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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by ExcitedNana

  1. I'm 12 days post-op and down about not losing more. However, the inches are looking very good. Also, I bought an 8 lb stick of hamburger the other day to make chili for a cookout. I thought to myself, I wonder if that really weighs 8 lb. So, I went to my scales and weighed myself holding it and then without. Then I thought, OMG, that's 8 lb! Just think of that on your body. It really hit me what "only" 8 pounds was in reality!

  2. @vegasrosee99@yahoo.com Sorry your date got changed. It's so hard waiting! Use this time to clean a closet or something. LOL. I did do a lot of laundry and cleaning the week of surgery. The nesting mode kicked in, I got a lot done. I'm 12 days post-op and already have a pair of jeans to retire. I'm so excited. I've only lost 16 pounds but I've lost 38 inches. I'm not getting in all the Protein and Water they suggest. I'm just not hungry or thirsty so I don't think of it. I keep saying I'll do better tomorrow. Hopefully I will. Are you on a liquid diet? My surgeon had me on one 2 weeks prior. That was very hard for me.

  3. @@kj44 - you can do this! I don't know how to tell you to start over. Maybe on liquid diet? What were you able to eat when you were loosing the best? Maybe you should go back to that point. Don't give up, try to remember how excited you were when you hit 188. I bet it was a great feeling. I'm only 12 days post-op and cheating on chips! They did make me sick and hurt very bad so I'm saying...lesson learned the hard way! Good luck. Keep in touch.

  4. The vegetable Soup with an egg in it might be good! I'm so proud of you for being able to stay on the diet as recommended. I cheated today with some chips......lesson learned....don't do it again! Well, I think I'll go next door and get my 8 year old granddaughter and see if she wants to go for a walk with me. This cooking supper is so hard on me. However, since I can't smell or taste hardly at all (I'd say I have 1-2% of sense) it helps the cravings. Unless I see it! It's been almost a year ago that I lost the ability. None of the doctor's I've seen can figure it out so I'm just accepting it for what i is. At least it's not my sight or hearing, right? LOL

  5. @@saraburnett I'm on clear liquids still. Well, I do eat Jell-O and pudding occasionally. This morning I ate a little bit of yogurt but it was too think and hurt after swallowing a few bites. Cream of anything sounds very good! I have made myself egg drop Soup many times in the evening. Seems to stay with you a little longer but you really have to chew the egg well. I was surprised at how easy and how good it tasted. I just boiled some Water, added chicken bouillon. I beat the egg in a cup then added it to boiling water. Cooks in a couple of minutes. Very good. I know what you mean about being weak. I don't know if it's from not eating or from surgery. Probably a little of both.

  6. I too had surgery on 9/2/2015. I also had hiatal hernia repair. I think that is where most of my pain came from. I didn't walk after I came home (2 nights in hospital). The weather was bad and I just didn't feel like getting out of the house. I did do some leg lifts to help move the gas, etc. Is anyone having a lot of diarrhea? Boy, I am...about 30 minutes after I eat anything you better clear the path for me! I'm not able to use anything sugar-free. It tears my stomach up and gives me a headache. I knew this going in but my surgeon didn't seem to believe me. But that's OK. I see him on Thursday this week for a 2 week follow up. I'm down 15 pounds but 35 inches! I'm pretty excited. I'm just glad it's over before the holidays. I know I'll feel better to Celebrate them. Good luck everyone!

  7. After my visit with the surgeon setting the surgery date, I had so many food funerals that I gained 3 pounds! So, I had to loose that 3 pounds and go back to the surgeon and weigh-in to prove I had done it. That made me very sad at myself. I'm 12 days post-op and doing well. My surgeon discovered i had a hiatal hernia when he went in to do the sleeve. He repaired it at the same time. Good luck!

  8. Are you able to get in all of the Proteins? I can't get it in! Starting today I'm going to keep a daily journal. I'm hoping that will help me find my down times and will concentrate on getting more. I think I'm doing OK with Water. Congratulations on your success. I'm so happy I had this surgery also. Excited to see where I will be at the end of the year. My husband and I are celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary next weekend and he told me we are going on a cruise the day after Christmas.

