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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to hildegardhamhocker in Protein bars suggestions.   
    You can order a "Variety Pack" of Quest bars on the Quest website or from Amazon. They have Many flavors; with the variety pack you can try them all and see which you like best. They are great for Protein and pretty low calorie.
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Christinamo7 in What's your experience been with alcohol after surgery?   
    I would not make my first try in public.
    I plan to try wine at the holidays, so my *first* sip of wine will be sometime in November when it is just me and the hubs. if that goes well then I will feel more comfortable to have a small glass at Thanksgiving or some such event.
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Color83 in BMI too high for gastric bypass...so Sleeve it is   
    Sound pretty good @@Valerie 1982
    Sent from my HTC6500LVW using the BariatricPal App
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    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from Color83 in BMI too high for gastric bypass...so Sleeve it is   
    my highest weight was 465 and the day of surgery (6/14/2016) I was 442. as of today I am 386.. I too originally wanted the bypass but my surgeon suggested the sleeve and if I wanted to later down the road I could get the bypass. but the sleeve is such an amazing tool I absolutely love it! I think you will do well with the sleeve also! good luck to you
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to cindyw41 in Hand on your heart - how bad were the first few days after getting sleeved?   
    I don't want to discourage you because the couple days after surgery is such a quick passing time.
    I was so sleepy. I slept the whole day after surgery. Pain was minimal but they kept giving me meds. I didn't start walking till day 2 post op.
    My biggest complaint was a sore throat. I couldn't drink anything till after my swallow test the next afternoon. That was the longest wait..I just wanted a sip of Water
    When I got home from the hospital..I still slept a lot, pain was still minimal but my throat still killed me. I was able to use chloraseptic spray and it helped a good deal.
    Like I said it's such a short period of time.. Get your rest, take your pain meds, have a comfy spot to rest. A body pillow was my best aid.. I was able to sleep on my side with belly support.
    Good luck!!
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to ProudGrammy in Out The 400 Club   
    @@CarlAllen_95 mental/attitude is very important/helpful through life
    "only lost 29 pounds" - eeeek, no such word as "only" in weight loss numbers
    @@Inner Surfer Girl
    oooops, - betcha you thought i forgot about you!!
    guess i saved the best for last!!
    to all, plus anyone else "out" there
    keep up the good/great job for the rest of your healthier, happier, longer life
    you/we all deserve the best out of life
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    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from Caribear in Out The 400 Club   
    Congrats!! I know how you feel today I weight in at 399 a week before my surgery in june I was 465 (my heaviest) and on my surgey day I was 442. today im 399 and I was relieved to know I am out of the 400's . never again!! I am ever so grateful for this tool..its a life changer for sure! im down 66lbs and counting :D
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    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from Caribear in Out The 400 Club   
    Congrats!! I know how you feel today I weight in at 399 a week before my surgery in june I was 465 (my heaviest) and on my surgey day I was 442. today im 399 and I was relieved to know I am out of the 400's . never again!! I am ever so grateful for this tool..its a life changer for sure! im down 66lbs and counting :D
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Kari1985 in 1 day post op   
    I hope this gets better for you. Morning of day 1 post op is the only day I dealt with nausea.
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    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from Caribear in Out The 400 Club   
    Congrats!! I know how you feel today I weight in at 399 a week before my surgery in june I was 465 (my heaviest) and on my surgey day I was 442. today im 399 and I was relieved to know I am out of the 400's . never again!! I am ever so grateful for this tool..its a life changer for sure! im down 66lbs and counting :D
  11. Like
    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from Caribear in Out The 400 Club   
    Congrats!! I know how you feel today I weight in at 399 a week before my surgery in june I was 465 (my heaviest) and on my surgey day I was 442. today im 399 and I was relieved to know I am out of the 400's . never again!! I am ever so grateful for this tool..its a life changer for sure! im down 66lbs and counting :D
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in Getting in the pool?   
    I wasn't cleared to get into the pool until my incisions had completely closed with no holes.
