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Sterlind Burke

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Sterlind Burke

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/09/1982

About Me

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Playing basketball, lifting weights, music
  • Occupation
    Teacher/ Coach
  • City
    Windsor Mill
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  1. Sterlind Burke


    I don't know if this is necessarily the place to post this, but I just got married!!!! This woman has been by my side through the last 2 and a half years in this journey. She met me when I weighed over 600 pounds. I am now back down to my playing weight for football in college, but I am much healthier and and in better shape than I was then. I still have a lot of work to get under 3 bills, but I am extremely happy to head down this new path in life.
  2. Sterlind Burke

    Guys who started over 400 lbs.

    I have been a high as 691, but I started this particular journey at 607. Currently 372 after 2 years of work. I am 9 months post-op.
  3. Sterlind Burke

    Serious Man Part Issues

    Vitamin E Oil works well too
  4. 212 Pounds down!!! Still have a long way to go, but I will get there!!!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BLERDgirl


      keep up the good work!

    3. Steph Anie

      Steph Anie

      That is incredible!


    4. Djmohr


      Nicely done! Congratulations!

  5. Sterlind Burke

    Tasting foods

    I am treating them as rare treats, I am asking more for safety reasons than anything. My girlfriend had bypass 10 years ago, so she gives me some info, but the sleeve is different from the bypass. Trust me, I am listening to my stomach. I am not a big fan of unnecessary pain.
  6. Sterlind Burke

    Tasting foods

    I personally don't think having a bagel, a slice of pizza, or some potatoes is "going back". I ate those things occasionally when I was losing the weight before the surgery, and I still lost weight because I made it a rarity and I worked out and ate healthy the rest of the time/
  7. Sterlind Burke

    Tasting foods

    I was wondering when people who got the gastric sleeve done were able to eat certain foods. I have been craving a few things and I was wondering when I could have a taste of them. Namely potatoes, pizza, tortillas, and bread. Before anyone goes off and talks about how you're supposed to change your habits and all of that, I have. I've lost 177 pounds in 15 months, 117 of it before the surgery. My eating habits are great now. Every once in a while you just want a taste of something to satisfy a craving. I'm even open to alternatives to those foods if anyone has suggestions.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
