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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by gsusser

  1. Can't find a discussion on this so here goes. First off, I'm 6+ weeks post-op and doing fine. I've been hearing and reading discussion elsewhere about eliminating processed food. This intuitively makes sense and a course I'd like to follow, one that's also a foreign concept. Matthew Weiner's book (recommended by a fellow bariatric) really hit home, though he seems a bit fanatical. My, uh, biggest issue is cooking. I'm a single guy living alone working a lot of hours. Although I picked a horrible career of working in restaurants considering my affliction, I'm lazy in the kitchen and don't have the know-how or time to spend making anything more than simple dishes. Any recommendations? Thanks.
  2. gsusser

    Eliminating Processed Food

    Last question on buying a crockpot and I'll shut up (maybe!). As someone who lives alone and will not use the device to death, which is better for me, a crockpot or slow cooker? I see the differences are minor. But I want to get this right. After way too much time looking around, I like this device, a slow cooker. But I have a lingering doubt about whether I'd be better off with a crock pot. And yes, my life is plagued by indecision, haha. http://www.amazon.com/Crock-Pot-Programmable-Touchscreen-SCVT650-PS-6-5-Quart/dp/B001KVZTFO/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?s=home-garden&ie=UTF8&qid=1450554833&sr=1-1-fkmr0&keywords=Cooker+SCVC600-SS#Ask
  3. gsusser

    Eliminating Processed Food

    Thanks for the comments and great suggestions. I took a quick look for a crock pot and I'm intrigued by the smart crockpot, though it's probably for crackpots. -) ---http://www.crock-pot.com/slow-cookers/wemo-enabled-smart-slow-cooker/crock-pot-6-quart.-smart-slow-cooker-with-wemo/SCCPWM600-V1.html?source=igodigital Like I said earlier, I know nothing about crockpots. What I like about this, though I don't know how necessary it is, is the ability to control it from anywhere. I spend up to 15 hours away from home sometimes at work and am wondering if being able to control it remotely would be a good idea. I'm all ears, and thanks again for the suggestions.
  4. gsusser

    Eliminating Processed Food

    Where can I find appropriate crock pot recipes? I never used one. [And what's a food processor, haha.] Are Protein shakes considered processed? I still have one or two a day.
  5. Warning: not for the squeamish or those who don’t want TMI. My apologies, it’s been a while since I posted. I’m 5+ weeks post-surgery and things have been going generally well. That is, except for an unending pain from a hiatal hernia (so sez me about the cause, though not my surgeon – I know better, ha!) and some discomfort from eating. I lost 32 lbs. since surgery and 50 since pre-op. I didn’t wanna post here how fantastic I was doing since that would seem to be boasting and minimize the problems for those that have very real problems, especially those not caused by stoooopidity. I have no real complaints except the pain from the hernia. Until today! While this is extremely embarrassing, I’m posting it with the thought that it might help someone else. I’ve been following the diet instructions from my nut and getting lots of exercise. However, last night, my craving for chocolate got the better of me. I wasn’t really hungry, but my craving was real. I did something I knew I shouldn’t – I made chocolate pudding. I know I’m a sucker for this stuff and one or two or five spoonfuls doesn’t suffice. But I thought I could control myself. This time. I used My-T-Fine sugar-free with skim milk. It’s sooooo good. It’s on my approved foods list. I haven’t had it since pre-op where I repeated the same mistake though not with the same consequences. Before that, I hadn’t had it since my mom started making it on the stove. Ten-years-old and I’d spoon out the left-overs from the cooking pot after mom poured the pudding into cups. She wouldn’t allow me anymore. Smart mom. I proceeded to do the same last night. But after spooning the leftovers from the pot, 15 minutes later I had one of the cups that I poured. Another 15 minutes and another cup. Until it was gone. I ate the whole friggin’ batch! However, no side effects and I went to sleep feeling fine. I woke up this morning feeling fine and planning on going to the gym. Then, the cramps started and worsened. I went to the toilet and a few pebbles came out, but no ease of my discomfort. I sat on the toilet for 45 minutes and nothing. I kept on feeling worse and worse. I took Gas-X and the anti-spasm medicine for the first time, the medicine I had gotten at the hospital. No let up in the pain and I was ready to write in blood that f890’ing chocolate pudding did me in! Really, the pain was so bad that I was getting ready to call the emergency number for the surgeon’s office. The longest hour of my life seemed to go by with increasing pain and discomfort. Then, miraculously, I had a bowel movement of boulders and it was over. I don’t know if was any of the medicine or things just ran the natural course. All I know is that I’m cured of chocolate pudding or doing anything so stupid again. I hope.
  6. gsusser

