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Status Updates posted by Cervidae

  1. I forgot to update yesterday, but yesterday was 7 months post-op RNY for me! I'm down 126 since surgery and 181 from my highest. ^_^

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Aren't you the smug little kitten! Deservedly so.

    2. Daisee68


      Holy cow!! 126 pounds in 7 months?! That is amazing! Congrats! You look great!

    3. NYLux12


      That is awesome!!

  2. I bought a dress today for vacation in Cali next month. Is this what it feels like to look in the mirror and feel pretty? o.O

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      You are Mistress of Understatement. I expect that you look prettier than pretty. Relish it.

    2. KindaFamiliar


      Perhaps the dress in question should be modelled for those interested parties who could ooohh and aaah in an appropriate manner... Pics!!!!!

    3. Cervidae


      http://imgur.com/aaukMbQ the first one is actually a normal-length skirt but my legs are so short that I made it into a dress! The second one is actually a dress. Now to just be brave enough to go out in public with my new clothes... D:
  3. Does anyone else have periods of time when you can only eat a certain thing, and everything else repulses you? Or am I just crazy? :P

    1. Valentina


      You're just crazy. ;)



    2. Valentina


      Seriously, right now all I want to eat are cucumbers. I'll eat the protein, but I'm only enjoying the cucumbers.

    3. zsnaani


      Not crazy at all, happens to me all the time. I just ride it out by eating that food until I am sick of it (usually takes a few of days for me) and go back to my regular meals. Since my surgery, I have not been able to eat a variety of foods on a plate anyway.

  4. 12 weeks post op today and down 55 pounds since surgery! :)

    1. dlappjr


      congratulations! Keep up the good, hard, work!

    2. Shamroxx


      Amazing!!! Congratulations!!

    3. MitchieMay
  5. So! I have PCOS, and I've been off one of my very important meds (the one that keeps my hormones balanced), and since Sunday I have gained SIX POUNDS. Perhaps it's all water weight... I really want to believe it's just water weight. I knew this would happen when I forgot this med in San Diego and had to wait to refill it, but I can't deny, it's sending me into a bit of a panic. SIX! :'( In three days!

    1. Christinamo7


      I seriously doubt you'd be eating enough to gain six pounds of fat, so hopefully when you get back on your meds the weight will come off. but not at night. I hate getting up to pee.

    2. her1981


      It will go away. I had surgery last week and I was up 19 in just 3 days! So far, I'm down 12 of them...

  6. I think my 5-week stall may have finally ended... :'D

    1. BonnieJo


      Congrats happy for you , I am on a 3 day stall its driving me nuts!!! .....you have wonderful patience ;)

    2. her1981


      What did you do???? I'm at 4 weeks and literally about to lose my freaking mind!

  7. Trying out two 15-minute vigorous workouts a day, one when I wake up and one before bed, to see if it improves my metabolism and general tiredness. Cross your fingers!

    1. rejeannern


      smart idea!


    2. her1981


      Nice! Let us know how it goes!

  8. Late last week, I started back on a hormone balancing medication for my PCOS, and not only did my stall end but I've lost 6 pounds since Monday... ha! XD

    1. Daisee68


      Congrats! Such a good feeling when that stall breaks!

    2. goodnuff


      Wow, that's great.

  9. 17 inches between the armrests on my flight to California. It's going to be a tiiiiiiiight squeeze. We'll see. :/

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      YOu'll do it. This is your vacation trip, yes? Have a great time and send postcards.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      P.S. You'll do it 'cause it's the only way you're gonna get there.

  10. It seems monumentally unfair that I have to have a sinus infection and horrid menstrual cramps at the same time, all just two weeks before I'm supposed to move to a new place. At least my throat is killing me so I can't eat a bunch of crap from the stress. :(

    1. ProudGrammy


      it IS unfair!!! good luck with moving during your bad health. You'll do as well as you've lost weight!! - feel better, kathy

    2. Christinamo7


      that isn't fair! garble salt water, it can help a lot.

