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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by katladee

  1. It could be worse right? We could still be struggling with our weight , worn out, depressed. I like the idea of a new cut!!!

    My thoughts exactly! It's only hair, and I can hide it better than I can hide fat! LOL Plus, it's only temporary. Maybe when it starts growing again it will be thicker than the straight, fine hair I have now! LOL

  2. Yes, mine has been what I call shedding. Not coming out in hunks or anything. Just when running my hands through it with product I'll have alot of strands on my hands. I too was told that it could last up to 6 months. I just keep trying to take my Vitamins like I'm supposed to.

    My daughter is a hair dresser and suggested cutting it a lil shorter and adding more layers. So we did and I love it! I'm also using better quality hair products and have noticed less shedding than when using the cheaper products. So I think for me the combination of working on both the inside (vitamins) and the outside (better products) has helped slow mine down quite a bit.

    I also agree with IrishGermanRN on trying to get the calorie count up! It's still hard sometimes though.

    I just started using Organics Biotin and collagen Shampoo and conditioner. Prior to that I have always used Biolage products, but felt maybe the hair needed some extra Vitamins. Not sure if it is a good product or not. I asked my hairdresser but she said she is not familiar with many of the OTC shampoo's and conditioner's. My hair is already shoulder length with layers, but the hairdresser said she notices how thin it is getting, but that it's still healthy!

  3. I've been losing a ton of hair at the root. Started Biotin over a week ago. Feeling upset about my full head of hair getting skimpy and more skimpy by day. [emoji45]Anyone else going through this?

    I'm having the same issue even tho I'very been on Biotin months before I had my surgery. Just started a Gummy Vitamin for hair, skin, and nails in addition to the Biotin. My surgeon's nurse said it should level out after 6 months, but other people on BP say not till after u maintain goal weight for a year. I hope not cause I may not have any left by then!LOL

  4. @MrsRP Welcome back! And with such happy news! Tell hubby not to fret, it was sooo much easier than either of my c-sections. You have the first suggestion I would make, down pat. Go in with a very positive attitude! I was so excited to be having it done, and just kept telling myself "All I have to do is go to sleep, and when I wake up it will all be behind me". Actually the hardest part about the surgery is the pre-op diets! If you can suffer thru those you will sail thru surgery! Prayers for you as your journey begins on the 18th! Happy Spring!

  5. This is a silly question, but what weight should I put as my starting weight. 296 when I started the process a year ago. 284 before I started the 2 week liquid pre-op diet. 272 the day of surgery 1-12-2016. Which one did you use?? I am 244 today 3/11-2016 I think I am loosing very slowly and I am frustrated. I see others have lost so much more so I am wondering if I am using a different starting weight.

    This is a silly question, but what weight should I put as my starting weight. 296 when I started the process a year ago. 284 before I started the 2 week liquid pre-op diet. 272 the day of surgery 1-12-2016. Which one did you use?? I am 244 today 3/11-2016 I think I am loosing very slowly and I am frustrated. I see others have lost so much more so I am wondering if I am using a different starting weight.

    If I am talking to my Dr's I will use my surgery day weight as a starting point because that is what they use. If I am talking to friends or family I will say "I've lost xx since surgery, but xx total since beginning my journey at the seminar".

  6. @ssflbelle My surgeon took me off Protein shakes now that I am on real food I am supposed to get my Proteins there. He said the shakes/drinks are just rich with calories, but when you are on the liquid diet its the only way to get you Protein fast. Your Proteins do sound low as other's have commented. Make sure that your proteins are lean ones and watch the sodium as it will make you retain fluids. I would also substitute maybe a hard boiled egg for Breakfast rather than so many hot chocolate drinks. Keep it up, don't get discouraged! It's just your body's way of saying it thinks you are starving to death and is trying to hold on to the weight.

  7. @chavezmommy LOL! I do have SF pudding and popsicles, but the girls selling the Cookies with the pleading faces, and my lack of control, and remembering how goooood they tasted, first thing you know I'm saying "Of course I'll buy a box!". However, this morning my sweetie and I hit Kohls'. I've never been able to shop there, but he told me "your underwear are baggy as heck!". So while at Kohl's, just for shits and giggles, I decided to try on "real" jeans, not the elastic all around waist one's. Sweetie says "what size are we looking for?", "I have no clue" I responded! So I pick up the highest I could find which was a 24W, thinking in my head "you are setting yourself up for a let down", but believe it or not they just fit! Around the waist anyway! My legs have always been thinner than the rest of me, so even at a much smaller size (I used to wear 3x from Catherines), the legs are still baggy so I didn't buy them. I need my waist and a** to catch up to my legs before I'll be rocking some jeans! LOL Thank God for summer, because in shorts I can usually pull it off without too much bagginess. But I came out of the fitting room empty handed but with a huge smile on my face. He said "they didn't fit?". I said "they did but too baggy in the legs, but I'm getting there!" I guess that would be my first NSV! Bra's are next. I am on the last row of hooks and the shoulder adjustment all the way forward, when it used to be all the way to the back! Thanks for your encouragement! It helps during the rough patches! Keep up the good work yourself!

