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About Nessa0121

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  1. Nessa0121


    I'm going to apologize in advance I'd I repeat what someone else has said, I didn't read all of the responses. First off don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay! This is HARD and to add onto it the grief of losing your dad and sibling drama it's no wonder you're struggling. Give yourself a break and move forward. A suggestion for some chocolate in the future without the guilt is pudding. Sugar Free pudding and you can even stick some protein powder in it. Good luck and I'm very sorry for your loss
  2. Nessa0121

    Sexually Frustrated

    Not happening. He has 2 perfectly working hands
  3. My surgery was Sept 28th so I'm almost at 2 weeks. My husband is driving me crazy because he thinks I should be healed enough to have sex. My surgeon told me that it's up to me of when I feel comfortable to start having sex again. I still hurt and on top of that I do NOT feel sexual at all. I'm so frustrated feeling like he's rushing things and I can feel how annoyed he's getting. He's starting to take his frustration out on me by stomping around and being a jerk. Why can't he understand that I just physically don't feel up to it?
  4. I'm there with you. I'm almost 2 weeks post op. Although I don't have the pain that you seem to be. The surgery caused my thyroid to go completely out of whack and now it's like I'm going through menopause on top of everything else. I'm 36. I'm having hot flashes and just have buckets of sweat falling off of me to feeling like I'm freezing to death within minutes of each other. I have 3 emotions, normal, uncontrollable crying/depression and raging bitch. I hate Protein shakes and feel like I'm drowning myself with all the Water intake. How I'd normally deal with all of these emotions would be to eat and I can't do that. I have hope that it will get better because I've seen others go through this and make it through. Just know you're not alone. *hugs*
  5. Nessa0121

    Always cold!

    Just as an FYI, make sure your thyroid is being checked. That can also effect your body temperature Most likely it's just the weight loss (woo hoo) but it is something to ask about just to be on the safe side Congrats on the weight loss!
  6. Try asking what your hospital will have. Discovering what I'd be stuck with after surgery helped me decide what to have at home
  7. Nessa0121

    down to the wire

    Wish I had some quitting advice for you but I don't. Just wanted to welcome you and congratulate you on your journey thus far. Good luck
  8. I'm 1 week post op. Today was my hubby's birthday and where you'd assume that the struggle was being around celebration with food and cake there was non of that. My sweet husband wanting to keep things easy for me, didn't ask for anything and even took the kids with him to dinner without me so I wouldn't need to watch them eat. So I've been feeling like a terrible wife because I didn't have any gifts for him (haven't been able to go shopping) and there was no cake, no candles to blow out. I've cried several times feeling like a failure and my hubby keeps wiping away my tears telling me not to stress about it. It's been really tough
  9. I'm confused as to why you would be testing how much you can tolerate eating after only 3 months??? As someone who is 1 week post op and also had to pay out of pocket because my insurance sucks, you aren't taking the surgery or weight loss seriously at all. Having surgery wasn't supposed to be like taking a "magic pill" and suddenly the weight problems and eating addition is gone. You accused someone of not being helpful on this forum because they told you the truth. I'd much rather come to these forums to have people to talk to that are honest as opposed to someone such as yourself who doesn't seem to care about taking the surgery seriously. You have to work at losing weight and changing your life. I personally don't think you should have had surgery if your thought process is that you should just be able to go back to eating all the same things you did before, just less! Do some research and realize that with your mental attitude you're right, you will be in the percentage that gain the weight back
  10. Sounds to me you need to chat with your surgeon and general practitioner. Just to put your mind at ease. Get facts and info from them of what they expect your weight loss journey to look like and what things are normal as to when you should start to worry. Do your own research also. It doesn't do any good to always be worried and questioning if things are going the right way or not.
  11. I've had others watch the online seminar that my surgeon has on his website. I also remind myself that this is MY journey no one else's. There are always going to be doubters and if they don't want to try and support and educate themselves nothing you say or do is going to change that
  12. Nessa0121

    Getting pregnant post surgery

    I'm not planning on having more children but this subject was brought up in one of the classes my surgeon requires. He felt very strongly that there should be at least a YEAR between surgery and pregnancy
  13. Nessa0121

    4 Days Post Op

    My heart is just breaking for you. My surgery was on the 28th and I too have been struggling and I am annoyed with my husband and the lack of empathy he has had but at least he isn't being a complete asshole on purpose. Your family needs a serious slap to the face. I'm so sorry that they think it's okay to treat you like that. How is that helping you? Try to stay positive and know you have made a huge, wonderful change.
  14. Nessa0121

    Protein Help

    Thanks for the suggestions
  15. Nessa0121

    Protein Help

    I'm in the first week of post-op.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
