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Everything posted by dsheive

  1. dsheive

    New to fifties group

    Congrats to you laura keep up the liquid
  2. Follow the rules in hospital and at home. They do a test the day after surgury to check for leaks you wear compression sox and they check on you continuously. There are no guarantees but trust your care givers and surgeon.
  3. dsheive

    EGD biopsy?

    Same here, had one also.
  4. I had energy before surgury but a lot of pain. Feet back hips etc. 5 weeks after I have no energy, I was pain free then went back to work. Everything hurts again. I am hoping this is just lack of activity during recuperating and I will return to pain free and filled with energy. Not trying to scare you but everyone is different.
  5. Highland hospital and Rochester general in Rochester both do WLS.
  6. dsheive


    I thought I had poison ivy but couldn't figure out why it wasn't spreading. Used benadryl cream went away.
  7. dsheive

    NSV shout outs

    That is awsome it's hard to think I'll be there someday.
  8. dsheive

    Regret having surgery

    Native dollars The day after surgury I stood on their scale and gained 8 pounds. It took 2 weeks for the scale to go down to before surgury weight. So when asked I much I lost I really have no clue because it's changed so many times. Jan 2015 268, July 2015 225, day aftee surgury 232, Aug 2015 215. Don't fret to much it'll happen.
  9. dsheive

    NSV shout outs

    What a beautiful story thank you for sharing
  10. Landry, I honestly had the same fears. My hubby and I go out (went out) twice a week. Our trips would include stopping at local cafes. I was so afraid I would miss all our "times" together. While I've been out of work we have been antique shopping twice..I pack my protein shakes jello water etc. We have go out twice to eat, at this point I don't really want to eat but I ordered a chicken wrap and are it for 3 days. I had a Wendy's Jr burger. (2 days). So I know some where down the road I can if I choose to. But I really don't think I will. I had a nickel size bite of pizza...I quit smoking 15 years ago by saying I know I can if I want but today I don't want to. I smoked for 35 years. I am doing the same here. I wish you strength and courage to make the right choice for you.. I was scared but i will never look back, my health is 90% better,just after four weeks, I got in a kyak after 20 years of being to big. My clothes are falling off me, my life dosnt revolve around my next chance to eat. I make smarter choices because only so much can fit. From reading all the band to slevers I am glad I chose the sleeve. Sorry so long, just wanted you to understand fear is normal when thinking of loosing something you love,as much as we love food. Again I will never look back.
  11. dsheive

    Whoa! Classification change

    Great job mini-me and Davo it wouldn't be a journey if it was fast and easy
  12. dsheive

    New to fifties group

    Great job to all good luck Tuesday laura.. I am 4 weeks out lost my weight presurgury have last 6 pounds sence. Am sure when I return to work (yuck tomorrow)I will begin loosing. It's quite a ride were on.
  13. Wow that's awsome keep it up you r doing great
  14. dsheive

    Pretty fantastic NSV's

    Congrats what a great day for you!
  15. I have wanted to get back in a kyak after about 20 years. Today I did it, I went to the bay rented a kyak and off I went. I was scared but i did it. Whoop whoot. Then later I was coming out of a store and my daughter was going in she didn't recognize me..lol..
  16. dsheive

    No scale success

    I have lost 65 pounds from the start of this journey 6 months ago. I have not seen my daughter in 4 months. ( that's a whole nother story) I said hey you she looked up and said wow you look great, I just walked right by you. The title should of read non scale success (not no scale) sorry for the confusion. I use to get all dressed up and think I looked great only to walk by a window and say who the heck is that I'm not that big it would ruin the rest of my day.. now as I walk up to a glass door I think well you r looking pretty healthy there girl. Lol to you Steve that's funny congrats to you.
  17. dsheive


    Humm interesting.. I thought I had poison ivy but couldn't figure where it came from and why it didn't spread. I'll be sure to check with dr.
  18. dsheive

    Day 7

    Protein drinks, water crystal lite, ONLY 5 days before. Clear liquids (jello) no protein no pudding no yogurt. For another 2 weeks. Then right to mush ,4 days then soft. That's where I'm at now..
  19. dsheive

    Self Sabotage

    I work in food service we can not eat or drink in our department. Very hard to get liquid in. Have to walk out of dept to break room to consume liquid. My food choices also aren't great there is a protein loaded "Fiesta dip" great on a spoon. It takes me 2 days to eat one thing of yogurt. 1 grilled chicken breast is 3 meals. Haven't figured it out yet but see Dr see 1st and nut on the 11th. Hope I get some help.
  20. dsheive

    Prayers needed please

    Prayers for you both.
  21. dsheive

    What's For Dinner?

    It is so hard to wanna cook when you know you're not eating anymore than 4 or 5 ounces. You can eat it for the rest of the week or freeze left overs. My freezer is packed full off food it will take me 10 years to eat... pretty surgury hording. Ps wegmans has cauliflower "rice" in their veggie section.
  22. dsheive

    Rant of the day

    Congrats great news
  23. dsheive

    Squats and cruches/situps

    Don't know if that ? Was for me. But I am 3 weeks still have ten pound no push pull lift. 3 weeks off and can't do a damn thing.
  24. dsheive

    Squats and cruches/situps

    I just pulled weeds and killed my guts!
  25. I am not a fan of powder protein however not getting enough is a challenge so.....unjury is unflavored I mix a package with my protein drink (ya gotta really shake it) slim fast high protein.. it's like a milk shake. 40 grams of protein

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
