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Posts posted by mhazelrigg

  1. Hi all,

    11 days out and feeling great. Today I pureed some chicked salad and had that and some avacado for lunch. I just had a little more at dinner and I am pleasantly full. I wish this is the kind of fullness I will have when I have a fill. I think that I feel just like I did before my surgery. Last week was hard, because I went back to work on Monday after having my surgery on Friday, but now I am even ready to get back to my workouts. I am still losing, and I know that this is the easy part, but it is feeling good to be sucessful.

    Here is a thing.....I have not thrown up or even had a PB. Is that normal? I know that I want to avoid vomiting, and I will, but I haven't even had the feeling that I am close to it. Is everyone like that?

  2. I get some pains in my back and under my shoulder blade, on the other side of where my band is. Is that what feeling full is?

    I can't imagine 11 days out!!

    ok well maybe i'm reading the signs of "fullness" wrong. When I'm just about done eating it's because I'm feeling chest/shoulder dulling pain ... Maybe thats the sign of fullness?

    I just ate 4oz bended yogurt and 4oz Soup and I'm feeling a little pain in my upperback/shoulders/chest.....

    Is that what others go thru?

  3. I had a headache from the caffiene too. I had my husband make me a hot tea in the morning, and it not only helped with the caffiene, it relaxed my band, so I was able to get more liquid down. I was a HUGE diet Coke drinker, and I have to say, I miss it, but now that I am 7 days out, it is much better.

    I am going to start back to working out next week. I am nervous, but I can do it. I know that this is probably going to be my biggest wieght loss period, so I want to maximize it!!

  4. I went back to work Monday, and I realized that just because my doctor said that I could, did not mean that I should. But I got through it with no problems and went home and went to bed for a couple hours. Tuesday was easier, but I was really tired when I got home. I think that today was actually the worst day. I had to sit down a lot and I like to get my kids up dancing before a test and I did that twice today. I definately over did it today.

    I see the doctor tomorrow. I am able to drink about 6 ounces of either Water or Soup now. Before my surgery, I would drink two big bottles of water each day. I would usually drink about 30 ounces at night. I am so thirsty. I want to just get a big glass of water and drink it all. But I think that would hurt REALLY bad.

    Tomorrow is a new day!! Everyday is a little better!!

  5. I was banded on Friday, and I am going back to work tomorrow. I am a teacher, and I am a little nervous. But I figure I have to get it over some time. Plus, my friend, who is a literacy coach, is right next to me and has offered to teach a lesson if I need her to. That will give me about an hour to sit. I am sure that I will come right home and go to bed.

    I am really having a hard time drinking anything today. It must be the swelling. I am so full. I had three teaspoons of Soup and I thought that I was going to yak. I have some protien Water by my bed so that I can keep drinking it. I think I am going to pick up some Gas-X tomorrow. I can't tell if it is gassy or if it being full. I have all new feelings and sensations to get to know. But, since I started my liquids, I am down 21 lbs. I hope I dont gain it back.

  6. Today!! I got my band this morning. I went into surgery at 7:30, and I was home by 2:30. I slept for most of the afternoon. I just had a cup of beef broth and I am really full. I also have some unset Jello, but I think that I am going to save that for later. I already have that gas feeling in my chest. I have some soreness where the port is, but none of the the other sites hurt at all. I can't believe how good I feel. Let's hope that I feel this good tomorrow.

  7. I am ready for tomorrow. I still have a little cold, so I am hoping that it goes as planned. It is only 7 and I want to go to bed so that I can get this over with.

    I will let you know when I am up and running. I am his first one tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 6 and the surgery is at 7:30. All day to day I have thought of ways to back out of this. This time tomorrow, and my life will take its next course..........I better be ready.

  8. Terry,

    We are not allowed to use sprays or anything at school, but when my kids are gone, I spray my room and I make them use hand sanitizer. My husband now has it, and my own children are sick too. But I am feeling so much better. I still have a little cough, and am slightly congested, but I can do this!!

    I am planning on going back to work on Monday, but I also made plans so that if I can't, I am covered. I am just going to play it by ear.

    Has anyone heard from Thor?

  9. I called Dr. Sid's office today and told them I was sick. I told the nurse what I was taking and then asked if it was okay. She said anything was fine as long as I didn't take anything with asprin. So I am really pulling in the Guifessien. And trying to drink extra Water so that I don't get dehydrated. I think, hope, I will be fine by Friday. I asked the nurse if she thought it would be okay, and she said that it was a decision for the antestesiologist.

    Today at school, I had 8 kids out from the same thing and I had to send 2 more home. So there is definately some bug roaming around my classroom. So it is Lysol for me until Friday. I should wear a net!! I can't believe that it is only 4 more days!!

