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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About SybrgreenTX

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  1. SybrgreenTX


    It might just be too soon to see the baby yet. Hopefully that's the case. I got pregnant about 7 month after my surgery and although my baby was tiny (4lbs 8oz) he is perfectly healthy and growing like a weed. I only gained 5 lbs during my pregnancy and lost 20 immediately after delivery. I hope all goes well with your pregnancy. Good luck and congratz!
  2. SybrgreenTX

    6 months post op

    I'm 10 months post-op and 11 weeks pregnant. You will just have to be monitored more closely. At least that's what they told me. More doctor's visits, more sonograms, and make sure to get plenty of Proteins. Don't freak out about weight gain and maintain a healthy diet. I have heard some people who could not get enough nutrients during pregnancy had to receive them intravenously, but I guess that would be a worst case scenario type situation. My bariatric doctor said not to worry though. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  3. SybrgreenTX

    RNY P.C.O.S, & Pregnacy

    I also had POCS and the gastric bypass. My husband and I never worried about birth control because of my condition. I am 10 months post-op and 11 week pregnant. I know you are supposed to wait, but we weren't actually trying...lol. My bariatric doc said I should be okay since I have been eating really well. It's very exciting, I have never been pregnant before and never thought that I would be able to conceive a child. Gastric bypass surgery changed my whole life. I'm healthier and happier and about to be a mom. If your girlfriend is struggling with her health I would definitely recommend the bypass. Good luck!
  4. SybrgreenTX


    This is my first pregnancy too. I'm almost a week away from the second trimester, and didn't have any morning sickness. I have thrown up a couple of times, but I think that was more surgery related than baby related. I have just been really tired lately...lots of naps. I heard that is just a first trimester thing though, and energy levels should pick up soon. I get my first sonogram on the 15th, and can't to see my little peanut. It's very exciting isn't it. Good luck with your little blessing!
  5. Just talked to my bariatric Doc, She just wants me to drop the Iron and Multi-vitamin, and she moved my appointment up. Thanks again her the quick responses, I feel a little less stressed.
  6. I can eat anything already just in small child size amounts, bit I have no idea what my calorie intake is. I'm not worried about gaining weight either the surgery was more so that I could improve my health and get off insulin. But I haven't gained anything yet. That's not to say I didn't need to lose weight I w as morbidly obese, and have lost 100lbs so far(yay!) it just wasn't my main concern. I'm taking all of my bariatric vitamins except the multi-vitamin. I kind of replaced it with the prescription prenatals. Is that right or should I take both? I'm still waiting for a call back from my bariatric Doc. Hope I hear something today. Thanks for responding.
  7. Hello everyone, I had my gastric bypass surgery in March and I just found out I'm pregnant last week. This is my first pregnancy so I am extremely nervous, excited and happy. My first question is about prenatal Vitamins. My ob/gyn prescribed prenatals for me, but I'm I supposed to take them in addition to my bariatric vitamins? I'm concerned especially with the Iron, since too much iron can be harmful to the fetus. I haven't had a Protein shake in month, because I can eat meat with no problems now. Should I start drinking them again, since the whole eating for two thing is impossible for me? Is there anything else that I should be doing as a post-bypass patient that is different than normal pregnant women? I still haven't had a chance to talk to my bariatric doc yet. I don't have an appointment till next February, but I did call to let them know...I'm waiting for a call back. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  8. SybrgreenTX

    Looking for a surgery pal in mission texas

    Hello Jazz, I'm from Texas. I had my surgery in March, and it was the best thing I've ever done for myself. I was a high dose of insulin and my cholesterol was terrible. I'm almost positive I would have had a heart attack in the next few years had I not had this surgery. My family was scared, but supportive. And now they are amazed and so very happy for me. I have been off insulin since surgery and am healthier than I've ever been. This is not an easy journey by any means, but I was in so much pain pre-surgery I would never have been able to lose this amount of weight on my own. I have not had any major complications, but I have had some problems. I had a stricture that was fixed with a balloon dilation, and I struggle with hair loss and constipation. All of which is very common post-op, but I really can't complain. I love my insulin-free life, the fact that I can buy normal size clothes and that I can come home from working a 12 hour shift relatively pain-free. It is fantastic! Good luck in your journey!
  9. SybrgreenTX


  10. SybrgreenTX

    Nightshift without caffeine!

    You're welcome. Nightshifters gotta stick together.
  11. SybrgreenTX

    Nightshift without caffeine!

    I'm a nightshifter too, and believe me I feel your pain. I can have caffeine now, but it has weird affect on me now and I don't like it. My suggestions are to make sure and get plenty of rest and keep up with you fluid intake and vitamins. I tend to snack more at work too. It helps keep those energy levels up a little. Sunflower seeds and beef jerky if you can tolerate it. Chewing gum helps too. Good luck!
  12. SybrgreenTX

    WATER... liquid in general

    I had a problem drinking Water after my surgery. Figuring out the problem was no easy task either. I kept a food journal for about two weeks and when no pattern emerged my doc suggested an endoscopy to check for a stricture. The stricture was found and they did a balloon dilation. I feel great now, but it was terrifing for me to think that constent vomitting and dehydration might be just a normal part of my post-op life. Thank God that was not the case. I would definitly talk to your doc to see if something can be do to alleviate your discomfort.
  13. SybrgreenTX

    2 Periods in 3 Weeks!

    My periods have been heavier, longer, more painful and more frequent since surgery. I have to double up on the Iron during those heavy flow days. I'm about six months post-op and still dropping weight pretty steadily. I sure hope it gets better soon or that I go through medopause soon...lol Hang in there!
  14. SybrgreenTX


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
