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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Katrinakit

  1. Hi everyone! I had my surgery 5 days ago and I can drink like 8 ounces of Fluid in 30 minutes. Should I be concerned about this? I'm not hungry at all and it has been actually nice because I am not at risk for dehydration so I'm hoping it is just a combo of the fluids going straight through the pouch and less than expected inflammation. Any thoughts? Also, I had a bm today but it was liquidy. Are we actually expected to have formed stools this soon? Thanks
  2. Katrinakit

    Week one rant

    How many calories are in premier Protein? I was only given a few protein options as well. I wouldn't say this week was super rough but I have definitely had my moments. I had major nausea the day of surgery and have had significant pain in my incisions. Mainly I am just sooo sick of liquid Protein. Sorry you are having such a hard time. Just remember that this is such a short time period in the scheme of things. And I will try and remember that as well.
  3. Katrinakit

    Post Op Gassiness?

    I'm one week post op rny and I am definitely more gassy but it is mainly just when I'm in the bathroom. It's not like I'm farting uncontrollably all the time. You know? And I don't think my breath smells bad but I could be wrong on that one lol
  4. I get those hiccups when I drink too much at once. I have been counting broth as fluid. Yeah I am just sick of protein drinks in general.
  5. I'm also worried because I haven't lost any weight yet which I know is probably from iv fluids but still
  6. Oh good. And have you had weight loss success?
  7. So I have been going to this surgery center since August. My insurance gave me the runaround but I finally got it in writing what their criteria were etc...my last weigh in will be April 5 and then we can submit to insurance. My surgery center has a policy that they will not start you on the four week preop diet until you get insurance approval so best case scenario I can get it at the end of May. HOWEVEr, my surgeon was in a car accident and is off work for 6 weeks and is booked up until July. Now I just got notified that they are discontinuing my insurance at the end of May and putting me on a high deductible plan with HSA. I won't know until April 4th if it covers bariatric surgery I'm so frustrated because I have been driving over an hour each way 2-3 times a month since August for this thing and may not even get the surgery? Ugh Sorry just had to vent
  8. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    I am getting iv Tylenol and they have dilaudid if I need it but I have only used it once today most of my pain is just when I drink too fast.
  9. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    Hi everyone! I had my surgery yesterday and was soooo nauseous for most of the day but am feeling much better today. I have been walking the halls and I did the number of laps that constitutes a mile (not all at once though lol) and am "eating" broth and Popsicles and taking by mouth meds. I think I am getting discharged tomorrow!!
  10. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    I'm tomorrow as well!
  11. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    I drank some mag citrate today to prep for surgery. That stuff is nasty! Now I am just waiting for the "fun" to begin lol this is a crazy journey we are all going on!
  12. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    Such good news @ladyclaire !
  13. Katrinakit

    May bypass group!

    well I had the last of my preop appointments yesterday. They did an ekg, some bloodwork, pregnancy test etc. I met with surgeon and anesthesiologist and multiple nurses and the nutritionist. So now I am just counting down the hours! On Monday morning I go in at 750am and will have surgery at 950! My bff comes to visit tomorrow and we are going hiking and then I am clear liquids on Sunday. I can't believe it is almost here!
  14. Yeah....I think we might be related. I did one of those 23 and me genetic tests and I matched with a family with his last name from county cork. That is where his parents are from. How many families with that last name could county cork have? I mean I guess it is a big county but still
  15. Katrinakit

    Random update on "I want to join a monastery" guy

    My fam came over during the famines but his fam came over in the last 50 years or so, I think
  16. Katrinakit

    Random update on "I want to join a monastery" guy

    Yeah my moms fam is from there too! I want to go visit one day
  17. Katrinakit

    Random update on "I want to join a monastery" guy

    Glad I didn't get preggers!
  18. Katrinakit

    Maybe I should just get more cats....

    This thread has been very therapeutic for me since I am trying to get over a similar situation. Sorry to hear he is such an arse
  19. So did anyone see the dr who episode where the fat globules were aliens that were released at night or something? I have not really watched that show but my sis made me watch that episode because it was so silly lol
  20. I have the same problem with salty foods. There is a particular type of tortilla chip that I literally haven't eaten in 10 years because it isn't sold in small servings and the last time I bought one of those big bags I ate the entire thing in one day....yeah...I avoid the chip aisle like it is radioactive now. I'm a store perimeter (with quick visits to the spices, tea aisle, and frozen foods) girl these days.
  21. I love it. When I quit smoking, we called our addiction the nicodemon. What should we call this one?
  22. I'm so frustrated with my body! It just doesn't want to lose weight. I went to a biggest loser resort in December where I was in a controlled environment in the middle of nowhere eating what they gave me and working out 6 hours a day and did not lose. So now I am on a month long optifast plan and am supposed to lose 14 pounds. If I don't they will cancel the surgery. It was TOM when first weighed in so I was carrying a lot of water weight. That first week i lost 7 pounds due to loss of the water. The next week I lost 2. So I am down 9 pounds and have 5 more to go in 2 weeks. That doesn't seem like a lot but my TOM is coming back. I haven't lost anything this week according to my scale. I have cheated twice but the combined total of both cheats adds up to 1000 calories so only explains 1/3 of a pound. I am exercising, drinking 80oz of fluid a day, and following the diet. If they cancel this surgery, I will have to wait until August to get the surgery and have already been taken off the schedule for the month following my surgery date so I won't get the hours I need to maintain full time status and will lose my insurance. I don't know what to do any advice? I have 11 days before my final weigh in.
  23. Is it weird that I don't WANT to enjoy food again? Enjoying food got me in this predicament in the first place. I wish I didn't have taste buds.
  24. I mean may 16! What am I trying to draw this out?! Lol

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