  8. My mind is pretty much made up at 33 I already feel broken down. Bad back, bulging disc in my neck, gastric ulcers. These can all be changed and I know I can change my eating habits because honestly I don't eat much now. My main problem will be cutting out soda and I am committed to doing so if I have the sleeve done which is the route I will go. I have Migraines and my nail tech who had her sleeve surgery about 3 weeks ago said she has not had a Migraine since. I am not a member of a gym but we do have a park with a walking trail around a pond I can walk every day three times a week. This is something I know I want and I know I need

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    @@Dub Very, very good advice! Heart, you can do this! Nevermind what others tell you, let your own mind and heart follow whatever decision you may choose! WLS is the best thing I ever did for myself, unfortunately I didn't come to realize that I could not lose the weight on my own until I was 57. I missed out on a lot of things in life that I would have loved to have done! Now I'm happier, healthier, and going for the gusto! Just remember, no soda after surgery! The bubbles are really bad for your new tummy, let alone the sugars/artificial sweetners in it. Better to have Water flavored with Crystal Light. Wishing you all the best for your future!

  9. Sleeved 1/29. Down 43lbs. Will be at week 6 this Friday. On soft and moist until 3/18. I've started working out or walking every other day. I've been majorly slacking on Fluid intake so I feel hungry!!

    I need to get back on hydration, it's just so annoying the constant sipping. I've alway been a terrible cook so I'm sick of the same old foods.

    Sorry for the whining this is just a strange past few days for me....

    I was feeling really good until a really stressful day last week at work. I wanted to eat junk badly. Then I started thinking will I ever escape this need to feed my stress?

    The negative feelings just sort of spilled into the next few days..... The momentum is still going in the right direction but my emotions and hunger aren't....

    I understand completely! I too, have fallen off the wagon. I did manage to drop one more pound, but have had this terrible craving for sweets. I caved and bought a box of girl scout Cookies, and have been eating 1 or 2 a day! Thank God they are gone, but I have to gain control over my cravings. It's so hard right now for some reason. Everything in life is good so not stress eating. I have been walking the dog (something I could only do for 5 minutes before), and getting on my Gazelle. I bought a bicycle and am anxious for the weather to break so I can ride. I think I'm just boredom eating sweets maybe. Like you I have trouble getting in my needed fluids. Congrat's on the weight loss! Isn't it a great feeling to be lighter and knowing summer is just around the corner!

  10. I am at the same number all this week, but I expected it. Lost 25 since surgery 1/26, but lost 63 (including the 25) since beginning my process in August 2015 with my seminar. So the body is probably saying "WTH, you've never lost this much before without regaining in the meantime! Where am I to go with this new loss?" I go to unlimited foods on Friday, a month out from surgery. I have tried different things now to see how they settled and so good so far. Made a mini pizza on low carb Pizza Crust, low carb sauce, 1% shredded mozz, and 5 pepperoni slices. It was good but I could only eat 2 small pieces. Before surgery I could have ate two mini's! LOL I now can make a can of Soup last 3 meals! Grocery shopping has taken on a whole new meaning because my DH has to pick out what he wants for the week, and I usually don't need anything cause I have it at home already! I preplanned very well prior to surgery. Even made my own Soups and puree's from fresh veg's last Fall and froze them. I feel really great! Now able to walk my dog without pain which I love!

  11. My nut said to eat over 20-30 minutes but with like only 5 bites I can't do it. Are you all taking 20-30 min?

    My nut said to eat over 20-30 minutes but with like only 5 bites I can't do it. Are you all taking 20-30 min?

    I try, but I can't stand when my food gets cold. It makes me gag! So I do think that's why I have a tendency to eat quicker. As far as Soups, tea, or coffee, I bought myself a coffee warmer which has helped, but other meals I have to keep reheating in the microwave. Pain in the butt! If we go out for Breakfast out my egg definately gets cold fast, and I just won't finish it.

  12. @divajenATL@chavezmommy

    Thank you, thank you Ladies! I thought it was just me because I hadn't read anything else that I could find on BP on this subject. I will get the bubblies when I think maybe I've eaten too fast, too much, or too big of bites, right away, so I stop eating thinking my sleeve is trying to tell me to back off. It will however, still bubble up to two or three hours later, and it makes me wonder too, if it is hungry or just still processing an earlier meal. I'm having difficulty recognizing the signs it is giving me.

