I got pregnant and had revision when my daughter was 10mo at 35.

    It's easy to not think of ur goals and weight after babies bc u put their needs and wants come first. Then u might want another and might put it off again. It's up to you but I say get healthy first and then tackle parenthood. It could be harder the other way around.

    Just my 2 cents.

  5. I must be a horrible person bc I'm nearly 4 wks out and ate like 6 Cookies (over the course of two days), a couple Hershey kisses, and a couple bits of a tamale.

    Yes I know, not good....but I'm not going to stop living life bc I have the sleeve or I won't stop my progress bc I had those treats.

    I'm not sweating it, bc I know my goals and my determination to get there. I will not be defined by food or by my sleeve.

    that said...don't beat urself up! What's the use either way...what's done is done, just continue eating right and ull be fine. Don't let it shake u up or give up. Ur human and u are some sweet stuff on a holiday. It's ok!

  6. Each day gets better! I'm 2.5 wks out on tues, and am down 15lbs! I'm almost done with purées and will be going to soft foods on Xmas eve.

    Not sure what ur diet plan is but good to hear ur doing good on fluids. I'm not getting in all my Protein shakes but try to get my Protein thru food. Don't think I'm hitting my Fluid and protein goals but I'm trying.

    Good luck!

    When did you get to start purées?

    I started purees one week post op. That's for 2 wks and then soft foods starting Xmas eve!

  7. Well, I found out that I have a h pylori infection and my glucose was very high. I have never had any glucose issues despite having a strong family history if diabetes. The PAs were debating whether to put me on metformin but chose to recheck my a1c in 3 mos. The PA thought my chest pain could be related to my hiatal hernia repair healing, so I was prescribed levsin. I took about 3 yesterday and I took my first pain free sip of Water this morning! I'm so happy it's helping! Get this, I was prescribed prevpac for the h pylori which consists of 4 huge pills that are taken in the am/pm for 14 days! Umm no! There is no way those are going down yet!

    I am feeling better and better each day, my incisions barely hurt anymore. I am going to try to get some yogurt down today, baby steps!

    Thanks for asking!

    I am technically 7 days post op and have my f/u appt. on Fri. 12/11. My week 2 diet consists of full liquids, soft dairy and strained Soups. I have noticed that many sleevers had different pre op and diet progression rules. I want to start soft foods but it's hard to get liquids down because the gas in my chest is HORRENDOUS! I have heard that it can take up to 3 weeks for it to dissipate!

    Other than the gas, I am feeling ok. I get a little weak if I overdo it trying to walk out the gas... I'm not taking in the liquids that I should but I don't feel hungry at all. Hopefully the soft foods will go down better!

    Awesome Cleo brown! I see many people has complications after. I'm glad u haven't experienced much besides the gas. How'd it go on ur follow up?

    Oh no! They did an H pylori test before I had surgery. Luckily I tested negative.

    Sorry to hear about ur glucose levels! That's so odd that it would spike up post op. Hopefully ur a1c will be good!

  8. I am technically 7 days post op and have my f/u appt. on Fri. 12/11. My week 2 diet consists of full liquids, soft dairy and strained Soups. I have noticed that many sleevers had different pre op and diet progression rules. I want to start soft foods but it's hard to get liquids down because the gas in my chest is HORRENDOUS! I have heard that it can take up to 3 weeks for it to dissipate!

    Other than the gas, I am feeling ok. I get a little weak if I overdo it trying to walk out the gas... I'm not taking in the liquids that I should but I don't feel hungry at all. Hopefully the soft foods will go down better!

    Awesome Cleo brown! I see many people has complications after. I'm glad u haven't experienced much besides the gas. How'd it go on ur follow up?

  9. I was sleeved on 12/1! It's going great so far! I only had one week of Soups and liquids, and I've been on purées since Tuesday. I'm down 10lbs!

    I'm trying to get my Protein in by Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, tuna, canned chicken breast, Protein shake here or there. Can't eat too much at one time but I'm grazing. I'm failing on my fluids but each day I can take in more and more.

    Hopefully things stay this way! Let's all keep in touch and help each other out!

  10. You can't change what happened decades ago. My mom taught me bad eating habits, but I've been out of her house for over 15yrs. By now I can only blame myself.

    With that said, ok I figured out who to blame, but that doesn't fix anything either. What fixes/changes things is action. You take each day at a time and focus on the present. What are you doing/eating today to accomplish ur goal.

    Focusing on the past or who to blame takes time and focus away from what will get u results, and that is action.

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