    Mighty fine NOT

    I was thinking the same thing. I really wonder what caused the extreme reaction. It contains aspartame, something I swore off of.
  7. I'm almost 4 weeks post-op. Is low-fat ice cream okay in a shake/smoothie?
  8. I had this repaired during the sleeve surgery 11/5. Other than some pain in my chest area where the incision was, I had no symptoms up until a few days ago. I have a sharp pain near my right shoulder blade which comes and goes. It mostly comes at night preventing me to sleep. My surgeon's office said to take advil or motrin; narcotics are ineffective. Well, the advil isn't helping much either. The hydrocone seemed to help more. I haven't had a decent night's sleep in 2 nights. Any suggestions?
  9. gsusser

    Hiatal hernia

    I had a visit with my surgeon last Thursday. She does not believe the hernia is the cause of the pain. She says that because: 1. The pain is only on my right side - she says it moves from right to left. 2. I have nerve issues, which is very scary - I find it difficult to use any force with my right hand and occasionally my arm is numb. Has anyone had these symptoms with a hiatal? I have an appointment tomorrow with an orthopedist she recommended.
  10. gsusser

    Hiatal hernia

    Unfortunately, the pain has only worsened. It's 8 days since the onset of discomfort and just over 4 weeks after surgery. The only thing that seems to help is standing and maneuvering my position or walking. Or a narcotic for a few hours, but I that's not the solution. I haven't had a decent's night sleep since it started. I don't know how to sleep elevated. Like you (mccraven), swallowing is no bowl of cherries, haha... I'm talking scrambled eggs and tiny nibbles. The x-ray showed nothing out of the ordinary. Okay, so I'm a crybaby. I was okay with the after-effects of the sleeve surgery and all the other discomfort. But this pain approaches an 8 or 9 at times and has me begging for mercy. When will it end?
  11. gsusser

    Ice cream?

    Thanks. I caught my online shopping order just in time. Goodbye Edy's lite, hello yogurt, sigh.
  12. gsusser

    Hiatal hernia

    Thanks for the tips. I went to the doctor today and met with one of the RNs. It turns out he had the same procedure for hiatal hernia. He says there's basically nothing you can do but let it pass. He claims everyone reacts differently, to no discomfort to moderate to severe discomfort such as mine. They gave me a script for vicodin but he's correct, it doesn't help all that much. I wonder if this is common occurrence for overweight people.
  13. gsusser

    Hiatal hernia

    Which part of my body, haha? I sleep on 2 pillows and on my "good" side. It's not only at night. I've been at the office sitting at a desk for an hour and it's killing me. I took 2 Advil but that only took the edge away.
  14. The nut sez I can go on non-chewable vitamins, except calcium citrate, 4 weeks after surgery, which is less than 2 weeks from now. My regiment is a multi, B complex and calcium citrate. I'm not sure how much to order since she won't give me an idea how long I'll be on this regiment, but the attached seem to be the smallest quantity at Bariatric Advantage. It's expensive! Is my order reasonable? Thanks.
  15. Sorry, I need store-bought, I am not Suzie homemaker -). I came across a low-fat powder in Amazon that you mix with olive oil. Has anyone tried this - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00650ISK8?keywords=hummus&qid=1448193838&ref_=sr_1_1&refinements=p_85%3A2470955011%2Cp_n_feature_eight_browse-bin%3A2288328011&s=grocery&sr=1-1
  16. gsusser

    Non-chewable vitamins

    She said they're too big and it's too many per day.
  17. Next Friday starts week 3 and a BIG change in diet, basically moving on to pureed foods and apple sauce consistency. Can someone point the way to resources on meal suggestions for beginning this diet through week 4? I assume there are recipes somewhere but I can't find them. I want to start planning now so I can start stocking up on food. Also, and this might be a tough one, I'm pretty handicapped in the kitchen. I can do basics, like turn on a blender, haha. Just joking, but you get the idea. Thanks, Glenn
  18. gsusser