  9. I'm doing great! I haven't walked as much as I had planned, I'm working on that. My temptations are winning, I ate a couple of potato chips. Shame on me....and I felt bad after I ate them. No will power here. The grandkids are just going to have to take their treats home with them. LOL I have diarrhea about 30 min after drinking the Protein Drink or broth. Just wondering if this is normal. I see the surgeon this Thursday. I've only lost about 14 pounds but 35 inches!

  10. I hate to admit it but I cheated tonight. I fixed my family lasagna and I just couldn't resist. However, the pain I had after eating 2 very small bites and chewing them up as much as possible, I didn't go back for another! Today has been the hardest so far for me. Hoping tomorrow will be better since I did cheat. With the pain I worried I had messed up something. Back to the bouillion for me. I also didn't get in much Water today. Pledging to do better tomorrow.

  11. I have a lot of shoulder and back pain. I just took a pain pill for the back pain. I also had a hiatal hernia repair so I'm thinking part of the pain is from that. I just measured a couple of places and I'm down 2 1/2 inches on my chest. I think this will help me today as I crave different things. One day at a time! Today is 5 days post op.

  12. Today is day 5 post-op sleeve surgery (Surgery 9/2). My pain is in my back, about a couple of inches above where my bra rides. I had a hiatal hernia repair also so I'm guessing this is the pain. I have always had a problem using sugar free products, causes a severe pain in stomach. So, I'm eating sugar free Jello one time and regular the next. My Dr wants me to use Carnation Instant Breakfast. Doing the same with it (sugar free one time/regular next). I find it hard to get all the Water in. I'm constantly sipping on water but my directions are not to drink 30 minutes before eating. Thank goodness I'm not hungry but I do still crave everything. Starting tomorrow I'm going to try to walk a lot more. I think that will help with the cravings. I've lost about a pound a day since surgery. I'm still on the liquid diet until 2 weeks post op. Good luck everyone. WE CAN DO THIS!

  13. Surgery went very well. I found out I also had a hiatal hernia that was repaired at same time. I have never been able to use sugar free anything so as soon as I was started on sugar free Jello I started having stomach pain. It took me about 24 hours to realize what the problem was. I talked the nurse into letting me eat regular Jello. Within 6 hours the stomach pain was gone. My doctor didn't seem to believe me and wasn't happy that I had been eating regular jello, but I'm the one suffering so I did it on my own. I experienced the same pain when I began my 2 week liquid diet with Carnation Instant Breakfast. It took me 2 days to realize what was causing my new stomach pain. I'm sure I won't loose as much or as fast but I can't handle the pain. I had to stay 2 nights because I wasn't able to get down as much liquid as they required. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend. We're just kicking back at the house watching movies & taking walks daily.

  14. I've got my sheets in the dryer now. They gave me a special body wash to use tonight and tomorrow morning and said to sleep on clean sheets tonight. All the laundry is done. Washing the bathroom rugs now. Funny how you get the nesting urge. At least I don't have to buy a lot of groceries! Tonight I'm going to my grandson's first football game of the season. I'm hoping it will help the nervousness. I took all my measurements and will take a picture tonight at game. I'm stocked up on yogurt, pudding and Protein drinks. I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. Surgery at 7:30. The Dr gave me a patch to put behind my ear to help with nausea after surgery. I've never heard of this but it makes sense. I'm to put it on tonight. That way it will be in my system when i get out of surgery.

  15. I put my foot in my mouth once telling a coworker how great she looked, how much weight had she lost, etc. Come to find out she had cancer. She had lost weight due to the chemo/radiation therapy. I felt so bad but she had a good sense of humor and said it was the worst way to lose it but was a good outcome. Now I just say how good everyone looks.. they can volunteer the weight loss secret if they are so inclined! LOL Lesson learned the hard way.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