  13. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to GetBack_095 in Out The 400 Club   
    25 days ago on July 7th on morning of surgery i weighed in at 428.8 pounds. As of this morning i am 399.8 (After I Ate Breakfast). Everyone consider 50 or 100 pounds a big milestone for them..... but although i only lost 29 pounds this is huge for me, mentally that is. Mentally because me being over 400 pounds was the deciding factor of me getting the surgery. For the past 3 years i was up and down between 400-430 and got as high as 454 and got as low as 409 before but always gained it back. At the time i entered the 400s i was only 18 (Way Too Young) so a decision had to be made to save my life and better my life and so far its the best decision i made. Although we all have more restraint with the way our stomachs are changed, we still have to have that same discipline. Still have to have to have the same discipline to get up and move everyday and go work out and have the discipline to not eat this and eat that instead. We still have to do the same stuff that people who didn't have the surgery have to do. So if a so called friend-family member every tell you that you took the easy way out or you are too lazy to lose it on your own just ignore them, or do what i did and cut them off, on this journey you don't need that negative energy around you, you need positive vibes and people that will motivate you.
    Sent From Galaxy Note 5 using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to JupiterinVirgo in Sizes 26/28 and 24 Adorable Torrid Wardrobe   
    I have so many nice dresses that I bought from torrid. Most of them are size 26/28, or a torrid 4. I also have several that are a 22/24 or a torrid 3. I have some other brands as well in the same sizes. Probably $1000 worth of clothes. Stuff that's hard to find in those sizes. So if anyone is interested inviting some really cute dresses second-hand, they are up for grabs for $25 apiece plus shipping, with a few exceptions of more expensive brands and clothes. This household has smokers and pets.
  15. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to Barry W in Down 65lb :-)   
    I am just shy of 5 months post-op, and have lost 65 pounds in total (2 mos pre-op dieting and post-op weightloss)! Things are going very slowly now, but that is okay so long as I am not going backwards.
    Moving much better now and have better cardio-fitness, beginning to get a little core fitness. I have begun riding my bike again for the first time in years now that I have slimmed down some and can feel a little more comfortable/safe on the bike. Little by little my body is getting fitter and I am feeling more physically confident. Have lost 8 inches off my waistline.
    The best was getting a compliment from a relative who hadn't seen me in some time, she said "Barry, I can't tell you how much younger you look!" ...at 57, those are welcome words to hear.
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to iamjohnbamber in For Those Who Work, How long were you off?   
    My doctor approved me for 2.5 weeks... that's how long I was out, and I was ready to go back to work at the tail end of it. I was getting kind of tired of being home all the time.
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Inner Surfer Girl in 2 Weeks Post-Op 20 Pounds Down   
    To use a cliche: this is a marathon and not a sprint.
    You just had major surgery. Your primary goal right now should be healing and health. The weight loss will come.
    Rest, walk some, sip, sip, and sip.
    The best thing you can do right now is focus on getting in all of your Fluid and Protein.
    Embrace the Stall
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Barry W in 2 Weeks Post-Op 20 Pounds Down   
    20lb in two weeks is awesome - congrats! As far as hitting the gym ASAP, I'd suggest waiting until you are properly healed up - a hernia would be a major setback. In the meantime, you can always walk - it's some of the best exercise in any time :-)
  19. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to libby43 in OK, not trying to be mean, but there actually are stupid questions lol   
    Don't believe it bulling because she was nice to offer other option to the person in question to their face. However she than decided to post the person question on a public board for everyone to read. I call that a gossiper! What happen to support group where anything a person talks about openly stay in that group or in a medical group setting. That's the problem I see with this post. Someone trust was be trade . Have a good day!
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to fsulady in OK, not trying to be mean, but there actually are stupid questions lol   
    Not necessarily stupid when some plans allow for PB at the purée phase. We have to remember everyone's plans from the docs are different, in addition, some people get mixed info from docs, support groups, and online posts. So be kind to those who may have what you consider to be a "stupid" question. We are all going thru this process together and it can be overwhelming to say the least.
    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to AvaFern in OK, not trying to be mean, but there actually are stupid questions lol   
    I think my new thing is going to be to comment on all the posts about food. I just wrote two paragraphs about crackers...so now I'm going to write about PB&J. As a note, I'm 3 years out, I've been at goal for about 18 months, and I've been within 5 pounds of goal for almost two years (it took flipping forever to lose those last 5 pounds).