  10. Friday we had a snow day, and I didn't do so well on the liquids, but when I got on the scale Saturday morning, I was happy. I am up to 16 pounds lost. So I took my kids to get haircuts and run some errands and was starting to feel pretty bad. I am a teacher and there is something making its way through my room that is pretty yucky. My husband also has bronchitis and so I figure it is one or the other or a combination of both. I have been in bed ever since I got home Saturday afternoon. I am hoping that I am better by Friday as that is the day that I get banded. I am coughing so much that I can't even fathom having surgery. Any home remedies to get me back to work and ready for Friday? I keep thinking that I have been waiting for this for so long, it can't get postponed because of this!! Help!!

  11. Terry,

    I have a hypothetical situation.....if someone was on a liquid diet, and there was a can of pringles sitting on the counter, and that person accidently ate about ten of them, what would happen? Not banded yet, and STARVING. We are having a snow day today, so that gives me a lot of time to roam around my kitchen. I don't want to mess anything up, it is just going to be a long weekend.

  12. Terry,

    Thanks, I am getting pretty excited. It is a week away, and I have been doing pretty well on the liquids, now that I have gotten over the initial shock of it. Did you have any problems with caffeine headaches? In the past, when I have stopped drinking Diet Coke for a while, I have taken Excedrine, but not now for sure.

    I got a couple of samples of unjury from Dr. Sid today. I am going to try them this weekend. The nice thing about going through the week, I am really busy and I don't have a lot of time to think about food. The weekends kill me. But I am trying to stay focused.

    When did you get banded? I have lost 13 pounds on the diet so far. That is a nice jump start!!

  13. Another thing that I am a little worried about is my medicines. My thyroid medicine is very small, but I also take Effexor to help with my hot flashes and that is bigger. I tried to go off it a couple times, but I get pretty sick. In fact, if I miss one dose, I am dizzy and sick the next day. I just don't want to add to my discomfort from med withdrawl. And since it is a time release (XR) it can't be broken up. How did everyone else take their meds the day of the surgery?

  14. Tomorrow is the "official" start of my liquid diet. I am not looking forward to it at all, but it means that my surgery is closer!!

    I have a couple of friends who work for OB/GYN's and I guess the new thing is for them to be doing plastic surgery. I had plastic surgery a few years ago and I was telling my surgeon that I wanted a Tummy Tuck some day, but I could never afford it. He told me that most insurance companies WILL PAY for plastic surgery, if you could site a medical reason. I asked him what a medical reason was and he said that if you have extra skin, and it causes skin irratation to the point of infection, ie. yeast infection/sores, and you DOCUMENTED IT, most will pay.

    Something to think about as the weight falls off. I will be calling my doc if my skin folds cause irratation.

    I am going to have my last lunch. I think it will be chinese today.

  15. Thor, where do you live? I started drinking slimfast in the mornings and I don't like it. I have also been trying to have a fat free yorgrut for lunch. That is okay, but by the time I get home, I am starving. Are you feeling full all day? I used to work in a busy drs. office, and I know that keeping my energy level up all day is really important. I keep telling myself that I can do anything for 2 weeks. You are almost there!!!

  16. Hi Karen, I am being banded on the 6th. I am really excited, but also a little nervous. I have been looking into this for about 4 years. I have to do the liquid diet for two weeks. Today I started drinking slimfast to see how it went. So far, so good. Some days it seems so far away and then I glimpse at the calendar and have a little anxiety because it is getting closer.

    I would like to lose about 75 pounds. Of course, more would be better!!! I will be thankful for any help I can get!!

  17. Thor,

    That is great news!! You will be about two weeks ahead of me. I am not looking forward to the diet he makes you do before the surgery, but I know that I can do anything I put my mind to. And I just have to keep reminding myself that it is only for two weeks. I can do anything for 14 days, right?

    I was supposed to have my surgery on the 4th of January, but I had to rescedule because Dr. Sid was having surgery that day.

    Have you done your pre-op physical yet? I wonder what they do? I started this whole process several years ago. In fact, the psych evaluation was two years ago. I haven't actually seen him in over three years. But I have got to know the ladies in the office!

    Let me know how it goes!!

  18. Tina, we are about the same age and so are our kids. Our surgeries are just 3 days apart. Are you doing any pre-op diets? I have to do two weeks of a really restricted diet. I am not looking forward to that part. Also, I am not telling anyone outside my immediate family. I am curious to see how long it will take people that I work with to notice. The last time I was this anxious about something was when I was waiting for my babies to be born!!! February 8th can't get here soon enough.

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