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Posts posted by Bigguy9347

  1. Best decision I ever made also. And same regret wish I would have done it sooner . My dear my advise to you would be get yourself into a seminar and sign up. But you also need to work on yourself on the inside. This is a complete program and the surgery won't be magic. Pull your self up you are worth it! Start with one foot in front of the other. The only one that can do the change is you!!! Good Luck and lots of love

  2. I am the exact same way. I start losing weight I freeze to death. I cant even walk through our grocery Store without a coat. I burn my wife out of the house with the wood stove going. Its kinda odd. Im 6'1 275lbs and stay wrapped up like an eskimo while y wife is in shorts and a tank top

  3. It sounds like the clinic that you went to were crack heads. I have been to several weight loss seminars and they absolutely do up-sale it. Even the Surgeon that I chose Sold it. Sold it so well even my wife wanted to get Bariatric surgery after the seminar was over she was ready to sign up. She 's not that big. they told her to gain about 45 lbs and come back. Crazy! Anyways If you have a BMI of above 40 or a bit lower with an ailment like diabetes or heart condition you are eligible . And unless you went in the psych's office and was talking like you could get the surgery and eat whatever and lose weight and not try and you didn't care about the risks involved. Then you should have been put through. It sounds more like someone had some sort of vendetta against you. Find another clinic with a fellowship trained surgeon. They are Considered the best of the best! Wish you luck my friend !!!

  4. Wow its amazing how fast things change. I just had my surgery la little over 3 weeks ago and the medicare process that I spoke of was less than 2 months previous so you are more up to date than I. AS far as the process on my part it was smooth as could be and they asked for nothing other than what my care coord. sent them. Good luck I hope it runs as smoothly as mine did.

  5. Praise the Lord Im so Glad that is over and Done with. I had to Drink the Bottle of Mag Citrate. It DID NOT affect me the way that it was supposed to. First I got the worst case of heartburn that I have ever had. That lasted ALL DaY and night. Then about 2 or 3 hours later I had the most obnoxious gas that I have ever had in my life and that last a few hours. Then I didnt even know that i had to go untill........... YEP you guessed it. It was way to late. By the time I was done I guarantee you a bottle of dawn dishwashing liquid wouldnt have made me any cleaner. I told my surgeon he needed shot!

  6. I litteraly am dying. Trying not to laugh as hard as I have been becuase my partner is asleep next to me and the bed is shaking. I am making myself eat the greek yogurt not only for the protien but also for the probiotic element. If I dont watch it sometimes I too will call the demons back to hell with a little bit of sludge.... Good luck :)

  7. My insurance was medicare. What are you meaning no pre certification. Medicare Requires 3 month's documentation with progress notes. And like everything else they cover all but 20% if you have met you ded. in arkansas it amounts to around $1400.00. I litteraly just went over all of this with billing 2 months ago because I had other insurance that was canceled out of the blue. Good thing was once I had met all of there requirements and My claim was submmitted they gave the go ahead approval within 2 weeks hope that helped.

  8. @60&goin4it

    Yep finaly did. The other Josh did mine Dr Murout.. I loved him. Dr Roller said that I would. Everything is great for me also other than I havent lost a pound.... I lost about 40 lbs right before surgery and was told not to worry but Im like come on. Anyways My original Surgery was Oct 12 but got cancelled at Phys Hosp becasue my heart went Crazy So It was put off till Nov 16th. So Im only 3 weeks out... Able to eat fairly good and drink just fine... All in all a really good experiance other than the no weight loss thing. Neat to see a fellow Roller Weight Person and Neighbor. I'm from Bentonville. Live in Jasper now but family still in NWA

  9. Like everyone has said it is truely up to you. Do your reasearch as you have already started doing. I think everyone of these surgeries there is going to be horror stories but usualy the very people that have the complications will tell you it was worth it. I chose RNY simply becasue it has the best outcome of all of them for what I was wanting. It also will make me not cheat. I know my weakness is food and I am real with myself about it. I also know that I DO NOT want dumping syndrome and so I will not cheat.. Good Luck on your journey

  10. While on the Puree/liquid diet I didnt really have a full feeling like I was used to before RNY. I was able to consume much more than what Nutrition and the surgeon stated. That was the Puree/Liquid only!!! Let me tell you once the real food comes back even just the soft It is a different story entirely. The FULL feeling is so different than what I was used to. to me it is a Tightness. Or a fullness but Different. I dont realy know how to explain it. Weird thing was I was able to consume 8 - 12oz of creamed Soup or a can of V-8 no problem. I have no problem with fluids whatsoever. But I cannot handle much more than 1/4 cup of food... It is so weird. You will know..

  11. Gotcha on the title... It is hard to explain but at the Same time it is easily understood.. I started my WLS journey in January of this year. Had Many many obsticles and by a literal freak coincidence I stopped by my surgeons office and They said hey do want to have surgery next week.. I was like aaahh Yeah I have been waiting 10 months... So I get schedueled for surgery the 13th of october and I do my Pre Op appointment with the Surgeon and Nutrition and I was asked a question. A question that up until this time I really didnt truthfully answer for myself... The question was.... Are you sure that this is what you want to do??? It was as if I had never even thought of that before.. I set there for a few moments and asnwered as honestly as I possibly could... NO I said I dont want to do this.. And if anyone has answered yes they do they are Lying... I need to do this.. I cant make it without a drastic change in my life that I am not able to do on my own.. I enjoy food to much and I have made it an Idol of sorts in my life. I love to eat. and I love to eat alot... And because of my addiction I have a partial foot amputation , I have Congestive Heart Failure , Diabetes , High Blood Pressure , Neuropathy , and a Host of other ailments and I am well under 40. I take 16 meds 3 times a day. And people think Heroin is addictive... I have finnaly realized and Accepted that I cant do it on my own However much I Honestly Dont want this surgery I cant afford Not to. I am excited to see what life is like at a normal size.. I mean my screen name is Bigguy. I have always been Big. I can remember going into the 5th grade at 10 or 11 and I weighed over 200 lbs. My new Journey in life starts in Just a few short days.. Well lets refraize that. My Journey has already started... My Overhaul will be performed in a few days... I am excited , Scared , Nervous , and Happy... I am happy that soon I know I wont be taking a handfull of pills. I am excited to be able to buy my cloths from a regular store, I am scared that I may fail , and I am nervous because Ive never experianced such a change that I am beginning..

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