    Guess what I ate last week? An entire box of those awful Smuckers Uncrustables with Peanut Butter and honey. I had major dental work done, everything I ate hurt my face, and those were soft and didn't add to my misery. They were good and I ate all four of them in less than 24 hours. I felt like my old fat self, except the difference between now and then is that I also didn't really eat anything else that day and I have no interest in having them again anytime soon. I didn't gain any weight, and I actually managed to lose a pound during that time, probably because the crackers I usually eat hurt my mouth with all the salt they have on them. You know what else I liked to do? Some days if I feel in the mood for something sweet, I will order the kids PB&J from Panera. I tend to forget about this when I say I don't eat sweets almost ever, but given the fact that I used to have a few Cookies, I'm fine with treating myself to a PB&J once every few weeks.
    Three months after surgery I ate my face off in chocolate, I regularly ate half a Panera panini, oozing with cheese, and sometimes I had two TWO!! Starbucks cake pops in a day- within a few months after surgery! I didn't adapt to the way I eat now by cutting everything out immediately. Most days I eat chicken, goldfish, granola bars, and some form of vegetable Soup, but the other day I had Panera corn chowder, and guess what, I didn't get fat, I didn't die, and for once the cream in it didn't make me sick.
    No, you shouldn't be eating PB&J two weeks after surgery, but for some people, it does them no good to ban them from certain foods forever because it just makes them want those foods more. My sleeve works for me because I can eat anything I want to and so I no longer have any real interest in things that were once forbidden. What works for one person doesn't work for another and I try very hard to not judge someone else's diet based on my own stomach.
    I am now going to eat a handful of Peanut Butter Captain Crunch for Breakfast after I just drank two sugar free Red Bull...because I can and it's good and when I factor in what I eat the rest of the day, it is an entirely appropriate part of a normal day.
  22. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to VSGAnn2014 in Emotionally abusive relationship not fixed by weight loss   
    Wow! You nailed that right!
    You have his number now.
    Isn't it amazing when the clouds suddenly part and you see how things REALLY are?!
  23. Like
    This-is-my-journey reacted to provenzee in Emotionally abusive relationship not fixed by weight loss   
    This should probably be posted in the relationship section, so I apologize in advanced if you find it rude that I posted it here, but I just needed to vent.
    When my significant other and I met, I was thin. Over the course of our three year relationship I gained almost 100lbs. Needless to say, he was not pleased. He reminded me constantly about how I was "not what he signed up for" and how bad I looked, and how I was embarrassing him by being overweight. I thought surgery would help, but really all surgery did was help me realize that he was emotionally abusing me all along.
    I did not realize it then, but he was pushing me further and further into gaining weight. By him reinforcing what I already thought about myself having low self esteem to begin with, I began to isolate myself with food even more. Between daily reminders of how big I was getting, him cheating on me multiple times, and the name calling, I was broken and felt worthless. I hoped surgery and losing weight would make him "love me" again, the way he did for the first month of our relationship before I started putting weight on. Now that I am almost the weight I was when we first met, I realized I was wrong, thanks to one encounter.
    I was waiting for my boyfriend at the stairs of my job. A woman came up to me just as he walked over to me. She told me how amazing I look and reinforced that statement several times. She congratulated me on my weight loss, and even used the words "wow! you look incredible". Hearing the conversation, I thought my boyfriend would be happy for me. Instead, when the woman walked away, the only comment he made was "You look terrible. How many days is this in a row now of you not wearing makeup to work? Five? Why can't you ever look classy".
    Obviously I was upset. I know what I need to do is leave this relationship. For as much as I love him, I can see now that the weight was never the issue between us. His cheating, lying, and name calling was all because he seeks someone to emotionally abuse. Even when I reach my goal weight, it will never stop. There will always be something else. Just another reason to be thankful for my sleeve.
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    This-is-my-journey reacted to Bufflehead in How do people lose 40 lbs in a month?!   
    Well I never did, and I started at a very high BMI and followed an extremely strict post-op regimen to the letter. The most I ever lost in a month was 20 lbs, and that was one time at the very beginning.
    I still managed to lose over 200 lbs and go from a 6X to a 6. Hang in there and focus on the long game, not what the scale said yesterday or what it might say tomorrow. You can control what you eat, how much exercise you get, and your stress and sleep levels (both important for weight loss). But you can't control exactly how the scale responds to that. The sooner you give up expectations of seeing losing x pounds per month, the happier and less stressed out you will be. Good luck!
  25. Like
    This-is-my-journey got a reaction from dvons in What happens when you eat too much?   
    I feel the same way! I feel the food stuck in my esophagus and after awhile I drink Water and try to walk. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using the BariatricPal App

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