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LAP-BAND Patients
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About BlingBaby1

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 02/14/1970
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday BlingBaby1!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday BlingBaby1!

  3. 6 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 6th Anniversary BlingBaby1!

  4. Wow.. after reading so many posts.. I can see why some don't tell. Some people have so much support and others don't. It's sad, nobody should be treated differently because they are banded. We're are not aliens... we are people trying to get healthy.
  5. BlingBaby1

    Help me through the weekend!

    Bandayed and Ready and Waiting... Good luck to you both, I'll be thinking of you. Things will be just fine. Nerves will get the best of you, only if you let them. I think that everyone has some type of second thoughts or nervous feelings before surgery, I had them for a week. I was killing my self :dead with every thought of what if..... and maybe I shouldn't..... Have a quick and healthy recovery, let us know how things are when your up to it.
  6. BlingBaby1

    I Puked On Myself :(

    *****Candysmooch***** I'm sorry hun. It happened to me one time while driving, I was fortunate to have an empty bag with me. I don't know if this will make sense but I'll do my best to explain. IMO I think that when your driving a car your body is so up right & everything seems squished together,so when you eat it's almost like there is not enough room for the food to settle. When at home, obviously, we are more relaxed while eating at the dinner table (your food has more room to move down). * For some reason I don't think I'm getting out what I want to say LOL.. * Pre-band I would eat in the car, at times I'd feel sick, but once I got out and stood up it was like a boulder slamming my stomach from the food finally falling through to my belly.
  7. BlingBaby1

    Affraid To Eat

    I think I need to move to Florida or somewhere humid! That,for sure, will kick start my weight loss!!!! :laugh Any how, I agree with what everyone else is saying. Along with some of the others, I feel very restricted when I'm upset, crying, or at times, frustrated. I don't know if that is a mental thing for me or if it's just a sick feeling that makes me feel this way.
  8. BlingBaby1

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    What juice are you drinking? The orange juice I drink has 2 grams of protein. So I guess some juices have protein DUHHHHH! Also, Nykee.. I'm sorry to hear about your back problems. I have had them for years and I feel your pain. I had a spinal fusion, 2 back surgeries and a hip replacement, due to a car accident. It's going to be a struggle, believe me. Try walking 10 min. a day and go from there. I know it doesn't seem like much, but any type of exercise will help you. As you know, the added weight is going against you. I had to take 80 mg of oxycotin crushed every day. It will get better. OKay.. Now that I've got my reply, I'm really done with this thread. :bored
  9. BlingBaby1

    I dont know what to do!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am in awe reading this thread. I have to say that I am one of the first people to think positive and wish well to others with support or what ever else they may need to help them through a tough time. What I can not believe is how much positive advice and support that has been giving to Nykee only to find that she has pretty much had an excuse or has shot down any suggestions that have been sent her way. I am inclined to think that she might find this amusing or even entertaining. How many times can one say that you need an unfill and how many times is Nykee going to say I WONT have an unfill? How many times can one say you need to have better food choices and eat more Protein? How many times does Nykee say she loves the food she is eating & she gets plenty of protein from her milk and juice? No more entertaining for me, I'm exhausted just reading the posts that people are given Nykee with love and support, only to find that she is so wrapped up in not getting a unfill or even trying to eat healthy. The main thing is Nykee's health seems to be at risk, more importantly, I feel, that she really needs to go see her doctor and a Reg. nutritionist. Nykee I hope and pray that you come around and get this situation taken care of, I don't want to see anything horrible happen to you. Please don't take this post as a bashing session, but I just feel that you are not getting it and no matter what advice is given, you will not except it and you'll just throw yet another excuse our way. I'm with Megan and some others.. all done with this thread.
  10. BlingBaby1

    Thinking of getting a Band? READ THIS

    Congrats Michelle! You are such an inspiration to me & everyone else here. You should be so proud of yourself. You look beautiful, not to mention, very happy.
  11. I wanted to bump this thread. I know that there are many new people reading the boards daily & I've heard many talk about how this thread has helped them decide what they will do once they are banded (to tell or not to tell). It's great to hear all these band stories. Some people regret telling, while others love to shout it out to the world. If I was new to the boards I would have loved to read this thread to help me understand how my decision to tell/not to tell could affect me later down the road. (I've been reading here for a long time, I just didn't register until this thread was posted). I have five roomates and 2 of us are banded and 2 more will be banded soon. We've all made different choices. One regrets telling & the other doesn't. The other two are deciding to keep it to just the roomates, after reading this thread. All though, for the girls who chose to keep it quiet, later down the road we would most likely tell close friends & family, once we felt some of the pressure lift off and we lost a great deal of our weight.
  12. BlingBaby1


    First of all, I'm deeply sorry to hear this sad news. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, your friend and her family. Secondly, Fee, I think that is what Teresa was saying. She said this: "The doctors warn you about the statistics of death with going under but I don't think any of us believe that we won't come out of it". Not that is was from the lapband. As with any surgery, people have a risk with anesthesia. We go under and we never know if we'll wake up again. It's so sad that we sign that sheet of paper that is possibly signing our life away. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by Teresa Skinner I am so sorry for your lost. The doctors warn you about the statistics of death with going under but I don't think any of us believe that we won't come out of it. Thank God she was sleep. My prayers are with you and her family. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  13. BlingBaby1

    tomorrow is my day

    Best of luck to you, Dianne. Have a problem free and quick recovery. We'll be thinking of you!
  14. BlingBaby1

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Best of luck to you, Keri. We'll be thinking of you! Have a problem free and quick recovery.
  15. BlingBaby1

    Restaurant eating, the banded way

    (some may be too embarrassed to do this) I don't know if any other doctor does this but my Dr. gives you a card stating that I had a surgery that prevents my stomach from holding a lot of food at one time. Please allow patient to order half meals or child meals and at the bottom of this card it has all the doctors numbers and hospital name. This basically gives you an excuse to order a childs meal. I've never used it before. My Mother(does not have the band) has used it, she can't finish a meal when we go out to eat and refuses to eat left overs. I never thought ordering a kids meal would be such a big deal until my Mom tried it and the manager came over and told her we had to have a child under the age of 12 with us to order a kids meal. So she whipped out this card and there was no issue from there. This makes me laugh every time I tell this story. Also, I'm sure it helps you from spending too much money on a meal that will be just tossed away. Who knows.?

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