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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by perforce

  1. perforce

    Tentative surgery date!

    Prague because the clinic seems to have an equal level of care to what I would receive in the UK and some people in forums had good things to say about the surgeon. Belgium was also a possibility but the surgeon I was looking at seemed more exprienced in wls other than the sleeve. It was also a money issue, though the level of care is comparably I'd be paying approx 4500 euros instead of 10000+ pounds. I can't do it earlier because I don't come back from Indonesia until June 23rd (I work here), but either way he would not be able to join as it is too long away from the kids and work. I know 'dad says' makes me sound like a teenager but I'm 32 years old, I know I can do it by myself, I just wasn't entirely expecting to and it's made me more nervous.
  2. I talked to the person arranging my surgery today and have decided on Tuesday July 5th 2016! I had to talk to my dad to see what time was best because there was some talk of either his wife or him being able to come with me to Prague, but now that it's probably going to be a week long trip and they have a set of 3 year old twins at home, it doesn't look like it's going to happen. His wife is from Ukraine, so she goes there for the school holidays every year with my step-sister and the twins to see her parents (and so the kids can grow up bilingual), so it made sense for me to have the surgery and be over the worse before the end of July when they usually leave. I'm a little very a little nervous about going by myself, but dad said if I needed it he could fly out the day before I left and help me get home, so I guess I'll just see how I feel? I'm sure I'm just being a baby about it, but I would have liked someone there. I have to transfer some money so my dad can send the 800EUR deposit for me to reserve the date, but that should be pretty easy through online banking. It's exciting/terrifying and suddenly more real than it was before.
  3. perforce

    Sugar addiction

    I would sugar addiction as being a mental hurdle more than a physical one, just like any other type of addiction. In that regard, would it matter which op you chose? (I say this with not much info about the RNY to be fair)
  4. perforce

    Insurance Letter

    Congratulations, I'm glad it didn't turn out to be something bad.
  5. perforce

    Sad and disappointed

    Good luck! I hope everything turns out well!
  6. perforce

    Clear Liquid Diet

    A PPI helps you with the acid in your stomach, sometimes the sensation it causes can be mistaken for hunger.
  7. perforce


    As I ask this please bear in mind that I am very far pre-op (having the sleeve middle of next year) and I will talk to the consultant about this when the time comes, but I'm just wondering for now. Do you need to take chewable/liquid vitamins forever or are people (after some healing time I presume) able to go back to capsules? I ask because I take a multivitamin now that seems to be pretty good (it contains most the stuff I see mentioned on here again and again). I would need iron and calcium, but I'd like to keep on it if I could. Also, what kind of doses do you guys take? The bottle (I'll attach a pic) has the amounts and claim they're 100% of daily needs, but I don't know if they would apply after surgery? Some input would be appreciated.
  8. perforce

    European WLS patients

    Interesting, thank you! I'll take a look around. I also didn;t know that about DS surgery so I'll keep that in mind.
  9. I know most programs I've read here say minimum of 60g, so I doubt it would hurt to increase that, especially as you're exercising regularly. You could have more than one issue (hair could be protein, other could be hormonal, or it could be neither) so I think visiting your doctor would still be a good idea (as it seems you plan to).
  10. perforce

    December 29th!

    Sounds like you'll be set for a new year and a new you, plus all the holiday stuff will be over by the time it's done and the stores will be full of nothing but magazines with how to get rid of the Christmas weight, so you won't have that working against you. Oh! Maybe get a cheap outfit in a smaller size during the sales as a mini-goal?
  11. I would go see your lady doctor, at the very least you can have peace of mind after, but I'd be tempted to say (on my 0 experience and knowledge) that's a likely culprit if you've ruled out other things. Lack of Protein can cause hair loss I think, but I would imagine you'd have other symptoms (lack of energy etc) if you were exercising without enough fuel in that regard. You sound like you got yourself back on a stricter routine after, I don't know if you eat carbs regularly, but if you are exercising 5 times a week might it be worth experimenting with adding a small amount of wholemeal carbs to you food once a day? See if that affects anything? It seems it didn't hurt you when you were on holiday, but if you think it would be too much of a slippery slope that's understandable too.
  12. I think mucle weight would take longer to show up on th scale than that? I'm not 100% though so don't quote me one it. Weight gain and acne sounds like me getting my period, could it be reproductive in origin? Have you been checkout out recently?
  13. perforce

    Share your profession

    Head of English at a bilingual primary school
  14. That's good of them. It is a profitable business with competition so it's important to give good service
  15. Birmingham, England (working in Sumatra, Indonesia right now)
  16. This may be the only side effect of the surgery that doesn't worry me at all. I've had trichotillomania since I was about 10 and I wear a wig now, so if it falls out I don't suppose it will be any better or worse than my day to day problems with my hair. I was worried the emotional stress of not being able to eat after surgery would make it worse, but it's so bad generally I don't suppose it will matter. Quick question though, does the hair loss extend to other parts, like lashes?
  17. perforce

    Surgery day!

