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Everything posted by Jesusislove

  1. What is so bad about teaching both boys and girls about birth control options? or How to use condoms or dental damns...? Knowledge is power...right? How old are we talking about here, for boys and girls? I am in college right now studying Education, and the main focus in teaching children is DAP, deveopmental appropriate practices. Studies over many years have shown that we can teach some things too early. There is nothing wrong with teaching sex education to children who are of age to understand it or who are mature enought to handle it, but teaching too soon can harm children as well. I would say it is up to the parent to decide when they think their children are ready, and even then we should use caution.
  2. This still makes no sense. Either God knew he was going to grant this wish (thus not really granting the wish) or it is not true that God knows all before it happens. It can't be both ways. As I spoke with my professors in college, I will speak the same thing on here. My belief is my belief, I do not expect anyone who does not believe as I do to accept or make sense of what I am saying. It is what I believe, I live by the Word of God, if you don't, it is okay. When I read a story in the bible, it gives me hope and encouragement. It gives me some insight on how God can operate. That is what it does for me. So its okay, I don't need a clapping party behind me to say Amen. I am cool with my professors now, they understood.
  3. Jesusislove

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I do not believe that Miss Cali hates the group she was talking about, I believe she spoke what was in her heart, and what she knows to be right. I am just saying that there are some people who say they are for certain groups, but then they poke fun at them. Either we truly accept people or we don't. I agree with beth.
  4. Jesusislove

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    If you don't want a truthful answer, don't ask. I have always been that way, and all those that know me respect me for that. Miss Cali, answered honestly. If you ask me, I would say the same thing; however, I do not condone the mistreatment of any group of people. I do not believe in calling people the other word, so group of people is my term. People say that they accept others, but then behind closed doors, they laugh and pick at them. If you accept people for who they are, then why do we poke fun of them? For instance, in the media, movies and etc. I would rather a person be real with me about how they feel than to be a hypocrite in saying I really agree with same sex couples/marriage. One thing I can say, I may not agree with same sex marriage, but I do respect the person. I do not beleive in making fun of certain groups of people, harassing, namecalling and etc.
  5. There is a story in the bible about a King, named Hezekiah, who did pray and God turned it around for him. He was going to die, but God added 15 years to his life after he prayed. I spoke on a message about this at church. If you want the scripture send me a private message. I have not read the comments, just trying to answer your question.
  6. Jesusislove

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Yes, I am very sure, and will continue to think positive. I can not think no other way.
  7. Jesusislove

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    If we look for faults we will find them, I have a tendency to look for the good in everyone, even if they don't see the good in themselves. No one really knows the answer to fixing the economy. All the financial experts say, they do not know what can fix it, so all I can do is pray, but one thing for sure we are coming out of this.
  8. Jesusislove

    Fill issue

    Had my fill yesterday, and was told that I was at 5ccs, I guess more evaporated. He put me back up to 6ccs. I feel okay and I am feeling good.
  9. Jesusislove

    Fill issue

    I was not feeling well a couple of days ago after a fill, this is what brought me back to the boards. I was banded in April, 261 pounds. At the end of the week I should be 199. I had a fill on last Wendesday, and I mean I had acid reflux, gas, and the whole nine yards. I felt like I did after post op. I was up to a little over 7cc's in my band, I went back in Monday because I could not take it anymore. The strangest thing was when she checked to see how much was in there it was 6.5 cc's, she stated that sometimes the saline evaporates, anyone ever heard of that? Anyway she took me down to 6cc's and I feel so much better. I do not want to gain weight, so March 11th, I will request a little fill. I feel slight restriction.
  10. Jesusislove

    Obamanomics: Bad for the economy...

    Obama can not fix things overnight. He is doing his best, in an economy like this we must stay and think positivie. Obama is setting the example of thinking positive. No, I do not agree with everything he is doing, but at least he is doing something. He need to focus only on the economy right now, he is everywhere. One thing about the great depression that many are ovelooking is that they came out of it. America did not stay there, so we will come out of this! God is Good.
  11. Hi, I am a vintage clothing seller on ebay. I sell clothes from the 20s -80s. It is hard work looking and hunting down these items at thrift stores and estate sales. However it is worth it when you make money from them. I can instruct you how to open an ebay account, let me know. I can give you my personal email too. thanks for inquiring. It is so fun selling vintage clothes on ebay, its a business and an hobby for me.

  12. Jesusislove

    Fill issue

    jillreneee15: Fluid in a cylinder is under vacuum (the syringe plunger) will have a curve in the surface. Are they reading the edges or are they reading the bulge? I do not know how they are reading it, but she does leave the syringe poked inside when she reads it. TQUAD64 I lost .5cc from the surgery and I lost 1cc from a fill on January 14. The crazy thing is, I knew two weeks after the January 14 fill that something just was not right. So, I got an appointment right away on January 28 to find out the 1cc given on January 14 was gone. Weird. Very weird. That does sound weird, I was a little thrown when the nurse said it. It was a new one on me because I had never heard of evaporation until this week. Like someone said above maybe they are not looking at it right.
  13. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I dunno... I just get the feeling she will leave them high and dry. My reason for this is because in one of her interviews, she said that she wanted all these children to make up for something she was lacking in her upbringing and seemed to single out "a certain someone." Out of all that I heard about her, this statement stood out to me about missing something in her upbringing. You do not have children for that reason. That statement there made me doubt her love a little bit,; I really hope she loves them. However, I still do not wish any ill will toward her, and her children. I do not wish ill will toward her because of the children, they need their mother. It is the goal of the system to keep famalies together. The system, like CPS, is good, but the system does not always work either, I know. She is claiming to love them, and there are people with less children who need to be locked up right now because the could care less about their children.
  14. Jesusislove

