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Everything posted by Astrosgirl

  1. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    I am definitely checking the unjury out, I am also ordering some premiere protein shakes from Amazon and really just trying to get everything together for next week. I think the hardest thing I will have to do is not eat solids for two weeks. I don't think I have ever went so long without something filling me up! Lol I am staying positive though and I know I can get through this!
  2. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    I know exactly what you mean! I have this fear that something will go wrong and it won't ever happen or when I have the surgery it won't work. Or it will end up being a bad decision and I'll end up with some crazy off the wall thing happening as a result.. All fears and all unnecessary I know. But I still think about it:( I start my pre op on the 28th but I do not want to start on a Monday so I am starting next Friday. That way I can have the weekend to get through the initial withdrawals. I didn't want to go through that at work.. Lol What shakes did you end up getting? Have you tasted them yet? I am going shopping this weekend for the liquid prep.. Good luck with your surgery and your liquid phase!!
  3. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    Hello - when did you begin the whole process? I am going to my first appointment Friday and I am wondering how long it takes before they set a survey date? PS good luck with your surgery! It's the beginning of the rest of your life! Hi! My first consultation was August 20th and I got my survey date this week. I am sure it depends on your insurance and the requirements. For me it was a psych visit, NUT visit, EGD and labwork. I scheduled everything pretty quickly so it has went really smooth so far:) how far are you into your journey?
  4. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    I haven't heard of unjury, I will have to check that out. I am not much of a chocolate person, much rather have vanilla or strawberry I think. Idk though, I may actually prefer it when I taste it.
  5. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    Congratulations! I too am having a little farewell party to "bad" foods this week.. Particularly Chinese which I LOVE egg rolls! Feel like I'm having a funeral and wake all together.. ???? I am going today to start testing out Protein Shakes, I heard premiere protein is pretty good and high in protein, 30 grams I think, you can get it in bulk off Amazon and even with prime(free shipping)! Let me know which ones you prefer!! Oh and I am also Vitamin shopping as well, my vit d was low and I really need to start those this week!
  6. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

  7. Astrosgirl

    I have a surgery date!

    Thanks so much!! How is everything going so far? I know that four weeks will fly by, hoping that the pre op liquid phase goes by fast!
  8. Astrosgirl

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Me too!! I have pinned so many cute outfits!! My most desired piece would be a pair of Miss Me jeans. A perfect fit and when I bend over I don't cut off my circulation to my legs.. Haha! I argue with myself sometimes about whether I want to really bend over to tie my shoes or just wear flip flops! ????
  9. Astrosgirl

    New clothes already?

    I didn't even think about losing so fast I skip sizes.. But now that you mention it, it is very possible. I honestly cannot wait to shop in the smaller sizes.. Having to head to the plus sizes and seeing the selection is depressing. I am 33 years old and do NOT want to dress like I am 50 already. (No offense) I went shopping today for an outfit for a cousins quincenera and left feeling pretty pathetic with my size 18 dress.. Still fit pretty snug but that's the highest size they had in it:( I am determined to stay positive though.. Knowing that by this time next year i will be in such a better place. Healthier and enjoying life!
  10. Is it weird that I want to start buying "goal" clothes now?? I pass by a size 14 or a 12 "cute" pair of jeans and I want to buy them. Now. Or that perfect "little black dress" that I always wanted. I know I have quite a few weeks till I have the surgery and even then I have the post op phase so I likely would not be able to wear those jeans for months yet.... But I want them hanging in my closet.. Lol. I want to look at them and imagine myself in them, and then periodically try them on after the surgery until one day.. Viola! They fit! ????this whole post after writing it down just makes me laugh... I'm just so excited!!! ????????????
  11. Astrosgirl

    Almost there!

    I finished my last NUT appt today and hopefully the office will submit paperwork this or next week. Waiting for the call to schedule surgery now.. I am so ready!! On the positive I got the go ahead to have the sleeve vs the bypass. Hooray! Nurse says EGD came back okay and so now I just wait for BCBS approval. Depending on when they get the paperwork together and send it off, I should hopefully have an answer in a week or two! I did let the surgery coordinator know that I am looking for the last weeks of October for the surgery date because of work schedule. She said that should be absolutely doable:) I am almost there guys!!
  12. Astrosgirl

    New clothes already?

    Yes I agree clothes now are not the same sizes as when I was younger! I will definitely keep y'all updated when I finally get to slide into that fabulous pair of jeans????
  13. Astrosgirl

    New clothes already?