    I thought it was important to avoid rice/bread/potatoes etc after being sleeved, at least in the beginning? (not a dig at anyone's eating, a genuine question/remark)
  18. I originally intended to have weight loss surgery 10 years ago, when I was 22. I was in my last year of university and had gained back the 50lbs I had lost while living abroad in Sweden the previous year and then some (that was the year my parents got divorced; not good for the waistline). I was hearing more and more thing about this band surgery thing, so I called up my bank for a loan (which I got immediately, unsecured. This was back before the financial crisis when they were throwing money at anyone who wanted it). I ended up chickening out and returning the money within the 7 day cooling off period because I had gotten a place to work in America for a year that September and I was worried (given that it wasn't as well known back then) that I'd have trouble finding places to get fills, and was scared of what would happen if I flew with it and something went wrong while I was away. I told myself I was only 22. If when I was 30 I still hadn't managed to get my weight under control I would look at my options again. I'm 32 now. I didn't have time between my last contract in China and my current one in Indonesia to get the surgery done at home, and when I planned to get the band done here it fell through when the doc (the only one here at the time!) left the area. There isn't really enough time in any school holiday to go through recovery properly (the summer holiday here is only 3 weeks) and I don;t like the idea of being caught by myself in a foreign place if something goes wrong. In the end it's better the surgery didn't happen, as I have no plans to stop traveling and I don't want to lose work opportunities because I'm tied to a location close to a clinic that can do adjustments. The sleeve would be a better choice for me long term I believe. After I'm done here I'm going to go home for six months, see family (it's been a long time) and sort out appointments to get the ball rolling about getting the sleeve done in Belgium (it's cheaper there than the UK). I hope by the time I recover and get a new job, possibly beginning of 2017, that I'll have lost enough weight that I won't have to worry about things like seat size on the aeroplane, or my knees/feet hurting when exploring a new place. I think for me that it's those things that gave me the biggest push, I need to be able to travel if I want to work ad those seats are getting tighter and tighter on me. I hope I'm in a place with my weight when I arrive at my job after this where the first reactions of my primary kids isn't 'Ms, you're so fat!'.
  19. Alternatively, you could just tell them the truth? It doesn't sound like you live with them regularly, so you wouldn't have to deal with it for long. Obviously your reasons are your own for not telling them, but it would probably be easier in the long run.
  20. Fake a stomach complaint? Say you've seen a doc and he said you should eat XYZ for a week or two to clear it? That way you've already been the doc so they won't push you to go to one.
  21. perforce

    Browser crashing

    As I mentioned I'ce tried using the site in IE, Chrome and Firefox. They all freeze up (IE/firefox slightly faster than Chrome). Sometimes I get messages saying flash has stopped working, sometimes not. Once the browsers stop responding even if they start again they will keep glitching every few seconds until restarted. I downloaded the app today for my samsung S5 and don't seem to be having a problem with it so far.
  22. "He said if the complete stranger next to you at the weight loss group starts questioning you about your private psych results you should tell them to mind their own business"
  23. I haven't had surgery yet so I'll let someone else chime in with recovery as it varies, but I would encourage you to look at the reasons the band didnt work for you. It doesn't work for everyone, but if the reasons include behavioral issues on your part then you have to ask yourself if it's behaviour you would repeat with the sleeve. A tool will only work if you use the way it's intended to be used.
  24. perforce

    Browser crashing

    I'm on a PC here and despite the fact that I've tried all my browsers it's just awful. I'm fairly sure it's something in the ads.
  25. perforce

    Weight gain Pre-op

    I'm going to guess this is your answer? You said your pre-op stage doesn't start until Nov. 1st right? I'm guessing that's when you start your liquid diet? At this point I wouldn't worry, as long as you stick to the pre-op plan so that your liver shrinks I don't see how they could cancel weight loss surgery on account of you being fat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