  13. Hey everyone that's already been sleeved. What did you bring with you that is a must have the first few days? I'm going to be a few hours from home so I need to be prepared. BTW, my surgery is outpatient so I won't be in the hospital.

    Hello! Since you are outpatient you won't need anything to take into the hospital, but I would leave a pillow in your vehicle for the trip home. I put mine between my belly and the seatbelt for added support on the bumpy ride home, and to protect my incisions from the seatbelt rubbing against them. I can't imagine having it outpatient! Wishing you all the best in your surgery and recovery!

  14. I had a mani and pedi done for surgery because my surgeon said it was fine. The anesthesiologist said they have more modern way of watching oxygen levels nowadays. So I went in looking pretty! LOL But check with your surgeon first, and if you see the anesthesiologist during your pre-op testing, as him/her as well.

  15. Hey all!! So I got my surgery date, February 24th!! So excited and also a little nervous. I know I'm making the best decision for not only myself, but also my 15 month old son. I'm also getting my hiatal hernia repaired during my sleeve surgery. Anyone else have theirs repaired and know if it affected the length of their recovery time? My husband works crazy hours and I have some help from my mother and sister in law but I'm a little nervous about how long The recovery time will be since I'm a stay at home Mom.

    Hey all!! So I got my surgery date, February 24th!! So excited and also a little nervous. I know I'm making the best decision for not only myself, but also my 15 month old son. I'm also getting my hiatal hernia repaired during my sleeve surgery. Anyone else have theirs repaired and know if it affected the length of their recovery time? My husband works crazy hours and I have some help from my mother and sister in law but I'm a little nervous about how long The recovery time will be since I'm a stay at home Mom.

    Had one fixed with mine. We didn't even know I had one till he went in. My recovery went quickly, however, I was told not to lift anything heavy until 3 wks out. If you get the same instructions you may not be able to carry your baby. I didn't have any problems with having both done at the same time. If he hadn't told me I wouldn't even know it was done! Good luck to you!

  16. @ssflbelle Yes, my first bite of egg was heaven on a paper plate! LOL

    @@katladee That is wonderful new about the food not having any bad affect on you. I had my egg for lunch today and I was also great-no problems. The lower back shoulder pain which had moved to the breast armpit area is also feeling better since I upped the Gas-X strips. The follow up Dr I saw yesterday felt it was really bad gas and not bruised ribs as the pain had moved. Never knew gas pain could be so painful.

    On 2/16 I get to eat the items your eating now minus the starchy ones. My Dr said the same thing introduce 1 new food a day. He wants me to be off the Protein Soups and shakes within 6 weeks of surgery. However I don't think I could get in the 60 to 100 grams of protein that he wants from just eating foods. My Dr developed a special multi Vitamin for his Weight Loss Patients and that is what he wants us to take. No horrible aftertaste. I also started my B-12 under the tongue pills today and must still take my daily blood clot injections.

    I felt so good today that I decided to work on sewing some curtains for the patio. I hope to be sitting out there soon and the Florida sun is very strong. Four panels are done and I have 2 more to go. Hoping tomorrow is a good day too and I can get them done. Then I plan to start working on painting and reupholstering some kitchen chairs.

    Amazing to hear you are feeling better! I will be on Protein Drinks forever I think to make sure I get enough protein, since it is the most important for muscle and hair. The more the merrier I guess! LOL I came home from the hospital off my two different insulins, metformin, and both blood pressure medicines. He has me on a drug for 6 mos to prevent gallstones because he said rapid weight loss usually will end up causing them. The most important thing to me is I have had no back pain or hip pain like I used to get if I walked just a little. I have more energy (shoveled the patio twice today!), and I feel sleevetastic! LOL Good luck with the curtains! You talk about the sun in FL, and we just got another 7 in of snow today in PA! LOL I love it tho! It's gorgeous out there, like a postcard!

  17. @@ssflbelle Dr is not having me watch carbs so much during mushy phase since my intake was about a 1/4 cup. I was also allowed thinned Cream of Wheat. Now I am allowed 1/3 to 1/2 c of soft foods, and last nights dinner never bothered me at all! LOL I graduate to unlimited on 2/26/16, a month out from surgery. He did say only introduce one new food at a time so that if something doesn't agree with me I'll know which food it was. I haven't had any trouble with foods tasting weird. The only thing I can't stand is that dang Flintstone cheweable vitamin! But I choke it down because my body needs it. Then my mouth tastes like it was dragged thru the mud and back, so I have to brush my teeth!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