    I am currently a size 18 so I thought buying a size 14 would be a great motivator. I have a pair of miss me jeans I have had my eye on for years...I cannot wait to be able to fit into a pair!!
  14. I want to take my children skating/rollerblading.. Gosh I loved to do that when I was younger! The skating rink is a place I have avoided taking my children thus far... And water parks.. I saw a huge slide up near Dallas or somewhere like that. I would LOVE to drive up and check it out!! I'd love to take the kids to the caverns and walk underground for the lantern tours.. I afraid I would get stuck in a tight crevice now.. Lol. And those superficial things like fit into a size 6.. I think that would be my goal jeans.. I've never ever ever worn below a 14.. Well as long as I can remember anyhow.. I'm sure I wasn't born wearing a size 14..lol
  15. Astrosgirl

    Almost there!

    Wow already booked up, how many days a week does he do the surgery, I believe dr Peterson does them Monday and Wednesday. I am hesitant to make a date before insurance approval just in case. I was surprised when she told me that all she had to do was give the finished packet to the nurse to look over and then she would call and schedule. I asked her when she submitted for approval to BC and she told me after the nurse gives her the packet, same day that she schedules the surgery... I just hope all goes well with approval!
  16. Astrosgirl

    Almost there!

    Thank you! I will need a multi for after the surgery anyway so it is probably best to start the vitamins before to get used to them. The vitamin D really needs to get to normal by then also, should be no problem with the surgery still weeks away.
  17. Astrosgirl

    Almost there!

    Thanks guys! Just got off the phone today with the coordinator. They have all my paperwork and now waiting on them to submit. Labs came back that I had a vitamin D deficiency so I need to search out some vitamins to start taking now so to build that up before surgery... Anyone have a preference on where you shop for vitamins?
  18. Astrosgirl

    Surgery tomorrow what to pack

    Hooray! Keep us posted with the progress and good luck! I hope it's a smooth process for you:) I haven't had mine yet but I have read that Chapstick is good.. Dry mouth and lips I guess!
  19. I had to pay my $30 copay but my $2,000 deductible hasn't been met so I had to pay $264 for the visit. Very frustrating! He just wants me on some sort of diet and workout plan for 4 weeks. When really the nutritionist should be calling those shots, I would think. Good luck on your appointment! I agree! I would want a nutritionist to employ my workout plan and diet plan, not the psychiatrist. I would tell him, you wouldn't go to a podiatrist to check your ears! Lol! It's no telling how my appointment will go tomorrow, I find most psychiatrist to be money hungry and unnecessary- a few exceptions for those who truly tackle mental illnesses, but I find it ridiculous to pay money to go to a human being who has their own opinions, to tell you that they believe what you feel and think is wrong or right... Good grief. I am hoping this visit goes by quickly!! I did notice the office the psych resides in is the same office as my surgeon... Coincidence? Lol!
  20. So I am really new to the site... Kinda lurking in the shadows, but I really have to say how impressed I am with the knowledge and helpfulness of everyone. I am in the pre consultation/approval stage and one of my requirements from my surgeon is to have a psych evaluation. I am curious how you guys found someone who will see you for a bariatric psych evaluation. I am sure I called 15 offices today with no luck. Most are self pay and One lady went through her list of questions only to ask me why I was calling if I didn't have mental health concerns. I explained to her what I was needing and she said that she would need to call me back?!? Which I never received. How did this go with you guys? I have BCBS of Texas and I would love to find a doc that takes my insurance instead of having to pay 200+ for a one hour trip. You would think being in San Antonio that there would be loads to choose from. Also, I would love to hear from anyone in my area.. Potential sleeve buddy in the upcoming months. Thanks!
  21. That sucks!! I needed up getting the referral from my surgeons office. My appointment is tomorrow morning. As far as I know I will be out of pocket my 20 copay, I wonder why this doc you saw needs such a long time to approve?? Ended*
  22. Astrosgirl

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Wow 11 days! Congrats!!
  23. Astrosgirl

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    Next for me is: Group seminar- this coming Wednesday Psychiatrist eval-scheduled on the 2nd Nutritionist- scheduled for the 8th Annual Pap smear required by surgeon- scheduled for the 4th. Lab work and I believe that is it! So by the 8th I will be finished with all requirements and hopefully submit to insurance that week. Once the approval comes back they will schedule the surgery.. I can't wait!! What do you guys have left? When are you shooting for to have the surgery?
  24. Astrosgirl

    Hiatal Hernia and wishful thinking

    EGD was a breeze.. Doc ended up doing a biopsy but I understand it is sometimes routine. I have not heard any results yet but they did say it would be within 7-14 days.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