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    How do you halt weight loss if you become underweight? I do not disagree with any WLS, but I have a friend who had the gastric bypass, and she is too little. We are both tall and she said her doctor told her that she can not have plastic surgery until she gain some weight. Last time I talked to her she was trying to gain just to have plastic surgery. That is what made me choose the lapband, I wanted to be small, but not too small.
  15. Jesusislove

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I can not eat any bread, wow. You guys can eat 1/4 of a sandwich, that's great! I can eat other things, but bread does not agree with me.
  16. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Everyone needs to keep in mind the LBT rules , Even though this is the Rant and Raves section the rules do still apply . 1. Everyone has a right to speak regardless of their perspective. 2. While we believe in free speech, keep in mind that this right is not absolute. Dissent is an essential part of any discussion where people are encouraged to express varying opinions; however, it is equally important to maintain both decorum and topicality as related to LapBandTalk.com’s mission. 4. Members will treat each other with courtesy and respect, especially when they disagree. We understand that bright, intelligent and educated people may not always agree, but personal attacks in the form of insults, abusive language or other means of obvious harassment will not be tolerated. 7. Please take the really personal discussions to PM or e-mail. If you have a problem with another member take it off the board . Mindy This was posted by the moderator and I am trying to follow the rules. If you want to personally address Trell, send me an private email.
  17. Jesusislove

    Average age of a Bandster?

    Got banded at 37, and I am happy with it. I have taken care of everyone else and it was time to take care of me for a change. Loving it.
  18. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    While I agree that can be offensive, I would suggest anyone looking for help not to come to Rants & Raves-- which are an off topic part of the forum. I don't think it's appropriate to be offensive say in the Fills or Nutrition area of the forum, but these threads here are clearly labeled Off-Topic DEBATE AREA.. Respect, is all I am talking about. New or old then. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, Aretha said it right, just a little respect. It has already been stated about respecting other people's beliefs or opinions. Send me a private email if you want to address me personally.
  19. Jesusislove

    Spring Cleaning???

    I tell you, I am not looking foward to it, but I found a wonderful website that you can use to get rid of stuff. It is called FreeCycle. I just post all the stuff I do not want on there and someone who needs it, in this tough economic time, comes and get it. Sometimes within the hour. Fast removal. This is a good way to spring clean the clutter at your house, and help someone else at the same time. You can also put what you "want" on there as well. You must "offer" something free first. People need so much and they will pick up food or anything you do not want, even if its not working. There should be a freecycle in your area. Any Spring cleaning tips you wanna share??
  20. Originally Posted by *Susan* On another forum I am on, there are two forbidden topics. If the topics come up, the thread is immediately locked. Why, because people are unable to discuss these two topics in a rational, calm and non-attacking manner. Care to guess what those two topic are? Yep, religion and politics. I am starting to think banning any reference to those two topics is a pretty good idea. I second that emotion !!! LMAO Other blogs do talk about politics and religion, but they have respect for people too. You must have respect for others to talk about it. I love talking on several blogs because they always say okay, that can be offensive to someone, and then the others agree. Its according to what type of people you are dealing with on a blog. I am a devout Christian, but one thing my Mother taught me is that everybody does not believe the same way. I have witnessed to others on the rough streets in California early in my Christian walk, and I have come to know that everybody's different, and you can not force anything on anybody. If it is forced on, it can be forced off, and that is not my goal.
  21. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    One thing I can say about other blogs is that they do have respect for other people's religion. If you don't believe in Jesus Christ, its okay, but don't use the Lord's name in vain. Its just plain wrong. There are other people who may come on this board for help, and read this and be offended. Be not decieved God is not mocked, everything a man soweth that shall he also reap.
  22. Jesusislove

    Is Casey Anthony guilty?

    I hope this doesn't turn into to jon benet ramsey case... Somebody got away with that murder. __________________ That case was so sad, my heart bled over that case as well. My daughter is so pretty and many times when she was younger, she is 11 now, people would tell me to put her in beauty pageants. I never would because of that murder. They have re-opened the case this year, and I hope they find the person who did it. I have no doubt they will find out who killed Caylee, the whole family is strange to me.
  23. Jesusislove

    Fill issue

    Hi, thanks for responding. It is good to hear that you heard of the evaporating saline too. I thought the "new nurse" did not know what she was doing. I am feeling better today; but I can tell my body is recovering from the tightness. I still can not eat that much, a good thing!
  24. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    Rant and rave on, some of you are good at it. Got work to do.
  25. Jesusislove

    Octuplets and SIX other children??!!!

    I amm offended that you think Iam 'wasting my time' where as you are so superior you are ONLY online because it is your JOB to do so. The keywords were too much time, I am not saying people can not spend any time online, but all day can be too much. I am in no means trying to be superior because I think I still spend a lot of time online even though I am making money. However, if I was not making money, I could only last a a few minutes online. I try to do it while husband is at work; chidlren are at school, and when I have no school or homework. It takes time to run a business, but I feel pretty good about making money in a tough economy. Sorry, if I offended you.

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