  11. Being tested hard today. It's been one self-esteem hit after another since I woke up, and all I want to do is hide in my room and eat ramen noodles, and I can no longer do that to soothe myself. Today really stinks. :(

    1. VDLT


      Sorry to hear that but your new avatar is so pretty. Love the makeup. There, does that help?

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Come closer and I'll sing to you.

  12. Okay. Time to get back on track. Let's do this! >:D

    1. ProudGrammy


      you've lost 243 lbs - i'm sure you will get back to your winning streek - go for it -

      congrats on all your hard work - kathy

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Back on track? Were you taxiing (spelling?) around the airport for a while? Yes girl, let's keep ourselves in the good place.

  13. 7 weeks post op today, and 37 pounds down. :)

    1. LoggedOutForGood
    2. Jefferyc79


      I see you @ Cervidae, nice work. Great start. That's 20 pounds a month.

  14. 14 weeks post op and 67 pounds gone since surgery! This is my first week losing 7 pounds in one week. Craziness. o.o

    1. Sharon1964
    2. ProudGrammy


      crazy is good!!! 7 lbs in one week? holy moly chick - amazing - 67 lbs total!!! keep up the great job!!! congrats- kathy


  15. I haven't been around much! I started school Monday and let me tell you, this has been one of the longest weeks of my life. It feels like Monday was weeks ago. I have two 12-hour days and two that are at least 6 hours but will almost always be closer to 10 hours after factoring in studio time. Bring it on! This workload is huge and intimidating but I'm truly loving it. I do have a slight problem, though... I've been horrible about getting calories/water in. I'm going to have to figure out how to balance this new life... D:

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      School/not enough time to eat and drink. Here it comes: Take a cooking class! You know I'm jesting, I hope. You'll figure it out because you're that smart.

    2. Djmohr


      Congratulations! You know you are going to have to be more on purpose with food or your metabolism will end up suffering in the long hall.

      Please take care of yourself. You have worked too hard to let it go.

  16. Trying out a Quest Pumpkin Pie protein bar right now, and it's absolutely delicious!

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch
    2. dlappjr


      Those are good. If you have a place that carries the seasonal think thin bars, their pumpkin spice tastes even better. Not as much protein and a couple grams more sugar, but amazeballs! I found it at Kroger, for 1.00.

  17. Who else reeeeeeeeally really wants to stress eat today? :/

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      Like a good fool, I turned coverage on at 7 and have been half paying attention. I'd already decided on dinner early in the day, but about an hour ago considered crackers & cheese as an 'appetizer.' I didn't do it, though, having told myself that eating more than is smart won't change anything that needs changing, but it will make me feel stoopid.

    2. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      P.S. Where you been, child?

  18. That annoying feeling when your scale and the doctor's scale say two different things. >.<

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      It is an apples to apples comparison. They were different the first time you weighed in also. The amount of pounds lost will be equal.

  19. After almost 7 weeks of losing very slowly, I lost 2 pounds overnight.

    1. Djmohr


      Woot woot! I wish that would happen to me when I weigh in Sunday morning. Congratulations!

  20. I have discovered that pickles do some really unfortunately things to my digestive system. :'(

    1. Cervidae


      that's "unfortunate" haha... I'm sure most of you speak "typo" and know what I was trying to say. :)

  21. The week before last, I lost 7 pounds. This past week I stalled. Them's the breaks. ;) I'm less bothered than I thought I would be.

    1. WLSResources/ClothingExch


      If you'd said you were bothered by it, I'd never speak to you again. You averaged 3.5 over the two weeks. Not shabby at all.

  22. Finally found a way around my egg avulsion - simple and delicious 5-minute egg drop soup! 1.5 cups of water, a bit of bouillon, some garlic and paprika, and two eggs beat together. Perfect meal, 13 grams of protein. :)

  23. Had my first physical therapy/workout session since surgery today. I don't think I've ever been this exhausted, but it also feels good to know I'm finally getting my body back.

  24. It took me 12 days to lose the water weight I gained rapidly from being off my meds. I won't be doing that again!

  25. I don't like it when the family fights! :P

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