    Post-op diet week 3

    Thanks for the responses. Let's not get too complicated though, haha. Kate, yes, I did get instructions and some suggestions. It doesn't sound half-bad, but I'm looking for a little more variety and stuff that's easy to have at work where I've gone back to spending most of my life. -( The basics are in order of highest protein: 1.High Protein - fish, chicken, meat, Beans, soy (all pureed or flakey) 2.Milk, cheese, yogurt 3.Fruits, vegetables (I was excited when I first saw this, but that enthusiasm drained when I read further - "baby food fruits and vegetables, pureed canned fruits and vegetables, low fat creamed spinach, applesauce, pureed squash. 4. Grains, cereals - cream of wheat or farina, mashed potatoes, yummy oatmeal Pureed fish!! sounds yummy -) I have a new state-of-the-art Vitamix which I'd love to start using.
  19. I'm 4 days post-op and basically managing okay. Only minor complaints. Regarding gas, I do feel a bit bloated though it's not terribly uncomfortable. I've managed to pass some gas and have a couple of tiny poops. Meanwhile, I loaded up on gas-x before surgery per someone's suggestion here. I don't wanna mess around with what is not too bad of a thing. However, I'm wondering if the gas-x can improve my life (and disposition!) without doing any harm. Thanks.
  20. gsusser

    Vitamin Frequency

    Duh, directions are a wonderful thing. I should learn to read them more often. -) The multi and calcium citrate are Opurity (Unjury) and the B12 is Bariatric Advantage. The directions on the multi and B12 say one a day. The calcium citrate indicate 4 a day. So, I guess that's what I'll take until I can speak with my dietician. Thanks for the response.
  21. I'm 4 days post-op and still do not have a good understanding of how much Vitamins to take. I know what to take (multi, Calcium citrate with D, B12), but I'm confused as to the dosage and timing. The instructions from my doctor are confusing as was the explanation from the hospital or perhaps more likely, I'm just dense. Do I take 1 each of the multi and calcium and split it in half to take different times of the day? Or do I take 2 doses? Or does it matter?! Thanks.
  22. gsusser

    Muscle milk

    I went ahead and ordered. It was only $2.50 more on a $50 order. The price per unit came out to be $1.62 with everything - tax, shipping and surcharge. That's not so cheap but I don't feel like looking all over the net to save a few dollars. But I do need a reliable source for the future. I might try ordering directly from Premier in the future depending on their price with extras added on. Amazon is totally confusing when it come to Premier. There are so many different deals that you need an amazon consultant to make the best choice! Walmart has limited Premier products. Thanks for your help.
  23. I got thrown for a loop on my pre-op. The first week, I wasn't strictly adhering to my new surgeon's diet. Not my fault! I was told I could keep my previous dietician from another surgeon and was following that diet. However, it seems I'm supposed to be drinking 5 or 6 shakes a day per the new surgeon. I wasn't prepared supply-wise. And amazon screwed me. The whole dang world is conspiring against me, haha. So, I have no choice but to get an interim order of 100 cal. muscle milk, something my supermarket will deliver tomorrow. Muscle milk light is on my surgeon's approved list, not the 100 calorie, but I suppose it makes little difference. My question: how is muscle milk? I wanna know before I place the order so I know how much to order. I'm wondering if I should just switch from Premier since the muscle milk is so much easier to get. Thanks.
  24. gsusser

    Muscle milk

    this.. Thanks for the info. I was a little surprised to hear I could order from costco online without a membership. However, when I tried to order, a warning message came up that I may be assessed a non-member surcharge. I suppose that could be taken to mean that I may not be assessed, haha. Their prices are nothing special, at least on the premier, that I would pay for a membership. How do you manage to order without a membership with no surcharge?
  25. Poor me. I live alone and have no one to look after me. Actually, I am very happy to be alone, though I wish my family lived closer. Most people I've asked say it won't be a problem managing on my own immediately after surgery. Still, I don't know if I really believe that. I would love to be able to find someone to come over for at least a few days after surgery, if only for an hour or two to take care of various chores. Has anyone else been in this situation? It was weird how I found out my insurance was approved. I was scheduled for surgery (11/5) about 10 days ago. I just assumed I wasn't officially approved yet since I hadn't heard anything. I thought the doctor's office felt there would be no problem. Then, yesterday, I got a call from a nurse from my insurance company to help with any questions about the surgery. She's the one who happened to mention in passing that I was approved. She thought I knew. How anticlimactic! I was hoping to have a big celebration over a milkshake or something. Anyway, it took a while to sink in and now it's finally become real to me. I sort of got derailed from my point. It's so great to have this forum and other support, i.e., my dietician. My surgeon is one of the top in the business, works at a prestigious hospital with a large WLS facility, but lacks basic support. I fired my previous doctor for the very same reason. Perhaps my expectations weren't realistic. Anyway, I found ways to work around the issue so it isn't an issue. Just surprising.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
