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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by PayItForward

  1. @@KristenLe

    have you been taught if you got nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut... This is second post i see from you this morning that has a nasty tone.... I'm sure you'll will have some remarks for me but whatever.'
    This is a place to gather information, on WLS. If the topic of the thread isn't something you want information about please refrain from bringing your "tone" to the thread.

  2. I've never heard anyone say that their doctor is okay with it.

    my doctor is ok with it. I was only told not to have any for the first month.

    I drink diet soda and carbonated beverages whenever I want. Not a lot but it doesn't bother me at all

    Your surgeon doesn't count any more than mine. :D

    Your surgeon actually told you that he or she was fine with you drinking diet coke?

  3. @ pay it forward have you been taught if you got nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut... This is second post i see from you this morning that has a nasty tone.... I'm sure you'll will have some remarks for me but whatever.'

    This is a place to gather information, on WLS. If the topic of the thread isn't something you want information about please refrain from bringing your "tone" to the thread.

    As a pre surgery person I appreciate you sharing this.

    Good luck on your recovery

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    So, please follow your own advice.

  4. I know you don';t want to hear a different opinion.... But if you truly want the weight loss... then you will follow the surgeons advice. they say the pouch can't be stretched but it does grow... and will grow for most who have had the surgery to about 6 to ten ounces from what I researched. If you want to drink soda... and still be overweight and unhealthy than why have the surgery?! What a waste of the surgery... the struggles and all that others are trying to do here which is be healthy.... learn to eat for fuel and not for pleasure. that's not to say you can't have a bit of a treat here and there. But if you want the weight loss... want the health...Then you have to want to not do the things that will mess up those things for you....You can ask people to not respond because you just don't want to hear the truth... You can sit in denial But it's you and only you that will suffer from your choices... I researched this surgery for 2 yrs before I had it... all the pro's and cons... all the in's and outs of what and why's of it...i am curious as to why you think you know more then the docs and nutritionists... and the ones already gone through the surgery with great success. It sounds to me like you shouldn't have it if your not going to do what needs to be done to lose the weight... to take back control of your life... and to beat being overweight. In the end of it all it is up to YOU! if you want to lose and be healthy you follow the advice of the docs.... if you don't... why having the surgery at all... It is not a cure... it is a tool to help you reach your goals.... The surgery itself will not work if you don't do the things you need to do... I found some of this out on my own... Because I had the sleeve and am never hungry... I got around to buying a house and during the move was not eating 3 meals a day... not one pound came off.... got back on track... and I lose a pound every other day...as long as I do what the diet plan is ... eat Protein... and drink enough it works... and works very well... as you can see in a little over five motnhs... I have lsot the weight of another person.... you want this... and you need this or you wouldn't be here.... Than you need to give it your all not just the parts you want to do....

    How does zero calorie and zero sugar diet pop cause you to gain weight? I see Chrystal Light talked about here a lot and it has aspartame and a list of chemicals longer than diet pop. Why is that recommend over diet pop?

    Just because a doctor says so is not good enough for me. When I was a kid our family doctor told us we would all have heart attacks if we continued to eat eggs. Anti eggs was the fad back then and most doctors went with it. Now eggs are considered a super food. What happened? Why did doctors suddenly change? Diet pop has been out for 50 years and yet there are very few studies that actually study causation. The ones I have found show that people do not gain anymore weight by drinking diet pop. I personally have lost 70 pounds and counting drinking diet pop. None of the ingredients in diet pop has been proven to cause weight gain. Diet pop is just a carbonated version of Water and Chrystal Light.

    Never listen to a doctor. Just do what ever you think is right.

  5. Still have not heard from any doctor that it is ok to drink diet soda.

    Do what you want. But it probably won't work for you.


    Still have not heard from any doctor that it is ok to drink diet soda.

    Do what you want. But it probably won't work for you.

    Would you like my surgeon to call you personally? :D

    No, my surgeon knows what he is talking about. :)

    Just a giggle.

    Yes. A giggle. I prefer to listen to a doctor over random people on the internet.

  6. My insurance doesn't cover the surgery. But like yours, it did pay for the hernia repair. It ended up costing me around $7 (for pretests and surgery instead of $12K since they did both surgeries at the same time. I used Care Credit to pay for everything.

    Sorry that this has happened to you. I don't know your circumstances but it was definitely worth it for me. I'll be paying it off for a very long time but my life is so much better.

  7. I've told everyone from the start and I have not encountered any negative feedback. I guess that I have been lucky. If my mother was alive, she would have went crazy. All my life, she begged me to never have weight-loss surgery. The daughter of her good friend had it many years ago. She was allergic to the staples and almost died.

    Anyway, this has been the easiest and most successful way to lose weight for me. I will tell anyone that asks how I did it.

  8. Can't promise it won't happen to you but most people do not experience it. I was sleeved about 7 months ago. Other than the first three days, I haven't felt nauseous or had any "foamies". And based on how much better my life is now, I think that I would still chose to be sleeved if I knew that I would have those problems.

    Oh, also, I had the same fears as you going into the surgery. Can't stand to vomit.

  9. @@originalrocklobster

    Have you lost large amounts of weight in the past?

    By the time I had the surgery, i had lost major amounts of weight at least 3 or 4 times over a 30 year period. The losses ranged from 80 to 125 lbs. Each time, I would regain the amount I lost plus more. So, for me, I am sure that the surgery is my only hope of maintaining my weight once I get to my goal.

    I don't know your past history. If you haven't had a lot of experience with maintaining weight loss than it wouldn't hurt to try the old fashion way and put off the surgery for now. Either way, best of luck.

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